(on Eowyn's unrequitted love for Aragorn and her desire for battle)

"I am weary of skulking in the hills,
and wish to face peril and battle." - Eowyn (J.R.R. Tolkien)
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You have entered the lands of my kindred,
and now you turn and leave so quickly.
This world is breaking ...
I will not remain behind.
For I have loved you, but all too briefly.
So give me my helmet and shield
and let us go swiftly!
It has come. I hear the restless drums of doom.
I will vanquish the Witch King,
since there is nothing left for me here
and the stifling air of this old fortress,
is lulling me into its lifelessness.
My uncle, my brother, my lord,
let me be your little soldier in the fire!
I know how to weild a good sword and how to sharpen it.
My eyes are hard like a wolverines,
on the edge of winter.
Now I care for none but my weapon
and my ability to strike. The world is fatal.
Yet it cannot cut through this ice.
I have walked in the mist upon an island for too long.
How it hemmed me in with its forked tongue.
The voice was as smooth as obsidian,
volcanic glass from far away.
Then it sang to us like nightingales,
but it was trickery.
The winter moon became my only friend.
My bare feet have grown accustomed to snow.
This hard clear ice is the only path
that I have trodden, as a woman.
Winter is so pure and it is barren and wild.
How must it surrender to the Spring,
if it has not known but one true season?
How must it be what it is not?
How must it melt and flow,
into new rivulets onto unknown lands
where the guarantees are none to speak of?
My brother I will never fail you. I am amongst men.
My Uncle, I give to you all that I have left.
It is yours to take to war.
This world of well worn paths is not for me.
Were it spring or autumn or summer, I would not know.
I have only one season within and only one ignition,
that is the spark from the ranger, Aragorn.
In my love for him, there is one hope,
yet there exists but one sad ending.
I would die before my heart is broken. |

"Her eyes grey as the sea were hard and fell, and yet tears gleamed in them." - (J.R.R. Tolkien) |

This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name. |