"Before the session [Bonnie] told us about a strange incident that had occurred ... in May 1997. She had been to a dinner meeting with several UFO researchers at a restaurant north of Santa Barbara in California. It had been very interesting and stimulating, so she did not leave until almost midnight. She knew the exact time she left the restaurant because she was estimating it would take her approximately two and a half hours to drive home.
She said, "I noticed it was 11.35 as I pulled out of the parking lot of the restaurant, and got on the freeway heading south. This was Highway 101 along the Pacific Coast. It was a very, very black night. Sometimes I really like to be in complete blackness, and this night was kind of velvety, elegant. And I was happy I was going to be driving |
home alone, so I could think about the wonderful evening visiting with all the other investigators. It was like meditation time, free thought time, driving by myself on that very, very black night. It was so black that I couldn't see where the shore on my right side ended and the ocean began. In past years when I drove that highway at night I would be aware of reflections of oil rigs or boats. You had a sense of where the water was, or the moon might be out and casting a reflection on the water. But this was one of those nights where there were no stars, and it was so black you couldn't distinguish the difference between the land and the ocean. After a while I remembered seeing a little sign 'Seacliff'. I had not remembered a town by that name on that highway, because it's a long stretch of coastline without any towns or any lights. I had been driving for quite a distance when I realised there were no other headlights and taillights on either side of the highway. At one point I thought it was kind of curious that I was the only car on the road. But it was all right, because I was very comfortable. Maybe that was why the next events were so unexpected, because I had no feeling of apprehension."
Bonnie was driving through this long empty stretch when she was startled by a big round flash of light to her right down along the coast. It was white with a greenish tinge, and only lasted a second. And then nothing, no sound. It wasn't fireworks or flares. She simply thought it was odd and kept driving. There were big hills on the left side of the highway in this area of Hwy 101. As she drive through this uninhabited stretch of road she noticed a incredibly bright glow of light shining from behind those hills. It covered a large area, had a round arc to it, and it was not moving. It was very bright and had the same colour as the flash: white with a slightly greenish tinge. She didn't think it could have been the same thing because she had not driven that far yet. They were two separate lights. The light behind the hills covered such a distance that it took her several minutes to go past it. She studied it trying to see what was creating it, when unexpectedly something else drew her attention back to the road. There was something parked on her side of the highway. It looked like the back end of a very large truck, a big tractor-trailer or semi. But there were no cones or reflector lights or flares so it could be noticed by oncoming motorists. It wasn't all the way off the road on the shoulder, but was sitting partly on the highway. There was still plenty of room to pass it, but it created a dangerous situation, because her headlights didn't pick it up until she was very close to it. It was just suddenly there on her side of the road. As she approached it she saw some people (maybe four or five) walking around the back end of the truck and onto the freeway. Again this was a dangerous situation, because they could have been hit.
"These were impressions, because it was all so fast. I was driving probably seventy miles an hour or more, because I was all alone on the freeway. I noticed this vehicle had some sort of dim light shining on it from the road, like maybe a flashlight had been put on the road, and was shining up on the back end, And just as I was about to pass it I saw big black writing at the top of the back of the vehicle. My impression was that it said, in big black squarish letters: 'Emergency Vehicle'. And I thought, that's odd. I've never seen an emergency vehicle like that. It wasn't a fire truck or a police vehicle or an ambulence. You wouldn't normally think of a semi truck being an emergency vehicle. My impression was that it was quite a long truck. Anyway, I thought the series of events were odd: the light down the coast, the light behind the hills, this big truck, emergency vehicle, people walking by, but no flares. And the thought flashed through my head that maybe this truck had just arrived, and maybe they were about to put out flares, and maybe it had something to do with the light behind the hills. It definitely wasn't a fire, but maybe this truck was investigating it or something. But all of this was just impressions, because it happened so quickly. These were just oddities, and I was feeling perfectly comfortable, no fear or anything.
"Then a second or two later the weirdest thing of all happened. I don't know if I had driven all the way past that truck or was still in the area of the truck. But suddenly right in front of me the whole windshield area of my car was completely dazzling with the brightest light. I didn't see myself approaching a light or any light coming to me. It was as if a switch had been turned on, and suddenly the whole area right in front of me was blazing with light. All I could see through my windshield was this complete dazzling light. It was probably the brightest light I have ever seen, yet it was very beautiful too, kind of yellowy white. It was blinding. It was very strange, but even more so, in the middle of the light, it looked like a strip of something. I could see this for only a fraction of a second before I hit it. It was either colourless or white, but it was in this light. It looked like a ribbon or maybe a tape stretched taut across the windshield and slightly at an angle, slanted down to my left. The first impression I would normally think of might be a wire, but it was wider than that, like a tape. This was very odd, because this was after this dark, dark, dark night. Everything black ahead, and then suddenly the windshield was completely filled with this dazzling light, and this thing stretched across, which obviously I was going to hit. And it made a tremendous smack! Almost like a crack, a crack-smack sound. It seemed to reverberate all the way around me and through me. It was so startling. And I thought, "What on Earth was that?" Then I noticed, right after the smack, that now there was a great big crack on my windshield. A big spider web crack on the drivers's side, with big tendrils reaching half-way across the windshield. And then it seemed I was out of that light, and driving along with the regular light of the headlights. The crack was not really blocking my field of vision, but I could see there wasn't any hole in it like a bullet or a rock would make. But even if it had been something like that, why would there have been all that blazing light? So I was really stunned.
"I kept driving, although one of my impulses was to slow down, pull over, back up and ask those men back by the truck if they had seen anything. But what I call the 'big voice of my soul' was booming through to me so vehemently, 'No! Get out of here! Keep going! Don't stop! Don't go back! Get out of here! Keep going! Keep going all the way home!' And so I did keep going all the way home for another two hours, worrying the entire way whether the windshield might shatter. I got home a little bit after two o'clock, which was the right anmount of time, especially without traffic."
[p499-500-501-502,The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]
"[Bonnie}: It's like a corona of light from something. And I don't see what the something is, because the hills are in the way. But the ARC of this corona of light is like the top of a great big perfect curve, or circle [SPHERE]. And it has a lot of definition to it. You know, some light is diffused and glowing at the edges, and just gradually fades into the darkness. But this one isn't that way. There's more like an edge to this light. It's so big and so bright, and I can't see where it's coming from. It's like that other thing that flashed. That's so interesting, because there was that flash on the right side, and now there's this big light shining on the left side. What could it be? There's no town over there or anything."
[p504, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |