Our roots grow deep. The hour is late.
You thought, as we grew, on the southern foothills,
of the Misty Mountains, by your Tower of hate,
that you could have it all? Think again,
old Orthanc, old fang!
When you came into the tangled wood,
I was split in half. My mouth a hole,
that began to speak, green and wildly.
You think I'm a butterfly
beneath your feet? That love is weak?
You didn't think, you didn't know
that trees might speak?
Well you don't know about forests yet.
You exploit my life, you think you can?
You think the woods don't know
your orcs, your cunning?
Your madness your sadness
Your downright badness? - It is over.
You discovered it all.
You've trodden on a butterfly, the size of a door.
Do you hear the murmuring from the trunks?
Are you changing like a season, lonely green?
But that was just the wind
moaning, moaning
when the ents go to war, the forest
walks, when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
It could have been enchanted, so faraway.
But still you hacked and burnt. You didn't know.
You think I'm an animal, that you can eat?
That my soul is an eye, peering out of a hollow?
You think I'm a butterfly, beneath your feet?
Well think again. You're here for a long time.
I told you I told you, green and holy.
But that was just the wind
groaning, groaning
When the ents go to war, the forest walks
and you will be the last to cry
and the last to know, why all beauty must die.
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
You thought, I was slow to understand?
Well think again, unearthly green.
So worldly sad, and lonely, holy.
Some things hidden, should not be seen.
What on earth, were you trying to do?
I warned you I warned you
But all too late. Open war is upon us.
I did you in. It didn't mean a thing.
Your axe is silent, you laughter dead.
Now you know the woods of the lost.
You will never leave that silence again.
It is the end, the very end.
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
What on earth were you trying to do?
Didn't you know, the trees could see you?
The wood has eyes, of chopped up blood!
Haven't you heard of old man willow?
The raging hatred along the Withy Windle?
You thought I was kindling ...
Well think again, lonely green.
You will never find your senses again!
You have no identity in a wood without end.
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
If you would have seen it coming ...
you would have cherished, the moments before.
You'll never see the light again.
You pushed it you pushed it
until the world was no more
and we came to the call. It is the very end now.
No need to defend now. It's all too late,
when the trees start to ROAR!
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
For you long they have wept.
For too long for so long
Their shattered trunks, decay in the sun,
on the wasted hillside, south of Eriador.
Many of them were my friends.
It was the war, that was ended, before it began.
Why did you go there? Why did you come?
You know we will crush you.
The end is near. We have become you.
We have embraced the call.
And we will defeat you, as it will, defeat us all.
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
It's all over all over, but what choice did we have?
You took our woods and turned them to ashes,
that fade on the hills, where the sun will not shine.
We grew in madness, sadness and badness
to defeat you defeat you defeat you we will
and then, it will defeat us all.
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
The innocence of forests, are no more ...
You tears are wasted, on the empty trunks.
Fangorn is ended, entish language is lost.
The dam has burst, a great moment has come,
to take all our sorrows, into its being.
All our enduring ...
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
What have we done? What have we done?
You prodded the creature, inside the trunk.
But I told you I told you
Don't come knocking, just to ruin it all.
When the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
Just because just because, you thought
I was kind, I was kind ...
... until you hacked with your axes,
your lies and deceit, on my old wooden door.
You thought we were damaged!
Well think again, just think again, lonely green,
you don't know the as truth yet ...
It will burn you will burn you, just like it burnt us.
You are ready to smoulder,
When the trees start to roar!
For long they have wept
For too long for so long ...
When the ents go to war
when the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
What have you done? What has become,
of the beauty, of the world, we have known?
The innocence of forests, are no more ...
It is the very end now.
Your weakness your weakness
will defeat us all, just like it was meant to ...
Who sent you? Who sent you?
Now in the darkness, we answer the call ...
deep from the woods, where love is no more.
When the ents when the ents
when the ents go to war
Did you think, that you, would kill this forest?
As you found us, you lost us, you lost it all.
The endlessness and silences taking you in.
The dam is broken, the river has freedom.
Here we all end, just like we were meant to.