Being the dry season, it was nice out at this time of year. So I had said 'yes' to helping Karen and her friend Sharni paint the inside of a friend's bedsit at Aralia Street. As we left, we switched off all the lights. When we went back again the next day, the inside light was on in the main living area and the outside light was on. No one had been in there overnight.
During this time I continued to go to the gym whenever I had the energy. The 'phenomena' appeared to be teaching me things through streetlights. One day I had to drive to Stuart Park to have the gas checked. I was told as I left, there will be a streetlight on when you get there. The first time I turned onto the street there were no lights on. But I couldn't find the place. As it turned out I had turned off too early. I looked in my directory and backtracked. I found the right turnoff by the street name and by the streetlight that was turned on when I got there.
I would then be told various other things like, the next place will have several lights on, which it did. I would then drive past an intersection seeing some lights on, and note how many and which ones. Then by the time I had completed the morning's errands and driven by again, some had turned off. This also occurred at the intersection where Bagot Road met McMillan Road. Once while turning left into a street off Progress Drive in Nightcliff, a light switched itself on right above the car. I was told, whenever you doubt these experiences, you are to remember this light. I thanked the universe for this affirmation.
Once I was in Parap at the newsagent in the area where Binda and Kindi had died. On this day, on the corner where I was to turn off into Jacksons, I noticed one streetlight on. I thought to myself, okay, that light is for Binda. What about Kindi? I parked the car to go into the newsagency. When I came back out, two streetlights were on, the one that I had seen and the one next to it. Then when it was time to drive back to Poinciana Street in Nightcliff I was told, take the usual route home. So I did. I came across twenty or so lights now on, that had not been on ninety minutes before. This incident, combined with the fact that I was thinking about the dogs caused me to weep with joy. I again heard faint 'singing' after I arrived back at the bedsit.
One occasion, as I was working on the laptop, there was a small but loud clicking noise near the wall behind my desk. It clicked four or five times. I swivelled around on the computer chair, but every time I looked at the wall, it stopped. So I waited for a while but heard nothing. Then, as soon as I turned the chair back to the desk it did it again. So I thought to be smart that I would walk over to that wall and wait for it to happen. As I stood there focused on the area where the 'clicking sound' had occurred, I heard a loud 'click click' right in my ear behind my back! It naturally startled me and I laughed. It felt like this 'disembodied consciousness' was playing a little game with me.
Once in the early hours of the morning I had pulled into the Parap service station to buy a Coke on the way home from a night out. I'd got out of the car in my red dress and high heels and as I walked towards the shop I saw that something was not right. In between moving bodies and toppling shelves, two men were bashing into the young attendant. I was unable to see what kind of weapons they had, only that they were using something. I approached the glass and called out, "Excuse me, stop that!" They hadn't heard so I rapped on the window and said it again. This caused them to stop and to focus their attentions on me.
The attendant then had his chance to get up and get to the phone as two indigenous men came out with steel crowbars in hand to confront me. As they came towards me, I noticed that they may have been a little drunk and that the facial skin on the man closest to me was scarred and marked. The moment they approached me, I felt completely calm and at peace, as though I loved and cared for them both. There was no fear inside me.