The deep blue lake has caught our eye, but too briefly
we linger by the stars, caught in the mountain crags.
We pass by Durin's Crown just once, with heavy hearts.
Yet the light of the blue star crown touched us still.
"Wait," it called to us, "taste the starlit Mirrormere,
your dreams are here, for your doom is near,
in the nameless breaking of the world,
in the war that unmakes all beginnings.
Drink from the untasted waters, and see my stars appear."
O lovely Mirrormere, stay within our hearts forever,
lay down your words upon stone and wood,
and through the stream that feeds all barren thought,
for we have wandered long to be here, and so far from hope.
Yet now, what beauty that my heart breaks at the sight!
For now and always I will think of the blue star lake
wherever I am in this life, whatever time of day or night,
whatever road I travel down, whatever song I sing for love,
whatever age I live until, or season there is left,
whatever place I long for, wherever innocence returns to.
When you have grown cold and unnamed once more,
there will be our dreams upon your painted face,
and we will think of this day and those five white stars
so that they will shine within us still, lifting our spirits
to summit heights, in the old blue waters, of all our sorrows.