Fallen Angels/Demonic Powers Are Spiritual Entities Who Are Able To Influence People's Thoughts.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]
This is a work in progress where I will be adding writing, images, quotes and personal testimony. "And this will we do, if God permit." [Hebrews 6:3, The Holy Bible, KJV]
Fallen angels/demonic powers are able to utilise energy like EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation], magnetic fields and sound waves etc., in order to create energy formations and fluctuations, energy fields and the energy orbs/spheres. Governments and military worldwide have been working with these spiritual powers, offering up worship and blood sacrifice in exchange for this technology, to then be used in war to commit mass murder, also including the use of energy weapons, psyops operations and gangstalking, particularly when it comes to sightings of UFOs or ariel energy utilisation.
Once I stared to work on these pages I came out a shopping complex [Coles Coolalinga] in the Northern Territory of Australia, into an underground carpark and observed a black 4WD parked next to my vehicle, with two empty carpark spaces in between the two vehicles. The personalised number plate on the black vehicle read [BLCKOPS] [Black Ops/Black Operations]. The windows where tinted black. There was no one in the front of the vehicle and the windows of the back where blacked out. I believe that whis was a regular car owner and shopper, influenced by a fallen angel/demonic power, to park in that particular carpark and at that particular time, so that I would see the plate. The fallen angel/demonic power even got rid of the other cars, so that they wouldn't be in the way, in order to draw my attention to the plates. Synchronicity.
I've experienced this before multiple times and in my case it is supernatural, created by a fallen angel/demonic power [a spiritual power or principality] in the Darwin area where people, including myself, [particularly before I was saved], appear to be influenced, as if they are moved around on a invisible chessboard, to be used at the whim and discretion of the fallen angel/demonic power [there may be more than one involved], in order to do their bidding for them. I do not believe that people involved would recognise that this was occuring and neither did I, when I was playing my part.
The person would simply place down to coincidence or synchronicity, or being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time etc. Nothing is by accident. Chance meetings are controlled and orchestrated and "freak accidents" are perfectly timed and sometimes created. It's a hit and miss situation, but our thoughts and lives are certainly being both manipulated and regulated. This is why the followers of Jesus Christ are instructed how to act in; “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]
Physical Affects On Consciousnes & Emotions
*Feeling afraid. Feeling a sense of terror.
*Feeling that you are being watched or followed. Paranoia.
*Feeling that you shouldn't be there or that you should leave [an area] immediately.
*Instinctive or gut feelings that tell you that something is wrong. A sense of foreboding. Intuition or "spidey sense."
*Feeling that something evil is present or approaching.
*Feelings of sudden and intense danger.
*Feeling that your life is being threatened.
*Feelings of sudden anxiety or panic from an unseen presence.
*Feelings of being prey to an unseen predator.
*Feelings of excitement, anxiousness, restlessness, that one of on the point of gaining "great knowledge" or a "secret discovery" unbeknown to others.
*Feelings that one is priviledged above others ie; a chosen one, a messanager, a researcher or investigaror on the brink of a unprecedented discovery.
*Feelings of being uplifted, at one with your higher power, at one with the universe, euphoria.
*Feelings of being led or called to visit an area, a building, a person, a geographical location. Demonic calling.
*Feeling confusion, disorientated, disassociated, or being "spaced-out".
*Feeling of being in an altered state of consciousness - meditative state, "alpha state", being relaxed while driving, on "automatic pilot", shaman trance.
*Feeling sleepy, groggy, drowsy, drugged, drunk, incoherrent.
*Feelings of shock and/or disbelief or that you might be going crazy.
*Feelings of sudden and uncontrolled rage, that are not part of your normal range of emotional responses.
*Feelings of being under the influence of a consciousness greater than your own.
*Feelings that you are being compelled to go somewhere, ie; demonic calling, call of the siren [sea demons], to offer oneself as a sacrifice etc.
*They can implant thoughts/images/ideas into your mind that you think are your own. This is common to all unsaved, deceieved and perishing people. The more you emoty your mind and open up to "the emptiness" or "the universe" or your "muse" the more fallen angels/demonic powers will be able to influence your thinking.
*They can try to implant pornographic/grotesque scenes or thoughts into your mind, so foreign to your way of thinking, that you don't know where it is coming from.
*They can cause people to become suddenly violent or aggressive. Or do something that appears to be completely out of character.
*Feelings of being instructed, inspired or compelled to create something, under a guide, spirit guide, animal guide, creative muse, deceased friend or relative etc.
*Feelings of being instructed, inspired or compelled to do injury or harm to oneself or others; self murder, murder ie; the "devil made me do it" etc.
*Creation of thoughts and feelings in people, that intuition or that "nagging feeling" telling you that something is not right.
*Lifetime obsession with finding out the facts or truth of what you have experienced. [Spiritual searching through The New Age or occult practices, "UFO" and "Bigfoot" researchers, ghost hunters and paranormal investigators etc.]
*Feelings of depression, anxietym social isolation due to lack of understanding of other people around you.
*Feelings of being special or "chosen" like you are about to or on the verge of discovering something amazing or incredible, secrets known to no one else but yourself etc.
*Complex PTSD - Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
*Strange dreams, nightmares and repetitive nightmares, waking dreams [hypnogogic state/experiences] and flashbacks. Nearly always frightening, negative or deceptive.
*Hallucinations and/or visionary experiences.
*Abduction, OBE [Out Of Body Experiences], Astral Travel, NDE [Near Death Experience], screen memories or inserted memories etc.

The Fallen Angel/Demonic Power Utilises And Manipulates Energy And Consciousness To Ensnare Human Beings.
Other Forms Of Mind Control
*Psychic abilities, PSI [parapsychology], PSI Spies, Psychokinesis, RSPK [Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis], Remote Viewing etc.
*Trance states, shamanic journeys, walkabout/songlines - Australian aborigines.
*Amnesia, short term amenesia or brain damage from EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation].
*They can "knock you out" using energy so that you become unconscious.
*Gaining abilities - psychic abilities, telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, precognition, prophecy [Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce etc.]
*Creative, spiritual and/or technological break through, being healed or diseases or new diseases being created, creative abilities via inspiration and channeling, love for animals [veganism] over God Almighty and love of the earth [environmentalism] over God Almighty [leading to idolatry and animism] as in being told to "protect the planet", vast knowledge of the universe, new age [religious/spiriual] belief or philosophy [Christianity is always excluded], gender/identity confusion, attraction to pagan cultures [especially Egyptian] and sacred sites associated with pagan cultures.
*Inspiration, channeling spirits, reiki, feng shui, mediumship, psychic mediumship, trance Mediumship, demonic influence and possession.
*Psychic readings, palm reading, scrying and/or crystal ball readings, tarot card readings, reading runes, palmistry, tea leaf readings - all these are psychic readings using objects.
*Assisting people in telling the future, when they intend to do something like predict the death of a person and when they arrange to have people killed in accidents etc.
*Accidents, suicide, heart attack, sickness, onset of sudden sickness, disease etc.
Add Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: "We didn't kill him. We assisted him on killing himself."
*False Memories, screen memories, implanted [screen] memories or feelings Deja Vu.
*Reincarnation experiences where a fallen angel/demonic power feeds the experiencer information/details from another person's life.
*Creation of ectoplasm. Psychic mediumship.
*Moving objects glasses, ouija boards, levitating objects and people, table turning and tipping, materialisation of objects or objects being propelled [similar to 'poltergiest" phenomenon etc.
*Creative inspiration, channeling spirits or creative muse, automnatic writing, stream of consciousness artistic creation, musical composition [classical music], creative writing or creation of art where a person is "inspired" or enters into an altered state of consciousness - music, writing, photography, dance, sculpture, painting, acting etc.
*Reincarnation - they can implant false memories and use the person as a channel.
*Automatic writing - they can dictate words to a willing stenographer for the purpose of deception and propaganda. ie; Patience Worth, Jane Roberts and "Seth", Neale Donald Walsch and his fallen angel/demonic power, Carl Jung and his fallen angel/demonic power "Philemon". The list is long.

"STOP Ignoring These UFO 'NEPHILIM' & Paranormal Sightings! ACTUAL FOOTAGE!" By Saint AVS On YouTube.
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV]