Ever since living at Matrical interferences were occurring through some kind of energy build up, that seemed to involve an exchange and cross transference of consciousness. Furthermore, whatever it was, it had a multiplicity of shifting and evolving consciousnesses. On some days when the streetlights were on it felt as if these beings were making beautiful pathways of light.
Throughout the day there were more light flickers in the bedsit. The kettle broke. The refrigerator light broke and the electricity flow to the bedsit made the usual BOOOM noise, as if the power flow were temporarily interrupted, dimming the premises several times as it came surging back in. I was used to this by now. There was also a 'dropping marble' sound and a whistling sound. Once I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It was dead quiet. Then, as I walked towards the basin and cabinet, the sound of a 'marble dropping onto tiles' came from directly overhead. That sound must have occurred at least forty times while I lived in the bedsit, including from inside the wall next to the bed when I was lying on it. But many times I was unable to pinpoint its exact location, even inside the room. I said, "I know you are there." After I said this, it would respond once before stopping, or it would just stop altogether.
On 16th December in 2005, I began to read a book called Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Maciniak. I had never come across anything like it before. As I read about The Pleiadians the bedsit touch lamp began to flicker gently. The book opened my awareness to the possibility that I had been channeling extraterrestrial consciousnesses. All through the reading of Barbara Maciniak's books the wall lights around the bedsit gently flickered on and off as if in affirmation of what I was reading. I thought, this consciousness is not only outside my body, and interdimensional, but it is also extraterrestrial.
One day while in Casuarina Square I was looking at calendars called Celestial Journeys by Josephine Wall, when I felt a spark of recognition inside and then the sound system for this section of the shopping centre malfunctioned. I looked up to the nearest speaker and it went back to normal. When I looked back at the calendar and made the connection, it did it again. This occurred four times. A similar thing had occurred after purchasing some X-Files DVDs on the way out of EzyDVD. The first light blew out above my head and I thought, that was a coincidence, but then, as if to show me it wasn't, a second light blew out as well.
On another occasion I had been involved in a discussion on consciousness with a psychologist called Luke, who was the manager of Crisis Line in Darwin at the time. The moment I began to talk about 'the angels' the lights flickered twice overhead, observed by both of us. On this occasion I also told him that there would be some raps, which was then followed by two bumps. As we listened they kept going but we knew that it was the people next door. While these noises were explicable, it was the timing that was uncanny. There had been no sound in the building until I had said that it was about to happen. Once I said it, the people next door then started making all kinds of bumps by moving stuff around. As with the number plate 'phenomena', this may have been a simple case of precognition.
One day while driving home from one of these 'discussions on consciousness' with Luke, I noticed that the streetlights were all on. Then there was interference with the car electricals when a unusual sound, that I had not heard before, suddenly started up from inside the 4WD dashboard in front of the steering wheel.
As it became louder, I became concerned that some damage was going to be done to the inside of the car. So I called out, "Is that you Binda?" whereupon it immediately stopped. While I sat at the red light at the Stuart Highway overpass, I watched a cloud in the shape of a woman with a dog on a leash blow (or walk) across the blue backdrop. It was the only cloud in the sky. I just shook my head inside the car, thinking to myself, that is incredible. What next? It was around this time that the traffic light 'phenomena' increased in intensity. The green traffic lights would 'blink on and off' as I drove through them. This soon developed into amber and red 'blinks'. As with the lamps back at Ridgehaven Circuit, it would often happen after I'd thought, the traffic lights haven't blinked in a while. It was as if the 'consciousness' liked to reassure me that 'it' was still there. |