My fate is marked by the language of Mordor,
The dead path laid out in secret to Cirth Ungol.
I thought that no burden could enter my life,
until this cold passion dropped into my palm.
The dawn of the great war rises swiftly.
We will leave Bag End the early morning.
We will leave behind the bright blue day
and all the fields of our harvest crossing
and all the regret of our quiet departure
and all the sorrow that beauty has yielded
to remain with the old ways of The Shire.
But we will do it together, for as much
as we are alone, --- we can join as one.

Why do I pass this border so easily?
Why do you pass this burden to me?
Why to I accept our fate so readily?
Why do I love you so madly, today?
Because you are SamWise Gamgee.
I drop this cold world in your hand,
may you not be captured by its sway
or forever lost or forever damned by
that temptation that was given to me.
At first nothing, then I began to see.
The fire spoke as if in hungry whispers.
It was darker than the deepest winter,
a crop turned foul at the oldest root,
decay was swift, the sky turned grey
until there seemed no way, but malice.
This realisation is gradually growing.
The dawn of burden rises in my heart
And we will leave Hobbiton - today.
But we will do it together - for as much
As we are alone - we can join as one.
Now drop this cold world in my hand
and we will take it back to where it
began - and there we'll set it free,
and I will be with you, until the end.
Oh Sam, I am so lucky to have a friend
like you ... And likewise, Master Frodo.

"Frodo: Go back, Sam! I’m going to Mordor alone. Sam: Of course you are, and I’m coming with you!" - (J.R.R. Tolkien) |