Not long after this book was completed my grandmother's sixteen-year-old dog Pixie passed away, followed closely by my grandmother herself. Nanny died at approximately 12.10pm on 18th June in 2007. She was buried with the ashes of her beloved Pixie on 22nd June, at Leppington Lawn Cemetery on the outskirts of western Sydney, alongside my father and grandfather. My mother and aunty were both by her bedside in Liverpool hospital in Sydney's western suburbs when she died. My mother said, "She passed away like a candle in the wind."
My mother then told nanny that it would be okay for her to come back and sit on the bed beside her. Within 48 hours after her physical death Nanny did just that. My mother was in a hypnogogic state, or a state of consciousness between sleeping and waking, when she felt my grandmother gently pushing on the bed at her feet and slowly moving up along her back while touching her back and then her shoulders. As my own mother struggled into full consciousness she said, "I love you, mum."
On 26th June 2007, which was also Nanny's 90th birthday, my aunty saw her come straight through the wall of her bedroom holding a mauve poncho. I said to my mother that the poncho had manifested because it would have held some significance to their relationship. Mum said that she and my aunty had bought that for nanny when the three of them were together. I think this was nanny letting them know they were still together.
While I did not see or feel my grandmother after her death, I experienced signs and number plates that spelt out words like [RIP] [LIFE BE IN IT - in response to a question from myself about what I was going to do] [LIFE 42 - my age] [STYLES - my grandmother's maiden name]. In a single morning I experienced a whole series of number plates in quick succesion such as: [8888 - Eternity] [SSHHH] [666] [SPIRIT] [UFQ - UFO] [XTRAILS - X-Files] [JUNG] [WIZARD] [666] [SCARAB - Synchronicity] [666] [JOHN - my mother's x-partner] [666] [MUM1ON] and [666]. I realised that the 666s were now being used as a kind of punctuation in between the words. Also, I had either read or thought about everything on those signs and number plates within a twenty-four hour period.
One day it was as if all the cars with 666 on their number plates suddenly disappeared, only to be replaced by 777s. I had no understanding as to the relevence of why this shift had occurred and since I was so used to the 666s by now, it felt like an unwanted intrusion. Then as if to show me it was coming from the same source, a car pulled in front of me as I was about to turn into my driveway with [666-777] on the plate. No matter how long and hard I looked for the 666s, it was as if every car with that number on its plate had left Darwin. Sometimes I would get over twenty plates with 777 on them in a single Friday morning while driving around doing various errands. I noticed that these 777s were being used in exactly the same way as the 666s had, but that the personalised plates that featured words, were becoming more relevant to my own needs at the time. The car number plate 'phenomena' continued to intensify and evolve. It was only these digits that had changed.
There were also lights on or other words appearing where I was told, there will be a sign. While my grandmother had not made contact with me, in the same way that she had with my mother and aunty, the universe was doing its usual work alongside my own consciousness through these synchronistic events. I was told that each of us work with the universe in our own unique way. That being, my aunty was able to see ghosts, whereas my mother felt them between sleeping and waking, while I experienced them through synchronicity, electricity and guides.
Perhaps it is all about personal receptivity and when and how each of us allows the universal consciousness to manifest for us, while we inhabit the physical world. My father, my grandfather, Binda, Kindi, Pixie and my grandmother, as with all who pass from bodily existence, were now simply continuing to be a part of this same universal consciousness, but were now unrestricted by physical form, as we still are. The difference in each of our experiences may be dimensional, and in moments of so-called paranormal activity, I believe that these dimensions collapse into and affect one another in ways that allow an exchange of consciousness and information. All consciousness is a creative force. Walking with the angels is like being in many worlds simultaneously, where there are no real dead, but where the living continue to engage and interact with those who still live. |