"[Brenda] was driving home from work in Fayetteville, a drive that normally took about a half hour, and was within sight of her house in the country when the incident occurred. The sun had set but it was not yet dark. She came around a curve and there was an owl sitting right in the middle of her lane. It was not the normal type of brown owl that is usually seen in our area. It was brilliant white with silver highlights on its chest, and its eyes were very black. It was absolutely beautiful, and she slowed down so she wouldn't hit it. She assumed this was the type called a "snow owl," which is normally seen in colder climates such as Canada or the northern states. A zoologisrt friend told me later that it is possible for a snow owl to be seen in Arkansas in the depth of winter, but there shouldn't be any |
as late as spring. This would have been a rare occurrence, if it were a real owl. When she first spotted it, it was sitting facing away from her, but it turned its head to look at her. Then it flapped its wings and flew up straight toward the truck. Its wingspan was as wide as the windshield. It startled her, and as it skimmed over the roof of the truck Brenda twisted around to look out the back window. But there was nothing, no sign of the owl, no sign of any type of bird. When Brenda turned and looked out the front window again she was shocked to see it was dark outside. It crossed her mind that it had certainly gotten dark fast. Totally confused, she had to turn on her headlights to drive the last quarter mile to her house. When she entered the house she looked at the clock out of habit. Instead of being around 5.30, as it should have been, it was almost 7o'clock. What had happened to an hour and a half? ... I asked if she had noticed anything else that was different. The main thing she remembered was having a strange effect on electrical appliances for a few days afterwards. This had occasionally happened to her in the past. She can't wear a watch because of her electrical field, or whatever it is. But the sensations had never been so profound or lasted for so long. This time everything electrical was malfunctioning. For several days her TV would go in and out of focus whenever she moved. At work the computer kept flipping, and the clock and calculator were doing weird things they weren't supposed to do ... for several days she was particularly sensitive to these higher frequencies ... The telephone was one of the peculiarities. She said it makes a high-pitched beep just before it starts to ring ... so she was answering the phone before it started ringing ... She could also hear a high-pitched screech that certain security systems make in stores. It sounded so loud to her that it hurt her eardrums, although no one else could hear it. She tried to stay out of the shopping mall until things returned to normal.
At home if she picked up a clock to wind it, that was enough to destroy the clock. At work the clocks were electrical, and she did not have to touch them. Just being in the same room with them was enough to cause them to do strange things. Those clocks never totally recovered. The clock on the microwave at work also created a problem. It emitted loud beeps when she started to punch in the numbers on the timer. She did not have to touch it, she just had to reach towards it. These strange effects on electrical appliances continued for four days afterwards and then settled down again."
[The interviewer comments] ... I have driven that road many times going to Brenda's house. And after this experience I took particular note of that hill. It is not far from the road in the middle of a farmer's field.
[p54-55-56 & 58, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]
"There are many stories in UFO cases where people report animals behaving in unusual ways ... I, myself, had an unusual incident with an owl that I have never forgotten, mostly because of the oddity of the event ... I was driving home very late at night, well after midnight, from one of my metaphysical group meetings in another city. I live in a very isolated situation atop a forest-covered mountain in the Ozark Mountains ... There are only about five houses in the four miles it takes me to climb my mountain. My house sits a mile from the nearest neighbour, so the road is very dark, and I am used to seeing wild animals in the area at night. I had driven to the top of the mountain and just past my last neighbour's gate. As I neared my place, at the boundary where my land begins, my headlights picked up a |
huge owl standing in the middle of the road. I drove right up to it and it wouldn't move. It just kept standing there, apparently mesmerized by my headlights. Its head was even with the top of the fender, so I could see it and its huge unblinking eyes quite clearly. I honked and came closer to it. I didn't want to hurt it, just to make it move out of the road. It then turned and flew very low to the ground with a large wingspan, and alighted just out of the range of my headlights. Once again I approached it and it wouldn't move until I got right up to it. Then it would fly a short distance again, alight and turn to face the car. This continued all the way up to my gate. It would stop at various places in front of my car, and just stare unblinking at me. Each time it took several seconds to make it move ... it would not budge until I came right up to it, and honked. This slowed me down considerably as it stopped and then flew low to the ground a short distance and landed again. Finally the last time it flew to the other side of the entrance to my driveway and just stood there while I turned in.
I told my son-in-law about its strange behaviour, and he thought it was unusual because owls don't normally behave like that. He traps and hunts and is familiar with the behaviour of the animals in our woods. He also said it sounded like a very large owl."
[p40-41,The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |