Fallen Angels Manifesting In Orb Form [Fake UFOs] And Higher Level Demonic Cryptids ie; Bigfoot/ Dogman].
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:" [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV].
It is a known, but little publicised fact, that THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST [AND NO OTHER NAME ON THIS EARTH], STOPS ALL SUPERNATURAL DECEPTION/ ABDUCTION EXPERIENCES, not only saving the lives of people in this world, but for all of eternity, after physical death. The name of JESUS CHRIST, stops all fallen angel and demonic attack, whether it be fake UFO and/ or MILAB abductions, poltergeist or haunting activity ie; ghosts, faeries, shadow men, demonic encounters with cryptids ie; Bigfoot and Dogman, sleep paralysis and/ or other so called 'paranormal' phenomenon. SO, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU ABOUT THE PERPETRATORS AND THEIR MOTIVATIONS?
What it tells you, is that we are engaged in a spiritual war, in a Biblical reality [that is clearly recognised by the enemy], under God Almighty. Furthermore, that there are rules of engagment in this war and there are things, that the enemy is allowed to do and not allowed to do. Prayer allows you, to cry out to God, in the name of Jesus and to put your case before God, in earnest, against the enemies of humanity ie; fallen angels and demons. I include the following quotes, where a potentially threatening experience, for the eyewitness, has been instantly stopped, through prayer to God.

Fallen angels/ demonic powers, have people [including some so called professing Christians] decieved, into thinkng that "Bigfoot" manifestation, is a flesh and blood animal, despite its ability to materalise and dematerialse and desourte the fact that there is no scientific evidence for Bigfoot's existance, researching it, investigating it, befriending it and so under these circumstances, people are less likely to call upon Jesus Christ. There are also inceenyd where Bigoot has adducted murdered people, tragically, leaving no testimony of the saving power of prayer in these instances. But as the attacks become more common, in both wilderness and urban areas and as they become increasingly violent and more and more people, are aware, that they are out there on there own, confronting something, that is nothing short of pure evil, prayer will come into play, lives will be saved and testimony given, in regards to the saving power of prayer, in Jesus name, against these demonic manifestations. Satan [the advesaryl has come down upon the earth in wrath. Here are three encounters where prayer has resulted in "Bigfoot" making a quick exit, in the many instances, where people have prayed, while being contacted, harrassed or under diabolical attack.
"I'm not a very religious person, but I was doing some PRAYING that day. Definitely remember, begging GOD to make sure I got outa that."
["HUNTER has TERRIFYING BIGFOOT Encounter!", Sasquatch Dogman Encounters Episode: 38, Crypto PTSD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBO1nz2hSEs]

"My friend Vic's encounter, he was, like I say, he was a marine also, just like I was but in different eras. He is a very big man and he was sleeping in a tent one night and in the middle of the night he was awoken, by something in his camp and he pulled his head out the sleeping bag, to see what was in his camp and the way he described it to me ... was, the moon was shining and in front of the moon was a silhouette of this Bigfoot creature, a big silhouette of a Bigfoot creature. It scared him to death. He talked about how afraid he was. He went back in his tent and PRAYED AND COMMANDED THAT THIS DEMONIC BEING TO LEAVE, cause that's what he perceived it and after he did so, he poked his head back out and it did leave and so that was his experience and the man was absolutely serious about it and I thought, that was interesting, cause I heard his experience, probably twenty five years ago, somewhere around that time frame and then the only other, a couple of the sasquatch chronicles, there was a couple of others, especially the lady and I don't remember her name, but she was basically being followed by one and left her scarf along the trail and came back and it had her scarf and SHE PRAYED AND THE THING LEFT and I though that was kind of coincidental and reminded me of Vic Slates encounter, where he PRAYED and the thing left, left him alone. He PRAYED and the thing left him alone."
[Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // I Said We Should Shoot It, Link Cannot Be Found]

"Sept. 1977/ Mount White Chuck, WA/ Mrs. Mildred Quinn/ Awoke from sleep to see black figure with long arms and big shoulders leaning against rock, watching her. She closed her eyes and PRAYED. When she opened them it had gone. "
[Source: INFOJournal Vol.VI No.6, 12 Jan, 1978. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]

"I had four broken ribs, a punctured lung and I had to get a little over 100 stitches on my back. I looked like I just went through a huge car wreck or something. I was pretty beat up. Not sure how I was able to get outa there they way I did and how far back I had to get to my truck, but all I can think of is ... that the good Lord graced me with the strength and helped me get outa there because, when I came back to, all I did was pray and say Lord, I got three little kids at home and they need me. I need to be able to get outa here ... just protect me and ah, get me home. He did."
A tree had fallen, hit me in the back and on the side of my head. It pretty knocked me out. I was unconscious. When I came to, I was in a different area from where I was at ... I was bleeding from the crack of my head and my vision was a little blurred ... I was looking for my shotgun. I couldn't find it. I was still out of it, from being hit in the head so hard. I got a concussion from it and um, ... I was dragged somewhere else. It wasn't that far from where the attack started ... I don't know when my ribs got broke ... I don't know when it scratched or whatever you want to call it and put the huge gashes in my back. I don't know when this happened. I was unconscious ..."
"When I was able to get up and run. I could not run my full speed with head injury and my vision still blurred. I'm a little confused about which way to head back to the truck. They could have easily took me down again ... even if I was fully without the injuries as fast as I could run, I would still be no match for how fast they can go. When I was injured already, they could have definitely went after me and finished the job. I'm gonna give the Lord the credit for me sitting here and talking with you today. Im going to say it was the Lord's good graces'.
[JT, The Game Warden out of Hospital Bigfoot Attack story, Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2nF1C__QnA]
Bigfoot Attacked When Researcher Turned To Jesus!

Ex-Bigfoot Researcher Sara Brown Interviewed By Josh Peck On His Show The Sharpening Report.
There was an interview with John Peck [The Sharpening Report] and Sara Brown [an Ex-Bigfoot researcher], regarding the demonic aspect of Bigfoot, that included comparing a supposed Bigfoot coytee kill, to a typical cattle mutilation, involving UFOs [fallen angels/ demonic powers in light orb form]. Before the interview took place, Josh Peck experienced a 'demonic attack', involving sleep paralysis. Then Sara Brown commented, that the 'Bigfoot' that were manifesting on the reservation, where she and her family live, were abnormally aggressive, just before she was going to be interviewed. Once Sara decided to stop her research and turn to Jesus Christ, feeling that she had been deceived, 'Bigfoot' attempted to lure her back into the research, as in trying to get Sara's attention/ or focus back onto it, rather than her Christian concerns, upon which it became very agressive, which only confirmed her suspicions, regarding its true identity. It appeared that Sara was involved on some kind of struggle, in regards to whether to continue her research or not. She speaks to Josh Peck at length, about her and her partner's experiences. In the interview she states:

One Of Ex-Bigfoot Researcher Sara Brown's Photos Of The Demonic Power, Attempting To Physically Manifest.
"One of the audio clips I sent you was from earlier this week. There were three nights this week where, um, they were very aggressive, abnormally, and ah, I felt the same way. And, the night before that audio recording, there was something, err, advancing on John quite quickly ... John was outside, ... he came back in and he goes, you could feel it. It was that feeling that I mentioned, the wall and he came in and he goes, "something's advancing on me quick and its going [click, click, click] like you would clacking, like a horse, and ah, he goes, like everytime it does that, like every minute or so, he goes, its like twenty feet closer and so I go outside and I can hear it right away. And there's other stirring with it and ah, possibly the most sinister feeling that I've ever felt, um, I felt like it was trying to, I felt like the feeling was almost heavy, um like ah, almost trying to, ah, its very hard to explain, ah, its hard to, almost like it was pushing on me, but not in a physical sense. I wanted to ... I wanted to cry. Ah, and I'm very sensitive anyways but um, but it wasn't like that. I wanted to cry like, just for no reason, I just wanted to start crying. And um, it was just past the fence ... it would [click] and you would hear something fumbling and stuff, but it was a very loud clicking sound and I went inside and you know, John came in later and he goes "the only way I can describe that thing, was a man's body with a crab's head ...
Weird, yeah, but he didn't see it or anything. That's how disgusting the feeling was, it was disgusting and I felt like it was full on trying to attack. We went back outside and we, you know, PRAYED against it and it remained there and still made that sound two more times before it left. These, all of these things and this you know, most of the stuff that I said throughout this ah, theory or speculation or um, or something that I've heard or seen that I'm almost certain of but the majority of it is, not quite sure putting it out there ... One thing that I know, for sure, all of this stuff plays off of fear, all of it. It plays off of fear. That is your weakest point ... It's terrifying at times, to think of some of the things that people see. People on the other end of the reservation talk about little people ..."
[TSR 077: Sara Brown and the Supernatural Bigfoot, The Sharpening Report, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Noa29mzRs]
Sara Brown then talks about the power of the blood, that Jesus Christ shed for us and exercising her authority, as a Christian, over demonic entities like 'Bigfoot'. Sara is concerned about other 'researchers' being deceived by the manifestation. She also speaks of the demonic power, attempting to lure her back into research. Sara then goes on to say, she is convinced that we must, "SEEK GOD WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS."

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." [Jeremiah 29:13, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Seek God with all of your heart and you will find Him. Seek Bigfoot with all of your heart and you will be deceived. I hope to add more testimonies to this section, in regards to the power of prayer and its affect, on the demonic 'Bigfoot' manifestation.

These Demonic Powers Will Lure With The Promise Of Discovery, While Carefully Plotting Your Eternal Destruction.
Jesus Christ Or Bigfoot? It's Your Choice
Chasing shadowy forms and elusive figures than seem to appear physically and then disappear, will only serve to entice you into a deeper deceotion. These fallen angels/ demonic powers will make a fool out of you and it will cost you your life in the end. God, who is our creator, gives us the choice of who we will seek and love with all our hearts, minds and spirits. The fallen angels/ demonic powers know this, which is why they want you to spend your time and even your entire life seeking [researching] them, rather than the God of The Holy Bible and Jesus, the author of your salvation
Don't leave it, until what you think, are the last moments, of YOUR LIFE on THIS EARTH, to call out to JESUS! Wake up from the dream delusion, of Satan's fantasy world and give your life to JESUS now. Make JESUS CHRIST your personal Lord and Saviour and join those of us who serve THE LIVING GOD. To the millions who are perishing worldwide and to the victims and to the loved ones of victims, of fallen angels and/ or higher level demons, fake UFO and fairy abductions and human and/ or animal mutilation, JESUS IS YOUR ONLY HOPE. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. The demonic dogman entity departs/ [disappears] through PRAYING and at the name of JESUS CHRIST. The war against evil, is fought and won through PRAYER.

We are all dying physically, but we do not have to perish eternally. This is a spiritual war, for the minds and souls of all human beings, deceived by the demonic, that enters our physical world, due to SIN and legal rights, placed by the enemy, before God Almighty. It is a spiritual war, therefore we must fight it with spiritual weapons. But more than anything, it is a rescue mission, on behalf of a creator, who still loves the world and the beings in it, even after they turned against Him. We have a chance to be saved, in the short life we have here. Grip onto it with both hands and hold fast, to the life raft. If you are not saved, then you are at risk of perishing, in this life and FOREVER, every moment, that you continue, without JESUS CHRIST in your life.

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |