Bible Verses and accompanying images from the King James Bible.
Once I reached 5,000 followers during 2024, Facebook staff removed 1,000 followers overnight and then they placed a new fake person, that I was meant to be following, on my account for a few months. FB staff need to stop fiddling with people's accounts.
<<< X
A hacker created a fake account [Coral Hull @CoralHull48256] using my name and photo during April 2024. X will not remove the fake account. X also suddenly shadow banned my account in Dec 2024, essentially making my posts invisible in their search engines. My time is valuable, so posting multiple posts on a daily basis is no longer a productive use of my time. There is no real incentive to get verified and pay to use X at this stage.
Inspirational quotes from Christians.
Over 28,000 images collated into over 300 sections that have been collected purely for relaxation and research purposes. A place to explore and express my multiplicity using images and film. A back street of unknown art galleries, a page of little worlds.
I'm working on my "Fallen Angels Exposed" website throughout 2025, so all my latest articles can be found there. No time to post on YouTube right now. Maybe later. :)

Master and Commander - Finale.