"TAKEN FROM THE FREEWAY - ... On the day in question [Janice] she left work and went to get lunch for several other employees. She remembered leaving the building, and while driving she saw a UFO over the highway. She tried to get people on the street to notice the object, but they kept walking by as though she was invisible. During this time there was also no noise, as though she had suddenly lost her hearing. The people ignored her completely. Afterwards she returned to work, and was astounded when her hearing returned and the sound came back in a loud rush. She discovered that now the people around her on the steps of the building could hear and see her. When she entered her work place the workers were irritated, because she was gone several hours instead of the short time she thought had passed. They no longer wanted the lunch she gave them. We decided to try and find out what occurred on that day ... [Janice then begins to recall the event under hypnosis] ... At the end of the count she had returned to her office on the day of the event. She was apprehensive because she was hearing a strange noise in her head. "It's that funny noise that I hear, that let's me know when they're around. I was at my desk and I heard it, and I felt a little sensation in my head ... Sometimes it's very high-pitched, but it can also sound like a hum. Except it's inside your head, and your ear pressure can change. When it comes you sort sort of feel your ears popping or something ...
J: Sometimes you don't have to go anywhere.
D: But this time you felt you have to go somewhere?"
J: I didn't plan on going anywhere. I wasn't going to get lunch, and then I was suprised when I said I was going to get lunch. Then I thought, "Oh! Did I say that?" (Chuckle) And I realised they wanted me to leave, because I had not planned on leaving. Then I thought, "Oh, well, they must be going to do work or something, so I needed to leave." It bothered me, because I'm usually at home when it happens, not in the middle of the day at work. Then when I went downstairs in the elevatior it made my stomach feel funny," so I knew it was starting to happen. It does that sometimes when the time changes.
D:The time changes?
J:(Her voice was slowing down, becoming softer.) Yeah. You move into a different time.
D: What do you mean?
J: Things get different. You stop being on this time, and you go ... when I got on the elevator I realized the time was getting different. But it was okay. I know what it is now. And I wasn't afraid. And then when the elevator started to move ...
D: Then did you go to your car or what?
J: Yeah, I was feeling like in a dream state then. Whew! (More laboured breathing.) That's when I realized they were really, really here. And that I was really, really not quite in this dimension. That I was in, but I was out of it. I was moving through it physically, but it was ... (More sensations.) And I got to my car, and I was just trying to maintain this dimension. And I thought, "Well, I'm going to drive. I said I'd go get lunch for the girls in the office, and I'm going."
D: And you have to be able to drive.
J: Yeah. (She seemed confused.) And I started the car, and I realised that ... whew! I was feeling funny. It's like: speeded up and slowed down, speeded up and slowed down, speeded up and slowed down.
D:Boy, that would be confusing
J: Well, it's not confusion. It's not even that. It's the molecular you can feel your body doing it. And you know it's happening, and you know you're doing it, and you know it's ... (Big breath) It's starting to move, starting to move. (Confusion) It's not bad. It's not a bad thing.
D:But we're just remembering at this point, and it won't really bother you in any way.
J: It's not a bother. It's an excitement. (Big breath) You know that you're here on this Earth, and yet, whew! It's like going over a culvert. Whew! ... Well, I got in the car and started to drive toward the edge of the parking lot. And I was supposed to turn to the left, get on the freeway, and go to Andy's and get lunch. (Suprised) But when I got to the edge of the parking lot I didn't turn left, I turned right. And as soon as I made the turn right, I thought, "Oh! This is really strange, because I should have gone to the left." That's crazy to turn right. And I thought, "Oh, well, the Post Office is down here. Since I'm going this way I'll just get my mail at the Post Office." So I turned and went down Seventh. And I turned on Woodlawn in front of the Capitol. And as I started going down toward the Capitol, that sensation started again. Then I turned to the right to go down Fourth Street. As soon as I turned the corner then I ... (her voice dropped softer) I lost it. (Confusion, garbled half-sentences.)
D:What do you mean, you lost it? You didn't know what happened then or what?
J: I don't know. I seemed to have gone somewhere, and then I was "swish" back in my car. And it was, "Where am I?" Because I was back ... I mean, I was back. And I was going fast, but the car wasn't going fast. And I thought, "Oh, oh, oh, where am I going? What city am I in?" For a minute I didn't know where I was. Then I thought, "Oh, should I stop the car?" But then ... it was fine. I was fine. And I wasn't afraid. It wasn't fear. It was just a surprise and then, where was I? And I tried to look around and see where I was. It looked unfamiliar. And then all of a sudden I was at the Post Office, and there was no place to park the car. So I went around and around the Post Offce. And while I was driving, I felt the strong urge to look up. And there they were right up there. Three of them and just beautiful.
D:What did they look like?
J: They were silver and round, and making a humming sound. There were three of them, and they moved in a pattern, like they were dancing. It was for me...
D:Did anybody else see it?
J: I tried. I wanted them to see it. I rolled down my windows, and I was yelling. And I couldn't hear any noise. Cars were going down the street, and I couldn't hear them. I couldn't hear the people talking. They were standing right in front of me talking, and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was getting exasperated, because I wanted them to look up there. I was pointing and yelling, "Hey! Don't you see it? Look! Look!" And I was trying to show everybody but they wouldn't look. I didn't undsrstand why they weren't looking, and then I realised, oooh, I can't hear them. Ooooh! I must be invisible. Maybe they can't see me or something. I thought, "Where am I?" Because if they cvan't see me and I'm right here, where am I? I was having these thoughts. I didn't understand it, but it was kind of fun. And I asked the ships, "What's happening here?" And they mentally told me that I wanted to see them. So they wanted to give me that, like a presence. I know I've been there, but I don't remember that part.
D:Then did things return to normal after that?
J: Not right away. I parked the car and after I got out I was walking and I spoke to this guy, and he didn't even hear me (Chuckle) That was a little unnerving. And I thought, "Okay. I'm just going to act normal." Then as I started up the steps I could feel my body again. And I saw somebody coming out of the building, and I yelled at him. I was so close that it startled him. (Laugh) As soon as he said, "Hi!", then I could hear.
D: The sounds came back?
J: Uh-huh. And I could hear people talking. I couldn't hear anybody talking till that man said, "Hi!" He looked familiar, and I knew that I knew him. But he jumped, he was startled.
[p335-336-337-338-339-340, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |