On the night of 11th February in 2006, exactly one year after Binda's death, I was told to go outside. There will be a sign. Once outside I noticed a column of white cloud with lightning flashing inside it. I was told, it is God. I allowed this consciousness to enter and influence my thoughts. Then the lightning in the sky flashed either side of the column of cloud from right to left. I then went into what I now know to be a light trance. While in this state I noticed that the column of cloud appeared to be coming towards me. I attempted to remain conscious enough to measure the distance from the building to the cloud. It might have been an optical illusion. Then, I saw the cloud to the right of the column change into a leaping dog.
The cloud was a perfect outline of a dog leaping towards the column of lightning and cloud, that I had been told was God. The dog looked like Binda. Binda always used to run and leap into my arms just like that. Then the beings said, Binda leapt into (the arms) of God. I did not become overwhelmed or cry. I just stared at the clouds, knowing that this, again, seemed to be out of the ordinary. I was then told, there will be another sign. I waited for a short while longer, but I had no expectation. Then someone in the unit above me switched on their television and it was Dr. Harry, a well-known vet from Tasmania, teaching owners how to assist a dog who was having problems. I smiled and went back inside, feeling better for the experience.
The cloud and weather 'phenomena' continued at Progress Drive. One day I was sitting outside at the table, drawing a mermaid. As I drew her, the clouds above me changed into a mermaid. Around this time there had also been another incident with lightning, when I had gone into a light trance and one of the 'angelic beings' had come into my body. As both my arms were lifted there were two flashes of white sheet lightning directly on the grass in front of me. This 'being' was the same one who had walked from room to room, before the storm at Ridgehaven Circuit, so that when I placed my hands up the wall lights in each of the three bedrooms had gently flickered. This 'being' seemed to have the ability to control it, whereas when the other 'beings' came into my body, it would happen spontaneously. It was important for me to recognise the difference between the 'beings' that I was connected to and shared my physical body with, since they were a part of my consciousness, just as I was a part of theirs. We had a shared consciousness or co-consciousness between us.
A few days after this there occurred a number of 'spider incidents' that struck me as odd. Since the 'phenomena' had started, I began to reflect upon the various patterns throughout my life and I realised that, to my astonishment, all my dreams had come true and so had all my nightmares. I had thought this strange for many years, but now these 'beings' had made me realise it was part of my speeded-up learning process as an evolving consciousness. This meant that anything I wished for came true and anything I feared seemed to come true as well.
I began to realise how important my own thoughts were and how quickly they could manifest in the physical world. The difference this time was that I felt the 'angelic beings' were now becoming my teachers and guides along the way. I had faced and overcome my fear of ghosts and poltergeists. Now I had come to realise that 'they' were also assisting me in facing my fears about spiders. The first indication that a few more 'spider lessons' were on the cards was the large dead spider in the spa out on the verandah when I moved in. I made a special point of telling the agent that it had to be cleaned before I moved in, since I was not partial to sentience with more than four legs. I was told, it will not be done. The spider will be there when you move in. So I made doubly sure by speaking across the counter to the agent personally. Of course, it wasn't done.
I thought to myself, I hope this is not going to be another 'spider situation'. A few days later I came across a small huntsman with only four legs on the loungeroom floor. I had to kill him, because I believed he was suffering. The geckos had obviously eaten off his other legs. I felt awful about doing this. While I was afraid of spiders, I would never want to harm them.
Several nights later I was sitting in the loungeroom and a medium-sized huntsman scampered across my foot. The spider was behaving in an odd and almost pathetically helpless way. He was obviously very afraid, so I was gentle. I sensed his fear.