On Friday 26th August in 2005, I was in the Darwin Post Office. As the woman behind the counter turned around and walked away to collect my parcels, the overhead light flashed on and off twice. It was like it was hiding the action from her since it had occurred behind her back. Yet the other people behind me would have seen it. On the way home a set of traffic lights on green blinked on and off twice as I approached them in the car.
One day as I was coming out of the Woolworths in the city, I saw a parked car that seemed to be melting in front of me. It moved in a zig zag pattern. I stopped in my tracks in order to see if it would happen again. It didn't. I was then told, it's interdimensional. I got back to the car and rested for a moment to think about what had just occurred. I was well over the idea of thinking that I was hallucinating and if there had been a problem with my eyes, then surely the whole scene would have become blurry or been affected, not just one object, while everything else around it remained 'normal'. I had seen that car zig zag and melt while the environment around it remained the same. What could this mean? And why was I being told that it was interdimensional? Was this disembodied consciousness now alerting me to the fact that there were other dimensions?
Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to block it out of my mind. I was busy and there were other things to do that day. While I knew what I saw, at the time, and for a long time after, I simply had to not think about it. Therefore I didn't look it up on the internet. The first reason was because I knew that it was related back to Binda vanishing on the beach and then to the stone mysteriously appearing at Giuseppe Court. I was not emotionally prepared to deal with those situations at that time.
Secondly, the only time I had heard of other dimensions, was on television cartoons I'd seen as a child, such as super heroes like The Incredible Hulk. That was about as far as my knowledge in this area went. Also, this analytical, logical, sceptical part of my mind was always wary and hesitant. Under the circumstances and after everything that I had experienced so far, it remained necessary for me to remain grounded in this reality and work out the truth from there. Any new experience or message was approached with caution as I looked for known explanations.
At the same time, I knew what I had seen and it took some going beyond my own societal programming of what was an acceptable or unacceptable view of reality, in other words, what was allowed to exist and what was not allowed to exist, even when it did exist. Going beyond what the consensus believed to be true was dangerous territory and meant regaining trust in one's own perceptions and capabilities outside any program.
Once I was able to do this, communication between myself and this consciousness opened up and two-way communication became possible. It was at this point that I became aware that an unseen benevolent force that had begun to walk within me on a moment to moment basis. I became aware that everything was happening for a reason and seemed to be working in my best interests, whether I was able to accept it or not. Often I did not accept it, especially when it involved pain and suffering to myself or others. In the past I had shaken my fist at the sky and wept in horror when things that were very important to me had not gone my way. Yet I felt as if 'the universe' had patiently waited for me to come around in order to begin work on myself and in the world even more effectively than before. Where there was disbelief, I had now opened my mind to new possibilities.
While I had been told numerous times, do not contact anyone in regard to the 'phenomena' for a two year period, I went my own way and emailed or phoned people out of isolation. I knew that 'this stuff' must also be happening to other people and I still thought that others might have a better idea than me about what was going on. During my innocent reaching out, I inevitably attracted predators. One of them was a common sociopath who had scared me off, by insisting via email that we were 'impulsive and reckless high-fliers', and that he liked to 'break down innocence into corruption', all of which he found 'tantalising'. He was apparently known and respected in his career as a lawyer and journalist. While I had initially opened up to him in the email, I quickly let him go after he wrote that he wanted to 'get me in a room and probe my mind'. This comment played into my lifelong uneasiness regarding captivity of any kind, experimentation, surgeries and laboratories.