The move to Progress Drive in Nightcliff was easier than the previous moves. For the first time since the loss of the retreat at Ridgehaven Circuit, I felt like I was now finally making some progress. I had been 'given a sign' when a car had been on the road in front of me directly outside the new unit with [SUCCESS] on the number plate. As I approached the roundabout that turned back off to Giuseppe Court, another car pulled in front of me with the word [MADNESS] on the number plate. Yes, I thought. It was always our choice whether to follow one path or the other. I knew this time that I was not only getting it right, but that the whole journey to this point, no matter what had happened or would happen, was still me getting it right. To come to the understanding that the universe was somehow working in my best interests was profound and unnerving. With this new awareness I became grateful and was just as determined to continue working for the universe as ever.
Being in a spacious two bedroom unit by the ocean was a relief, but I had also grown used to the idea of being able to keep my eye on whatever 'odd stuff' was going on in one tiny room. Nevertheless, I had been given my instructions to go and live there to complete this book about walking with the angels. I felt okay about this, so long as I could still do some charitable work through my company as well as my other work, if and when I had the physical strength and energy. One day I was driving along Trower Road when I knew that I would be unable to resist spending some of the company money on self help books for kids which I would donate to libraries across The Northern Territory. I wasn't sure whether 'the universe' wanted me to do this or not, so I said, "I'm sorry", meaning that I was going to do it anyway. The instant I said those words, there was a flash of white light directly over the road ahead. Then a car pulled in front of me with [CAN DO] on the number plate. It appeared as if the communication between myself and the 'disembodied consciousnesses' was now becoming instantaneous!
One of the clear messages that I had been receiving was, focus on your physical health and the development of your consciousness. At first I had been dismayed and resentful that my voluntary work in the community would take second place to this in 'their' eyes, but 'they' were insistent and in my mind I saw them as a guiding force, patiently instructing and waiting for the time when I would finally be doing it 'their' way, rather than just my own. This guiding force was instructing me, evolve your consciousness and join with us in this life and after this life for the good of the universe. As the anniversary of the deaths of Binda and Kindi approached, it felt like I was becoming closer to the dogs again, waiting for them to orbit back into my life. All consciousness is connected for all time.
These 'angelic beings' or this 'guiding force' continually reinforced to me that the dogs and my father were okay. One Friday on the way to the chiropractor's, I had seen three number plates in a row along Dick Ward Drive [ORION] [MASTER] [DOGS]. When I got back later that morning I automatically took a book off the shelf and opened up to information on 'Orion' and 'Light Masters'. Again, I couldn't make any logical sense of how this could be happening, and so frequently, only that it was always what I needed at the time. They were guiding me! I was told, your real work is with your consciousness. Everything you want to do in order to serve others will automatically fall into place as you develop in that area.
Since my childhood I had been perpetually pushing up against the lack of compassion in human society - and somehow taking responsibility for it, whenever I failed to convince people to be kind to others. I was now being instructed, relieve yourself of your entanglement and bewilderment with the mass consciousness, or whoever chooses to adopt it to their own detriment. There was a sense of urgency behind this, that if I didn't evolve now, I would somehow miss the opportunity.
My voluntary work dropped to a slower pace, while within my own psyche I felt like I had approached the 'WELCOME HOME' sign that had been placed before the universe - and in that area my development had no limitations. This got me to thinking that despite society's attempt to control and restrict access and the development of multi-dimensional consciousness and hence other realities, there were really no limitations aside from that which we chose to put in place or create for ourselves. |