Fallen Angels Manifesting In Orb Form [Fake UFOs] And Higher Level Demonic Cryptids ie; Bigfoot/ Dogman].
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:" [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV].
It is a known, but little publicised fact, that THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST [AND NO OTHER NAME ON THIS EARTH], STOPS ALL SUPERNATURAL DECEPTION/ ABDUCTION EXPERIENCES, not only saving the lives of people in this world, but for all of eternity, after physical death. The name of JESUS CHRIST, stops all fallen angel and demonic attack, whether it be fake UFO and/ or MILAB abductions, poltergeist or haunting activity ie; ghosts, faeries, shadow men, demonic encounters with cryptids ie; Bigfoot and Dogman, sleep paralysis and/ or other so called 'paranormal' phenomenon. SO, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU ABOUT THE PERPETRATORS AND THEIR MOTIVATIONS?
What it tells you, is that we are engaged in a spiritual war, in a Biblical reality [that is clearly recognised by the enemy], under God Almighty. Furthermore, that there are rules of engagment in this war and there are things, that the enemy is allowed to do and not allowed to do. Prayer allows you, to cry out to God, in the name of Jesus and to put your case before God, in earnest, against the enemies of humanity ie; fallen angels and demons. I include the following quotes from multiple eyewitness accounts, from YouTube channels; Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search and Dogman Encounters Radio With Vic Cundiff, where a potentially life threatening experience for the eyewitness, has been instantly stopped, through prayer and/ or in the name of JESUS.

Brenton Sawin: "When this thing came and you first saw it and stuff, did you ever at any point PRAY?"
Sargent Hondo: "... Absolutely. Yes. I didn't dare close my eyes, but I was PRAYING and I actually made peace with GOD. I actually thought that I was going to die. I don't think, I know, that GOD was definitely looking out for me that night. I think if he wasn't, I wouldn't be here ..."
Brenton Sawin: "It may be, you know, because I kind of wander about what these creatures really are ... It may be the PRAYING that had protection on you ... that this thing knows, you know."
Sargent Hondo: "Oh, I know. Absolutely, absolutely. You know ... I believe this thing is malevolent. I believe that it's ... it is evil. I mean, in every sense of the word, this thing is absolutely evil."
[Sargent [Hondo] Brings knife to Dogman fight and lives; Creature's tactics are psi op like, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9p1pVQAANM]

"I was like, oh my God, this thing is trying to get in. I didn't have any kind of weapon. I didn't know what was going on. If this thing was going to make it in, or not ... so, the only thing, I could think of doing, was PRAYING. You know ... so I started PRAYING real hard and here's tis little thing [refers to guard dog outside], ... [makes sound effects of dog barking] ... barking at this thing, while it's sniffing at my door, you know ... and it's scratching at my door and then so like, as soon as it, like immediately like, after I started PRAYING, it just got up and then hopped the fence, the same way it went in. It just went away."
[Romanian Dogman, Werewolf, Skinwalker Seen Eating People In Park, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viA9anBQ3s]

"It was a large bipedal creature that, I guess, it wasn't a werewolf. I guess it's the thing that they call a Dogman. .. I almost hit him with my truck. It was like he may have jumped out of a tree or fell out of a tree down into the road and I almost hit him and he was literally like, I'm guessing because I was in this huge [vehicle of some kind?] ... but I would say, three to five feet from the front of the truck. He was looking at me. I was holding .. you know when you almost hit something, you just kinda grip the steering wheel and your arms lock. I was looking at this thing and all of sudden I thought like, don't look him in the eye and I just like started screaming at the top of my lungs, "JESUS..!" like that and um ... he raised up, kinda he turned his head and his body to look right at me and that's all I could do was scream, "JESUS!" and then this thing just shot across the road, took off and disappeared. The whole thing probably took fifteen seconds."
["A Dogman Fell Out Of The Sky! "-- Episode #31--Dogman Sasquatch Oklahoma Encounters, Cryptid Brothers Investigation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8GamwJogKs]
"And then I started PRAYING and I commanded it, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, to leave, because I knew if it was a demon, it had to leave, then, and anyway it just kinda hit the barn with a big, ... it was probably a 3.5 to 5 feet hole, in the side of the barn. It was real kinda scary there, then all of a sudden it just disappeared."
[The Dogman Licked my Face! (Dogman Encounters Episode 20), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyCQ8ysId34]

"I'm a CHRISTIAN, so I just PRAYED ... I didn't PRAY, I just thought JESUS and the moment I thought of JESUS, this thing, I can only think it's a werewolf, went ugh! like it was disgusted at THE NAME OF JESUS and then I heard five footsteps, I couldn't see anything, but it was on two legs and it took five footsteps and then I believe it was on the back path, at the back of the house and I believe it went left, out onto the field."
[Melanie's Dogman Encounter In The UK; Evil Werewolf Growl Terror In The Garden, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP3wqj_oJ0Y]

"At that time, for the first time in my life, I was PRAYING. I was just PRAYING, "Dear GOD, please don't let me die this way. Not this way. Just make him leave. I want to live. And I had the feeling that it was laughing. You know, I could practically hear inside my head, the rumbling in that huge chest and it was a horrible feeling. I don't know if it was my imagination at that time, or if these things are really capable of laughing at someone, but I had the feeling that it was laughing at me, because I was PRAYING. And you know, the next thing that I see, was that it turned. It gave me just one last look. You know I think he got bored with me, no running away and he just turned to his side, so I could see the side of his back and it was just as muscled as the front. I could see the tendons of muscles under the fur, when it moved and it just left the claw on my window and it walked down the side of the house and dragged the claw along the glass and it was such a horrible feeling. Not only the feeling I got from the sound, but the sound will always stay in my mind. It moved outside of the light of my terrace. It melted back into the darkess of the night."
[Dogman Terrorizes Woman in Glass House! (Dogman Encounters Episode 100), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL-vkEAHFh4]

"All of a sudden I get this dreadful feeling. I'm pretty sensitive to that and I know this was definitely something external making this. I didn't know whether it was from the spirit realm. I didn't know whether it was a physical entity looking at me, I was thinking at the time, maybe a mountain lion. But all I knew was something as staring into my soul, was really trying to, was eyeballing me, so I'm, scanning and I keep and I remember I was worried about my dad, because I know I am a little more perceptive to things than he is, and so I'm looking back and making sure he's keeping up, because I'm the only one with the rifle, I walk a little faster than he does. He's about 15-20 yards behind me again, so I just keep looking back and he's just not keeping up, so I'm walking about 15 yards, stopping, waiting, and I start getting this feeling coming over me that's just, you know, it's just ... brutal, just a brutal horrible fear, so I start saying, you know, ... I'm a CHRISTIAN and I started saying THE LORD'S PRAYER and you know, it starts subsiding, the fear starts kinda going away. But it wasn't until after it kind of probed my soul, that the fear had started to drop and I started saying THE LORD'S PRAYER, that it kinda started to drop."
[Joel Harvey, (Dogman Encounters Episode 46), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi5UF6kGFiQ]

Brenton Sawin: "So you felt like when you PRAYED, that that was what turned the tide for you?"
Christian: "Yeah. That's definitely what did it. It was like when I PRAYED, it almost got, you know, like ... it got rushed off."
[Romanian Dogman, Werewolf, Skinwalker Seen Eating People In Park, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viA9anBQ3s]

"He was coming fast and I knew that if I pulled my weapon out, he would have swallowed the bullets and the steel ... and I had a knife which, you know, I'm no combat fighter or anything and I knew, I couldn't put up a fight with this thing, whatever it was, you know, he had razor sharp teeth man, I don't know how ... all I could think about was, I'm dead. This is it. My friend is never gonna find me ... he's gonna rip me up somewhere and eat me, ... when they say your life flashes before your eyes, it's true. I seen my kids, I seen everything in my life and I remember my mom telling me, whenever I'm in dire trouble, call on the name of JESUS, he'll come save you and that's the only thing, I put my hand on my chest, since I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. That's how scared I was and I just went like JESUS HELP! ...immediately like, I got chill bumps all around me and this thing was running so fast it had to be at least 20 yards [away from me] ... and he stopped so abruptly, that he slid with his like, you know when your running and you stop suddenly, but he was like going so fast, that he had to like grip the ground to stop and he just suddenly got, like backed away from me and I think by that time I was like delirious, that I was already dead. I didn't know what was going on, but he started backing up in front of me, like heading back to where he just ran from and this time, after I called on the name of JESUS, I felt the presence behind me."
[Dogman Carrying Full Grown Deer Like A Notebook In Ohio, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSSU84aJ3Nk]

"He said that at that point, he'd started PRAYING. And in his mind, he said ... he thinks it was like a miracle, like GOD delivered him. I mean, like he goes, I''m not kidding, I think that GOD delivered me. That was his words."
[It Broke Into the House!!! (Dogman Encounters Episode 116), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF-3iK0YJZI]

"I still wanted to know what had happened to me. Like I said, I did my own research and everything. I PRAYED. Actually I'm a religious man. I believe that there is a GOD ... I would rather die believing there is a GOD and find out that there's not one, than die not believing there is GOD and find out there is one. And I'm very religious as like I said and ... I PRAYED about it and either way, I believe GOD has brought me to this point in my life, to right now, to be able to share my experience with other people and to help spread the word that these things are real. They are out there. They are not gentle giants. These things will kill you."
[Don't Turn Around! (Dogman Encounters Episode 120), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C9LWEpwvgI)
"I was staring at a, I want to say between a six and a half foot and seven foot stall, probably about 400-500 pounds, cinnamon coloured dog shaped head, just like, it looked very similar to the Van Helsing kinda creature, ah, had the hands curled up in front, ah, it was definitely like fingers, like long fingers. The body was completely covered and it definitely looked like a female, as opposed to the big one that I'd seen before and leading up to that point, there were a few times where I'd be sitting here in the house and I'd, Sherry had mentioned the psychic type of thing, well, in the beginning, there were times where I was sitting here and, and yes, it does sound crazy, but it's the truth, um, I was kind of experiencing, just kinda like, weird thoughts and weird visions, of like hunting and, and being out in the woods and you know, just kinda, sometimes feeling like a little bit of an older … rage and I was eating my meat raw and everything. Um, I kinda noticed that that was happening to me and I started fighting that with PRAYER. It works. That's one of the biggest things that we've actually had to combat any ongoings of any further situations thus far …"
[Dogman Encounters Episode 256 (Tennessee Dogman Encounters), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJp29UR4X-Q]
Vic Cundiff: "Who helped you most when it came to getting over your encounter?" Yamil: "Well, I'm a GOD believer, so, I have to say GOD, because He was my only shield and that night, it was as if GOD was dealing with a DEMON and someone, my guardian ANGEL tell me, hey ... start to run and run fast! And I PRAYED to GOD to ... be protected. And I will do my part not to go into the woods alone. But I have to say, for me it was just PRAYING AND MY BELIEF IN GOD."
[I was Looking at a Monster! (Dogman Encounters Episode 134), With Vic Cundiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbRyW6DejPo]
The War Against Evil Being Fought Through Prayer
Don't leave it, until what you think are the last moments of YOUR LIFE on THIS EARTH, to call out to JESUS! Wake up from the dream delusion of Satan's fantasy world and give your life to JESUS now. Make JESUS CHRIST your personal Lord and Saviour and join those of us who serve THE LIVING GOD. To the millions who are perishing worldwide and to the victims and to the loved ones of victims, of fallen angels and/ or higher level demons, fake UFO and fairy abductions and human and/ or animal mutilation, JESUS IS YOUR ONLY HOPE. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. The demonic dogman entity departs/ [disappears] through PRAYING and at the name of JESUS CHRIST. The war against evil, is fought and won through PRAYER.

We are all dying physically, but we do not have to perish eternally. This is a spiritual war, for the minds and souls of all human beings, deceived by the demonic, that enters our physical world, due to SIN and legal rights, placed by the enemy, before God Almighty. It is a spiritual war, therefore we must fight it with spiritual weapons. But more than anything, it is a rescue mission, on behalf of a creator, who still loves the world and the beings in it, even after they turned against Him. We have a chance to be saved, in the short life we have here. Grip onto it with both hands and hold fast, to the life raft. If you are not saved, then you are at risk of perishing, in this life and FOREVER, every moment, that you continue, without JESUS CHRIST in your life.

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |