It didn't take long for the relationship between Tricia and myself to break down. Tricia always took anything that was said or done independently of her as an abandonment of her. This meant that no matter what, I had to take it on the chin. To even disagree with Tricia was seen as a rejection and therefore an abandonment of her personally. So once I did speak up, all hell broke loose. Tricia began to hide things around the house.
Firstly she left messages on her computer screen saver stating that I 'had unleashed a darkness within her'. That evening she had started up the stairs towards me, shrieking through the stairwell with bulging eyes and hair in her face, "DEVIL! DEVIL! YOU'RE A DEVIL!" I made plans to leave. I moved out of Malak Crescent on 1st June in 2005, while Tricia was out shopping, in order to avoid a scene. She was predictably infuriated after I left, ringing the police in a hysterical state. In her mind I had abandoned her. If Tricia was unable to bully people, then she simply fell apart for a time, at least until she became her nice self again. While Tricia had a lot of endearing personal qualities, this was all too much for me to cope with.
Once I left I felt a great weight had been lifted. Malak Crescent had been far from a healthy and nurturing environment. The lights had gently flickered at the estate agents the two times I had gone there to to sign the lease for the new Poinciana Street residence and pick up keys. Everything went smoothly. I thought to myself, I wonder if the streetlights will come on again? It was then affirmed that, there will be lights. At the end of the day I went to Woolworths Hibiscus. When I got there fourteen streetlights were on from Lee Point Road. I went to Nightcliff Woolworths to pick up a few extras. While I was in the store a number of overhead fluorescent lights flickered on and off above my head in the aisles and at the checkout.
As outrageous as it sounds, I knew that the 'angelic beings' that came into my body were also of extraterrestrial origins. It had always felt like a shared consciousness, in that I became them and they became me. Sometimes we had looked out from the same set of eyes, as I retained my own sense of consciousness while also sharing theirs. Much of the time they seemed to have little to no understanding of human society or of this reality. These 'beings' or 'intelligences' could hypnotise and interfer the minds of other people, but their intentions were not hostile. While they did walk in my body and while we seemed to share consciousness, they also possessed a consciousness that was distinctly their own and communication began to take place.
It was only when the streetlights had started to blow and during my time at Malak Crescent, that I had come to terms with the growing awareness of these others and that what I was dealing with involved some kind of 'disembodied consciousnesses' or 'an exchange of consciousnesses'. I remained awestruck. My sense of reality had been shifting for a long time now. My experiences became more like entering a zone or reality where what existed in my own mind was reflected back at me from the physical world. It was as if we were the one being and that I was a part of a vast myriad of endless universal consciousness, where matter mirrored my own thinking and vise versa, on a moment to moment basis. In this way we created each other.