"Eddie was a manual labourer in his thirties, who was hesitant to even talk about his experience ... He reported an event that occurred almost twenty years before when he was a seventeen-year-old high school senior living in a rural farm community in Missouri. After visiting with a friend in town, he was driving home in his old truck. It was late at night on a rural dirt road where houses are few and far between. When he first spotted the light he thought it was an outside mercury vapor lamp, which were new in the area. Some of the farmers were replacing the incadesecent lamps with these, but it was in a place he wasn't accustomed to seeing a light. As he approached it he became increasingly aware that it was not an outdoor farm light, because it became brighter and was higher in the sky.
It moved toward him until it stopped over him, and then followed the truck as he drove. He stuck his head out the window to watch it. About half a mile from home it suddenly moved ahead of him and hovered over a group of trees. At that time he could see it was a large lens-type shape. There were orange lights on the inside, and a rotating van revolved around the middle, causing the lights to blink. The bottom of it was a metallic silver colour. His curiosity caused him to stop the truck at the bottom of the hill. He got out and sat on the hood of the truck to watch the strange object. It seemed odd to him that he wasn't frightened, but he presumed it was because he had been raised in the country and spent alot of time outdoors. As he sat on the truck watching, a blue light came out of the bottom and lit up the tops of the trees beneath it. It hovered perfectly still, and although the band rotated, there was no noise. As an estimate of size he said it was about as wide as the room we were sitting in, which would make it about twenty five feet.
He sat there for an estimated fifteen or twenty minutes watching it. During this time another strange thing occurred. A neighbour family came by in their beat-up pickup: two adults and a bunch of little kids who lived about three miles from his home. The kids were all sitting in the back of the truck. Eddie waved his arms and pointed upwards, frantically trying to get their attention. He knew they had to see him, because his truck was partly in the road. But they drove on without even slowing. He said it was almost as thlough he was invisible. Later he was tempted to ask them why they didn't stop, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone about the incident ... The strange portion of this experience regarding the truck full of people has also been repeated in some of my other cases. The experience was apparently meant just for Eddie, because the other people were oblivious of the huge ship overhead. This was unusual. I live in the country, and if you see someone parked at the side of the rural road, you always stop to see if they need help. This is only common courtesy, because houses are far between in the country, and help may be hard to find. You would never pass a stranded neighbour. It appeared he was invisible to them, caught up in his own little time warp where no one else was affected. A truly private experience."
[p34 & 39, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |