Fallen Angel/Demonic Power Utilising Energy To Create Physical Manifestion Such Spheres Of Light And Cryptids.
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV].
This is a continuation from my piece of writing; 'Missing 411: Demonic: Motivations Of The Perpetrators [1]: Desires Of The Fallen', where I briefly examine the motivations of the supernatural perpetrators, that I believe are involved in a very small number of the David Paulides Missing 411 cases and particularly in all of the UFO abduction scenarios.
Motivation Of The Perpetrators In Relation To The Missing 411 Cases continued ...
22] A desire to be worshipped by deceived human beings, as imaginary pagan gods [the ones that appear in ancient cultures worldwide]. This worship, desired by spirits who are territorial and prideful, with a compulsion to impersonate God, requires the building of various religious structures, sculptures, temples and churches, palaces, castles, carvings [such as the moai on Easter Island], stone circles and megaliths, on the tops of mountains, in groves, caves, rivers, creeks or SACRED wells, where they can glorify fallen angels/demonic powers [territorial nature spirits], all over the world.

The Tor, Glastonbury, Somerset, England.
The fallen angel/demonic power that presides over The Tor, in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, has promoted the following legend, that being; that The Tor, is the entrance to the underworld [Hell], that is ruled over by Gwyn Ap Nudd, the Lord of the Underworld [Satan]. This is dressing up of the truth, into seductive fairy tales, has continued to decieve many people, into making pilgrimages to the location and paying homeage, to the old territorial spirits [fallen angels/demonic powers], who rule over these places.

Uluru [Ayres Rock], Northern Territory, Australia.
Where buildings and sculptures are absent, the territorial fallen angel/demonic power, desiring worship, may claim landforms such as mountains, rocks, boulders as monuments to themselves, such as Uluru, in the Northern Territory, Australia. When I was a psychic, involved in channeling and mediumship, the fallen angel/demonic power that resided at Uluru [Ayres Rock], used to call me out there, telling me, that it was my mother and The Dragon, tried to sing its poetry into me, so that I would be a vehicle for promoting false aboriginal myths and legends, passed down through the generations, by the fallen angels/demonic powers. I visited Uluru twice and sobbed each time I had to leave, because I wanted to stay out there, with the fallen angels/demonic powers, to be mothered. If one is open to communication with spiritual powers, the call is highly seductive and feels impossible to escape, unless Jesus Christ, has a firm hold on you.

Mount Shasta, California, USA.
23] A desire to maintain physical environments, as in monuments, with which to glorify themselves, natural geographical formations, sacred MOUNTAINS, boulders [such as in The Devil's Marbles, NT, Australia], caves, stones, trees, rivers, creeks etc. [This is why so called 'sacred sites of pagan cultures around the world', many of which have been incorporated into National Parks and Reserves, were created in the first place.] Satan's gifts, of leisure and enjoyment, for human beings, more than often, comes at a price.

The Mists Of Avalon, Showing A 'Thin Place', Created By Fallen Angels/ Demonic Powers, Posing As Pagan Gods.
24] A desire to remain hidden, invisible, partially visible/ partially concealed, some lies/some truths, morphing/shape shifting, transparent, camoflagued, there one moment and gone the next, cloaked, veiled etc, in order to lure, evade and deceive.
25] A desire to mislead human beings and to remain unknowable and mysterious, so that those, who are without God's Word through The Holy Bible, are caught in the snare of; "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." [2 Timothy 3:7, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Unless God intervenes directly on their behalf, they will remain and perish, in this state of deadly deception."And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." [1 John 5:19, The Holy Bible, KJV]
26] A desire of the [fallen angels/demonic powers] posing as pagan nature gods, to have human beings offer themselves, as a blood sacrifice, in order to glorify themselves, while claiming 'ownership' over the spirit of the unsaved victim, once they exit the physical body. Once I accepted JESUS CHRIST as MY LORD AND SAVIOUR, in late 2009, the fallen angel/demonic power [The Dragon], who I was involved with, told me that I was UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP, using a Dominos Pizza sign, at the Nightcliff Woolworths, in conjunction with telepathic communication. Later, he was to send me a CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP ALERT email. From memory, I think this one had the correct date on it.

God's Word states; "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." [1 Corinthians 6:20, The Holy Bible, KJV] I previously had no idea, that all human beings are OWNED by either Satan or GOD.

Sacred Mountains Or Religious Temples: Places Of Worship And Blood Sacrifice To Demons And Fallen Angels.
27] A desire to have physical environments, used as places human and animal blood sacrifice, to them, [fallen angels/demonic powers]. [Includes all 'sacred sites' of ancient pagan cultures, worldwide and/ or including National Parks, Reserves etc].
28] A desire for the best [motivated by pride and/ or envy of God and humans].

You Will Only Experience, What They Want You To Experience. So Do You Trust Fallen Angels, Or Jesus Christ?
29] A desire to promote and spread false propaganda, in order to create investigative super heroes, self reliance and humanism and to discredit God and Jesus Christ and The Holy Bible. [as in so called aliens abductees/Bigfoot "WOO", starting societies, selling merchandise, organising conferences, making videos and/or writing books, about extra terrestrials/interdimensional beings [aka fallen angels/demonic powers], being superior to human beings and offering various kinds of advice etc, faeries [to deceive and program children, as in children's literature], includes organisations and cults, started by 'UFO' abductees, paranormal societies, bigfoot researchers and ghost hunters etc.

Don't Be Afraid. Just Cry Out To JESUS, In Order To Put An Abrupt End, To Any Supernatural Experience.
30] A desire to instill fear [aka a 'spirit' of fear], into unsaved people, because it contravenes God's Word, as is written; "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." [2 Timothy 1:7, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The more frightened you are, the more spiritual power, the perpetrators have over you.
31] A desire to instill fear [aka a 'spirit' of fear], into saved Christians, because it contravenes God's Word, as is written; "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." [2 Timothy 1:7, The Holy Bible, KJV] and equates to SIN against God, since it shows a lack of faith, on behalf of that believer, in God's ability to protect His people come life on earth, or physical death.
The fallen angels/demonic powers will target Christians with this weapon, in order for the Christian to lose faith in God's ability and desire to protect them. They will use people, who are outside of Christ, to advertise the fact, that Christians are being killed by an 'unknown force', aliens', cryptids [Bigfoot/ Dogman etc., as well as non-Christians. But are these people Christians, or are they religious people, who attend church on Sunday and live like 'devils', for the other six days of the week? Because while your belief in Jesus, may afford you eternal life in heaven, living like the devil, under Satan, in this world, will give fallen angels/demonic powers legal rights, to access your life. If a Christian dies by supernatural attack, under the permission of God, then I would have to ask, what were they doing in order to invite this intrusion? Why did the enemy, gain legal permission, in order to end their life on this earth, when they could have been using that life, which is owned by God, to glorify Him and to save the perishing? "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." [Romans 8:28, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Note: Martyrs for Jesus Christ are in a category of their own. But why would a Christian martyr themselves to a fallen angel/demonic power, when they are commanded to take authority over them, in the name of Jesus? Martyring oneself directly to a devil, would be seen by that devil, as an act of worship, as spiritual and physical blood sacrifice, to them. Christian martyrs who die at the hands of unsaved human beings, under Satan's instruction, are seen as acceptable in the eyes of God, since they defeat the devil, through loyalty to Jesus Christ by their physical death on earth and thereby gain glory, before God, in heaven. "... And they loved not their lives unto the death." [Rev 12:11, The Holy Bible, KJV] and "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." [Matthew 16:25, The Holy Bible, KJV]

The Desire For Contact, By Researchers And Investigatiors, Gives The Demonic, Permission To Manifest.

The Dragon [A Fallen Angel Whom I Was Involved With] Sent This Email. He Sought Permission To Come Back].
32] A desire for contact. [paranormal investigations, aliens, Bigfoot, Dogman and other cryptid researchers, ghost hunters, ouija boards, seances, mediumship, spiritualism, witchcraft, wicca, shamanic and pagan rituals, channeling, false religion, OBEs, astral travel etc. involves legal rights, permission before God to gain further access, results in physical manifestation, and/or the physical and spiritual destruction, of human beings].
33] A desire for physical manifestation. [paranormal investigations, aliens, Bigfoot, Dogman and other cryptid research and promotion, ghost hunters etc. ouija boards, seances, mediumship, spiritualism, witchcraft, wicca, shamanic and pagan rituals, channeling, false religion, OBEs, astral travel etc. involves legal rights, permission before God to gain further access, results in physical manifestation [celestial body/no blood] and/or the physical and spiritual destruction, of human beings]. This may include the utilisation of energy in order to kill, such as in animal/human mutilation cases.

34] A desire to seek revenge on/or hurt God, by deceiving and thereby turning human beings [His creation that He made in His own image] against Him, so that they belong to Satan, live in SIN, die in their SIN and then are cast into Hell with the fallen angels/demonic powers, under God's divine judgment, after physical death.
Unlike Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers, God does not desire to see any human being perish."The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." [2 Peter 3:9, The Holy Bible, KJV] Furthermore, Hell was prepared for Satan and his fallen angels, and not human beings.
"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." [Mathew 25:41, The Holy Bible, KJV]
34] A desire for the complete physical and spiritual destruction, of all human beings.
A Spiritual War In A Physical World
Knowing the motivations behind the supernatural perpetrators, of a small percentage of the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, allows you to take immediate action, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, including your family's companion animals, that are often targeted, from all fallen angel/demonic power abduction experiences and energy attack. While the majority of the worlds population perishes, under a deadly spiritual deception, the fact is, that all of humanity, whether they know it not, are the sought after chattel, in an unseen spiritual war and in order to understand the dynamics of that war, we must have a firm foundation under Jesus Christ, through God's Word, in The Holy Bible and the ongoing assistance and personal instruction of The Holy Spirit.

All people involved in NATIONAL PARK SEARCH AND RESCUE, especially in regards to these 'odd' or 'unlikely' disappearances, MUST COME TOGETHER IN PRAYER, before, during and after the search for the missing person[s], especially if the person [or child], has gone missing as a result of 'supernatural attack', perpetuated by a fallen angel/demonic power. PRAYER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, will ensure success, because it will allow God's holy angels, to intervene directly on your behalf, so that the perpetrator is no longer present and persisting with weather manipulation, mind control of both the victim [in order to mislead, deceive, disorientate, confuse, make unconscious etc.] and in manipulating the thoughts and actions of those, involved with searching for the victim [including search and rescue dogs], as well as interference with electronic equipment, such as phones, aircraft/ship navigation, vehicle electricals etc.

The Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, Received A Donation, For Its Search And Rescue Program.
The only safe place is in the will of God. This was actually something that I was told by a holy angel of God, as reassurance, when I first started to read the Missing 411 books. We are all dying physically, but we do not have to perish eternally. This is a spiritual war, for the minds and souls of all human beings, deceived by the fallen angels/demonic powers, that enter our physical world, due to SIN and legal rights, placed by the enemy, before God Almighty. It is a spiritual war, therefore we must fight it with spiritual weapons. But more than anything, it is a rescue mission, on behalf of a creator, who still loves the world and the beings in it, even after they turned against Him. We have a chance to be saved, in the short life we have here. Grip onto it with both hands and hold fast, to the life boat. If you are not saved, then you are at risk of perishing, in this life and FOREVER, every moment, that you continue, without Jesus Christ in your life.
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Anyone Who Crys Out To Jesus, Has A 100% Success Rate, Of Ending Fallen Angel And Demonic Attack.
[Note: Fallen angels/demonic powers manifest as orbs, plasma or fireballs, fake UFOs and cryptids and other seemingly solid shapes that they are able to manipulate. The actual size may vary, according to the amount of energy being utilised in our dimension. They can also work in groups and can be alot smaller than the one in my illustration.] |