"Thirty something Val [Valerie] was a female barber in a small ... town. [Her experience] occurred around 1975 while she was living on the outskirts of Fort Smith, Arkansas, a moderate-sized city on the central western side of the state. Some friends had been visiting her, and by two o'clock in the morning most of them had gone home. There was one girl left that Val had to drive back to her apartment in the city. She drove down some side streets and was heading for the highway when she first saw the strange object. It was a large luminous, white, glowing thing that was larger than the moon. Val pulled over to the side of the street so they could watch it. They weren't too far from an Army base, and thought it might have something to do with military night maneuvers. It had an umbrella [DOME]-type |
shape so she thought it might be a parachute, but it was soon evident it wasn't anything as normal as that. As they watched it suddenly shot right at them and hovered over the car. Frightened, Val put the car into reverse, turned around and headed toward the city. As she reached the highway the white glowing object moved and paced them on the passanger side of the car.
It did not maintain any particular shape. It seemed to change, but remained a very white, luminous, glowing light. She drove faster, determined to reach the city as quickly as possible. Then she noticed a strange phenomenon. There was no traffic in either lane, and no lights. (This sounded surprisingly similar to Janet's experience.) The unusual situation continued when she turned off the highway and entered the city. She then saw that the streetlights were going out one by one as she approached them, and yet she could see to drive. Nothing was moving, neither the grass nor the trees. There was only an eerie silence. They saw no dogs, no cats, no other cars, no people, no lights in any of the houses. It was as if they were the only people in the world, a weird "twilight zone" feeling. She described it as being in a vacuum: no sound, no movement, nothing. The streetlights were off in the area they passed through, yet there was a soft radiating light coming from somewhere above them. They were determined to get someplace where there were other people. They went by a large shopping mall where there was an all-night restaurant. The object then hovered over the mall. As they drove by the restaurant they noticed there was no sign of life, although it was open 24 hours a day. There were no lights and no people anywhere. As they drove on they did not meet any cars or see any people. Even though it was late normally there was always someone on the streets in the city.
Out of desperation they decided to go to a friend's office downtown. He often worked late at night, and they knew he would be there. When they entered the office their world returned to normal. They didn't tell him the real reason they had stopped by, and they just visited for a while. Val then took her friend to her apartment.
As she headed toward the highway to return home the object appeared again, almost as though it had been waiting for her. Everything was normal during the time they were in the office, and when she drove to the apartment. But now the light was back again, pacing her on the driver's side of the car. When she hurriedly arrived home and drove into her driveway, the object swiftly sped away and disappeared in the night sky. Val said the way it moved in so fast in the beginning, and the way it sped away, it definitely appeared to be controlled...
[Valerie then describes the events while under hypnosis] ... "We know if we can get into Fort Smith there'll be somebody. There's always a patrol car near the mall. There's always people eating at Sambo's. We've got to go by there anyway. It's real strange. Nothing is moving. There are no cars. There are no animals. There's nothing. It's eerie. It feels like we're in a time warp, like a twilight zone: But the streetlights ... it seems like there's streetlights ahead of us, but ... there's no streetlight when we're there. It's like something is happening to the power. We get to the mall area, and it's right above the buildings. I want to think it's the moon, but a strange moon. It can't be, because it changes shapes.
D: What shapes did it change to?
V: I can't tell you exactly. It wasn't round to look at like a moon. It was more oblong, but it had no sharp lines. It was glowing and white. -- And in Sambo's, there's no one in there.
D: Can you hear the motor on your car?
V: No. We can't hear anything. I think our hearts are pounding so fast. (Laugh)
She said upon awakening that she could really feel her heart beating faster, as though she was experiencing it again, with all the physical symptoms.
V: Everything but us seems to be in a time warp. The car is working. We can hear each other. The car is being a car. But there's no other sound. It's very still. It's just very strange.
They did not see one car or one sign of life the entire way. When they decided to go to her friend's office, and turned into the street leading there, everything returned to normal. There were lights as there should have been. In the office they were tempted to tell her friend this crazy story, but it seemed too absurd, since everything was normal there.
After she dropped the girl off at her apartment and turned toward the highway going to her house, the object returned and the twilight zone atmosphere came back. Again, no noises, no cars, no lights and no people, although everything had been normal at the office.
V: I have to drive on home. So ... I do. And I still have this light travelling with me. It doesn't seem to be bad, but it's frightening. It's a strange thing that's happening ... I went home, and when I turned into my driveway I was looking at the light. And it just went "whoosh" away from me, as fast as it had come the first time. And out of sight.
[p43-47, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]
Notes: The fallen angel/demonic power utilises energy so that he stalks Valerie and keeps pace with her. This same predatory behaviour is displayed by the so called cryptids "Bigfoot" and "Dogman", who are also known to pace their targets. Many close encounters with fallen angels/demonic powers involve a lack of sound and a feeling of being in an alternative reality. There is an account of a military personnel who was allegedly ordered to shoot an entire "Bigfoot family" and when he recalled the incident, he said that there was no sound, including from his own firearm.

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |