"She had already double-checked with several people who verified the time she left a restaurant in Little Rock that evening. It was around midnight when she got on I-40, and drove down the freeway until she came to the road that turned off to her home. There is only one road in or out of that area, and there is always traffic no matter what time of the day or night. She is very familar with every twist and turn, and knows every house along the way, since she drives this route almost every day.
But that night everything seemed strange and different. There weren't any stars out, and she noticed it was extremely quiet. There was not even the sound of crickets. She distinctly noticed there were no lights in any of the houses, not even the outside mercury vapour lights which |
always burn. She knew this area very well, and there were always lights in the houses which could be seen for long distances. There was no sound and no sign of life. There was no traffic, which she considered to be very unsual.
Then she saw the object. It was huge, suspended just above the treetops ahead of her to her right. It was an enormous oblong shape, and glowing a very distinct bright orange colour. The glow was contained within the shape. When she first saw it she thought it was the sun setting and the glow and colour was coming from reflection off the clouds. Even though the sun had set several hours earlier, this was the first explanation that came to her mind. Then she thought of the possibility of a meteor flash or aurora borealis. She was trying to associate it with something logical, even though she had never seen anything like it in her life. She slowed the car to a crawl to watch it. Normally this would have been hazardous, because of the amount of traffic usually on the road.
... When she entered the house she was suprised to see the time. She went through the house checking all the clocks against her watch, and they all said the same thing. She had arrived home much too quickly.... She remembered that something streaked across the highway just in front of the car when she first sighted the object. Also, at the same time there was a sudden flash of light in the middle of the highway. She described it as similar to a mirror reflection that had flipped suddenly making a flash or glint of light. She had difficulty describing it, but it reminded her of the reflections in a hall of mirrors in the fun house at a carnival."
[p31-33, The Custodians "Beyond Abduction", Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishers, USA.]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |