II) Gandalf to Saruman
(on the fight between Gandalf and Saruman)

"Tell me *friend*, when did Saruman the Wise reject reason for madness?" - Gandalf the Grey (Walsh & Boyens)
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I remain uncrushed upon your tower of misfortune.
I've had your madness in my nightmares, Saruman..
But not within my wildest heart and not for long
will I remain here - for your will to power is flawed
and as you invade my dreams, so do I invade yours.
I was witness to your clawed hand as it turned into the ball.
Am I worthy of ultimate evil?
Yes! Yes! You say we have work to do ---- pull out trees!?
Pollute the rivers and the seas - destroy paradise on earth!?
All the river's wild waters could not drag me to that fate.
I am on my knees -- like a gnarled old tree.
But I rise to the top of this infinite darkness.
As below me the sad world now ended ...
Reflected in the quagmire of fires and madness,
monsters made flesh - flesh made of mud.
There is no reflection there to speak of --
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Yet the trees grow strong and deep.
You mean to rip apart this world from limb to limb.
Yet the very moment the great trunks fell ...
There was a roar sounded out in the foothills.
And I was lit by some fire from within.
My smokey grey eyes flashed blue and green.
The old forest malice hung there.
Then it subsided, just for a moment.
Do not tempt me with this false power.
It's fear finds its way into my heart.
If only by my desire to help others.
Then it claims me as its own.
Leave the power in the hands of Him.
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Saruman, you were a great teacher once.
I sought your guidance.
I trusted you with all my heart.
Until you grabbed by great
unearthly beard
and smashed me up against the door
where we were all entangled.
There was an intense gravitational magic
setting wizards into motion
in a dance that could have been autumn.
It could have been galaxies --- spinning,
For we had loved each other once.
But one had weakened into hatred -
the quest for power, fueled by fear
He was not bad, he just got scared.
Then he got sad - mad and so coldly even minded.
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Saruman are you sad, bad or mad?
For we know you are unwise.
And we know you are weak at this moment.
Who can know best, who is to live and when to die,
for each play their part ...
What other judgments will there be for you today?
Saruman I never asked ...
I thought I had arrived in time.
Before you were touched by fear
and gone over to the other side.
I lost you then, my guide, my teacher
my friend. It was like a lover
leaving a note and vanishing ...
But the only note was the sadness of loss
in your glassy eyes
crossed by badness and ill intent.
Now caught off guard,
you were sulky
like a little boy,
terrified that someone
would take away your toy.
Your fighting Uruk-Hai!!
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But now it is tomorrow
and the prison you have placed me in is no more
and the great silk brown moth has already been
and whispered love upon my palm and
the great eagle of daylight has carried me,
away to Rivendell - into a paradise of waterfalls,
where language is spoken as if through bells,
the perfect magical place of the elves,
in the middle of everything green and living.
It was as if you were powerful in that state,
but really you were not,
for now it is tomorrow.
I must live with my wisdom and you must live
with your loss of it, Saruman.
If I could heal your hate I would,
but my power is crude and limited
in the face of such unholy malice
and you think you are right, so I let you go,
before you turn to destroy us both,
I leapt into my faith like dawn,
as bright as the trees of Valinor.
It was as if I held onto an eagle's back,
because I soared into such daylight
and so I let you fall from fate,
onto God's good hands for now. |

"There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power." - Gandalf The Grey (Walsh & Boyens) |

This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name. |