Fallen Angels Manifesting In Orb Form [Fake UFOs] And Higher Level Demonic Cryptids ie; Bigfoot/ Dogman].
"He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." [John 8:44, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Fallen angels/ demonic powers, are the present rulers of this world, under the leadership of Satan. They are responsible for all the supernatural phenomenon, such as light orbs, plasma balls, UFOs, alien abduction, faeries, poltergeists, cryptids, ghosts and apparitions. They deceive people such as psychics, researchers, ghost hunters, poets/ authors, mediums, parapsychologists, philosophers and anyone who considers themselves a free thinker, when in fact, they are searching for the truth, in a worldly prison of lies and deception. These demonic powers, then deceive other people, through utilising these people, as living conduits, in order to spread their propaganda. Without Jesus Christ, human beings will always live in error under Satan, with their soon to be given, future reward, the second death, under God's divine justice and wrath. They will spend their entire lives, trying to discover a truth, outside of God's Word, a truth, that doesn't exist. In the end, influenced be the very demonic powers, that have been instructng and utilising them, they will finally concede, that the more knowledge they receive [from demonic powers, that have also blinded them], the less that they actually know. They will conclude that the universe is a very mysterious place, where, there are either multiple truths, or where the truth can never be known. They are tragically mistaken. The truth can be known, but they cannot know it, because they are deceievd and perishng under a global spiritual deception. Even when they almost knew the truth, they know it without the guidance of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible. In this way, then, they are like blind moths fluttering against the light, only to fly off once more, bewildered, hopeless and perishing, into an ever increasing intellectual and spiritual darkness, that their demonic power, is weaving about them, like a invisible tarantula. These are a collection of quotes, from 'experiencers' of the various supernatural phenomenon, who almost, knew the truth, being "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." [2 Timothy 3:7, The Holy Bible, KJV], because they were without the truth of Jesus Christ.
"This shrieking scream just let out in front of me and honestly, it sounded like a DEMON screaming from HELL."
[Bigfoot Encounter EP:3 SWAT Team member opens fire on screaming creature!, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcF5dUitmfo]

"You know, the one thing, in the list of all the possibilities, that to me ... holds [little laugh] the most weight, but er, I'm not saying that I believe this but, there's just a coincidental factor, is DEMONS. And many of the people I have written about have disappeared in areas with DEVIL in the name."
[14.06. 24 Hours of David Paulides Interviews: with George Knapp, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB1qSjjkGqo&ebc=ANyPxKrxMPVqQtRe3zeljhkqaz-pAyPUaOVa5QPsN9k-ReQRFFLOkTWd5JmGjIYT7fxk9tbAtq7UMJiwcCeppDT4EOGE3let0w]
" ... It's not the gore, we've seen it before, it's the EVIL behind it," Yvonne said. "The tip of the animal's tongue, cut from its root, was placed in the mouth," she said."
[p443,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

"No, What i saw was a 12 foot tall, blood soaked, black haired, naked, thin, DEMON man. Part alive part ghost! I didn't see a Bigfoot. I saw a forest DEMON."
[John Correll, 1989. [Sasquatch Central, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNbL1xw5jrI]

A Painting Of Saint Anthony, Being Attacked By Demonic Powers, In The Form Of Various Creatures.
" ... [a] strange CREATURE on the back of a cow. He described the creature as a football-shaped animal with hairless, yellow skin, which looked lie a cross between a crab and a scorpion. It had attached itself to the back of a cow, which was bellowing in pain, and Mr. Click observed a red fluid passing through the CREATURE'S tail, as if the animal was sucking the blood of the cow. Mr. Click also observed a white-yellow BALL OF LIGHT near the CREATURE, leading to the speculation that the mysterious creature was extraterrestrial in origin."
[p456,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

Demonic Powers Utilise Their Knowledge Of Physics And Chemistry, In Order To Manifest Physically.
"And it walked, but as it walked it, I dunno, to me like it, like the feet wasn't touching the ground, like it wasn't making contact, sort of like it was GLIDING. I don't know how to put it but that's the description I can give ... it came right up to the window and it had RED GLOWING EYES and it just stood there looking at me ... I remember seeing the arms, but I don't remember seeing them swing like a human would swing I guess, you know, like a human walks because as I said, when it was walking, it didn't seem like it was making contact with the ground, ... it just seemed so smooth and gliding, I don't know how to and with the arms, I remember seeing them, but, it didn't really look like they would swing."
["GLOWING RED EYES! SATAN!!!", Sasquatch Dogman Encounters Episode:43 Crypto PTSD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmb-SejAiFw]
"I don't know whether they are DEVILS or ANGELS or what; but we all saw them, and my whle family saw the ship, and I don't want any more to do with them."
[p66,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

"The figure continued swaying back and forth and the only way to describe the face is that it looked DEMONIC..."
[Sasquatch Central, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4XipWWYd6A]
"It sounded like something was shuffling alongside the house and there was this horrible smell. It woke me up. I was thinking I was having a dream of SATAN or something. It was just that bad ... the two instances it occurred, I was home by myself and that smell woke me up out of a dead sleep and I felt so petrified in my own house ... It was weird. ... It smelt like. I don't know how to describe this smell, like, what I would envision SATAN to smell like, like a sulphury sewerage smell. It was putrid and you know, like something from the depths of [HELL?]. Literally, that's what I thought. The thought, LUCIFER came to my head because it smelt so horrible ... It was almost like a sewerage pipe had burst or something, but worse. I was thinking SULPHUR, like SATAN had just walked into my house and woke me up with his smell." -Dovie [Guest]"
["GLOWING RED EYES! SATAN!!!", Sasquatch Dogman Encounters Episode:43 Crypto PTSD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmb-SejAiFw]

"I saw TWO EYES GLOWING in my light and these eyes, I guess you can kind of describe it, as almost like REPTILIAN looking eyes, you know, I couldn't see the body. I had a small flashlight but those eyes, I'll never forget those eyes, they, they looked DEMONIC, a kind of a golden reddish colour ... those eyes were GLOWING."
[Two Demonic Eyes Glowing In My Light!"-- Episode #36,--Dogman Sasquatch Oklahoma Encounters, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wV-Op2iU_U]
"I was raised southern Baptist and one thing that The Bible teaches, is that demons are real and there's evil around you … so if anything, this confirmed my faith and you know, the teachings like okay, there's this demon like creature that's right in my ... window, clawing at my window, making these ungodly sounds, you know, its almost like the textbook definition, you know, if you went to Sunday school they're talkin' about, you know, Jesus and the demons … I mean its almost to a tee, how you would see a demon portrayed in Sunday school or somethin'."
[Dogman Encounters Episode 250 (That’s a Werewolf!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv6-8FeUYqU]

"When Ivanov returned from the scene of the tragedy, he told me that if he was superstitious, he would believe in DEVILRY (?????????? which means involvement of the INFERNAL). What happened with the guys could not be result of natural processes. The slope where there was a tent is impossible to call steep. Only the mentally sick could imagine an avalanche there ..."
[Deranged State, Svetlana Oss Blog, page 2, June 10, 2015, https://www.svetlanaoss.com/blog/tag/russia/page/2/]
"Palm Bay Police Lt. Buck DeCoteau isn't in on the information loop, but he has investigated animal deaths related to SATANIC or alternative religious activity. Perhaps, he surmises, the killings coincide wuith mile-stones on the SATANIC RITUAL calendar requiring BLOOD SACRIFICE."
[p403,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

Demonic Powers Posing As Aliens, Disappear Into Antique Lamps, Rather Than Interstellar Spaceships.
"... unexplained phenomenon "appeared to transform themselves, in order to reflect the beliefs and expectations of witnesses." The "dark side" UFO mythology incorporated this and the government conspiracy mythology into a single coherent one: the aliens, like faeries and vampires in earlier mythologies, harm cattle and steal children, so they are in some form DIABOLICAL in nature. The US government's collusion is a kind of FAUSTIAN bargain, making military and scientific personnel into technologically enhanced WITCHES and SATANISTS."
[p154,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

Demonic Powers Offer Humans Technology, In Exchange For Their Souls And Regular Ongoing Blood Sacrifice.
"Perhaps [they] are some sort of preternatural predator (that has lurked around hypothetically for millennia) saw an opportunity to re-visit this reality and slipped through this opened door at that pivotal point in our history to enact an as-yet undefined agenda? We have (and still do) SACRIFCE ANIMALS TO THE GODS."
[p111,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

"I estimate that there would have been probably about ten to twelve dead sheep carcasses all piled in this same area, all at various stages of decomposition. The ones that had been there, for the least amount of time, were the one that were the closest to the creek. Now the unusual thing about these carcasses was the necks had been snapped. Something had actually got their head and snapped their neck and one of the spines of one of the sheep there had actually had sections of the spine missing. So whether they were actually taken out or not, I'm not sure and then as you moved up the creek bed or bank of this particular creek, there'd be another three or four carcasses, slightly more decomposed, the skulls obviously more apparent and then as you went up a little bit further, there was even another clump of about four or five different carcasses even more decomposed, pretty much, almost like a collection of skulls ... [trying to figure out of wild dogs did it] ... If they were wild dogs, then why did they drag these things and all pile them in the same spot at different times? And also, how did such a small dog drag such a large sheep up onto the river bank to that height? Say, we're talking about you would have had to pull these sheep from a vertical height of about 6 feet to 7 feet. That's the first level of sheep, right up to maybe ten to twelve feet of vertical height and also probably and overall distance of you know about five to eight metres, they would have had to drag these things up there. .. the only other possibility, is that some human being was going down there, on a semi regular basis and maybe doing some sort of SATANIC RITUAL or something [laughs] I don't know. It was pretty freaky. It was a really grisly chilling sort of sight. It's funny. It was like they were stacked. The carcasses that has been there the longest were higher up the bank and they were actually right up under ... tucked right up underneath this lantana ... It was almost as if whatever was bringing those bodies there was dong it on a regular basis and over a period of time."
[Bigfoot Encounter EP:27 There were DEAD Lamb's EVERYWHERE!!! Yowie Encounter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaip9SMsEwk]
"... To me it looks like a RITUALISTIC issue ..."
[p449,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

2001 A Space Odyssey, Depicts Astronaut Abduction, As Demonic Powers Sabotage Their Own Technology.
Author and reaearcher, of the series of Missing 411 books, David Paulides, who almost knew the truth, is given 24 hours of Satan's air time, in which to voice his concerns and advertise his books for sale, since powers of the air, are also the powers of the airwaves, in control of radio and television transmissions. Compare this, then, to an Christian preacher, also living in the USA, who called into the radio station, took less than a minute to tell the truth, before the call was ended, from memory, without further enquiry, from David Paulides or the host at the time. May God bless this preacher for his words of truth, a small flame in a dark night. Here is what he said:
"After your show was online air last year and I heard it for the first gime, I PRAYED. I said God how do you let this happen to children and adults of all ages and just without any explaination? .. I forgot I said the PRAYER and then two seeks later I'm walking home from the store at 2.30 am in the morning and keep in mind I'm s repented JESUS CHRIST baptised holy spirit filled christian preacher ... and guess what happened? You'll never believe it and here it happened ... a door opened up in mid air like an elevator. I saw DEMONS look out, look left look right and saw that I was under God's protection and it vanished. I asked the Lord and he said that 95% of these cases are the reason it happens exactly like that,... "
[Christian Caller. 24 Hours of David Paulides Interviews: with George Knapp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB1qSjjkGqo&ebc=ANyPxKrxMPVqQtRe3zeljhkqaz-pAyPUaOVa5QPsN9k-ReQRFFLOkTWd5JmGjIYT7fxk9tbAtq7UMJiwcCeppDT4EOGE3let0w]
It is a fatal error to place your focus on fallen angels/ demonic powers, in preference to/ or at the exclusion of, God's Word, as it is written in The Holy Bible. Thank God, that there are Christians, who clearly see through all the deception, on platforms such as Facebook, Wikipedia and YouTube, with their one word comments, that put to death, the ever increasing spirals of complexity and deception, promoted by both the fallen angels/ demonic powers and the unsaved, who are caught in the snare of the fowler. That one word is D-E-M-O-N-S. Many will perish for all eternity, under the final judgement and wrath of an Almighty God, almongst them, those who almost knew the truth. Open The Holy Bible, in order to seek God, through his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, his prophets, disciples, apostles and followers and place your focus on/ and faith in reality, that will benefit you, rather than in fantasy, that will destroy you. Salvation through Jesus Christ, or damnation through Satan. It's your choice to make, or as a fallen angel/ demonic power, who used to send me emails, once wrote:

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." [John 14:6, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |