Coral Hull: Poetry: Holy City: Entropy



We have lowered all our telescopes

in light of the inevitable.

What comes to exist, can also cease.

The end of time is upon us.

Your gaze locked onto mine.

Our shared soul is a gift

on the verge of great unknowing.

We are relics from the dawn of creation.

I see our sacred and holy beginnings

in your sad and tender eyes of joy.

We are entangled, conscious, journeying

through the expanding vacuum of space.

How are we to end this knowing?

What can we say about our ultimate fate?

My love, hold my consciousness within

as we shed the physicality

of our skin

and quietly shut down our bodily functions.

The blue planet shudders.

A shockwave of displacement.

It is your moment of truth.

I seek my old place of refuge

in the exquisite liquid surface

of your unending gaze.

But you have expanded and dissipated

and these pools have no tides

They are mirrors, reflection.

There is nowhere to hide within them.

Unhinged, I flounder

upon the moment of your abyss.

My gargantuan anguish

pulverising everything

in its path

like the collision of a meteorite

I crash deeper into earth.

Unhinged, from the stars

I have lost my orbit.

Trapped within the rock of life

I cannot release you.

There are no guarantees

beyond this point

of thought, but potential.

We are displaced material

plunging back into the source

to where no time has come

and space shall cease.

How are we to continue?

Is our own fate, entangled


with that of the cosmos?


from the matter we inhabit,

we are sleeping gods

of potential existance.

We gather galaxies of stars between us

like falling bouquets,

myriad psychologies, deaths

and rebirths.


we are squalls of thundery rain

the ruination of lakes

and lightning-prone

rainbows shine between our teeth

until clouds retract

and we are skulls, sediments

crumbling mountains

retreating oceans

dust particles on a solar wind.

And what of our being, this finite light?

The cosmological dimension of our existence?

Will all be taken into the arms of night?

We lose our warmth to the ice of a city.

The light of the observatory cools.

You wrap me in your winter coat

along the beach that gathers sand

and the windswept rock of eons.

The solar wind is upon your back

and your old angel wings

are about to take flight

along the arrow of time.

This knowing is our undoing.

Take the dark beneath your tongue

and whisper the stars

upon the shores of our existence.

Bring their fading light

into the many dawns of us.

You are my continuance,

where cessation is little more

than physical departure

with our akashic love

etched into the fabric of heaven.


This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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