The Fallen Angel/Demonic Power Will Attempt To Hijack Your Consciousness To Direct Your Thinking.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]
This is a work in progress where I will be adding writing, images, quotes and personal testimony. "And this will we do, if God permit." [Hebrews 6:3, The Holy Bible, KJV]
Auditory Experiences & Hallucinations
The following can be experienced as a hallucination, group hallucination or the fallen angel/demonic power actually making the sounds that are then heard by one or more experiencers, including animals. Many times the animals are responding with fear or panic to energy fluctuations, sound waves/frequency as in hertz [Hz], magnetic fields, energy fields and the presence of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation].
*Everything going silent in a natural area, so that all bird and insect noises stop.
*Everything going silent in a cultural area so that all traffic and city noises stop.
Note: Includes sightings of helicopters [often military], vehicles, figures that make no sound.
*Hearing a humming or buzzing sound. This is caused by the fallen angel/demonc powers utilisation of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation].
*Hearing what sounds like "high pitched frequencies."
*Hearing a loud ringing in ears that comes and goes. If it always suddenly stops when you take authority in the name of Jesus Christ, it's demonic.
*Hearing a mechanical or whirring sound. Mechanical birds. Bird call that changes into a mechanical bird call sound.
*Hearing a beeping sound that appears to move closer and closer but never reaches you.
*Hearing animal calls [or bird calls] when there are no animals or birds in the area.
*Hearing a "hooting" sound of an owl or other bird calls that appear to be coming from a human being.
*Hearing children whimpering or crying or women [or men] screaming or calling for help. If you chose to approach, the sound becomes further and further away [out of reach] so that you are being led somewhere; that places your life in danger or causes you to lose your way, or get lost in a natural area.
*Hearing sounds of brutality or savagery, or what appears to be a person or animal being murdered or torn apart.
*Hearing howling, whooping, roaring or bellowing that has a magnified or echoey quality.
*Hearing what has been refered to as "samurai chatter". Often associated with fallen angels/demonic powers pretending to be cryptids such as "Bigfoot".
*Hearing animal sounds [in unusual combinations] that cannot be defined.
*Hearing animal sounds that change into something else, such as a cow 'mooing' that turns into a low growl, or dingoes howling that turns into a woman screaming.
*Hearing regular sounds such a dog barking where there should not be a dog. If you follow the sound, it will keep moving further and futher away leading you on and/or leading you into danger. Deception.
*Hearing sounds suddenly leaping towards you, surrounding you or flying over the top of you when nothing can be seen.
*Hearing distant music, tinkling sounds such as wind chimes, musical instruments - piano, gongs, drums or religious instruments, soft chanting etc.
*Hearing grabled voices, singing, murmuring, whispering, screaming, shouting.
*Hearing footsteps that can be unnaturally large or loud.
Add Testimony: A Child Of Wrath: A God Of Love footsteps along Miles Road."
*Hearing rapping, knocking, [such rapping in "poltergiest" infestations and tree knocks in the "Bigfoot" deception], loud knocks, raps or bangs.
*Hearing sounds such as explosions, gun fire, a ripping sound in the air.
*Hearing sounds that cannot be easily recognised or described, jumping from location to location or amplified.

"I Go Walking In Your Landscape ... Just 'Cause You Feel It, Doesn't Mean It's There." [There There, Radiohead].
Visual Experiences & Hallucinations
The following can be experienced as a hallucination, group hallucination as the fallen angel/demonic power utilises energy fields in order to affect consciousness, so that the experiencer[s], including animals, will respond to this energy utilisation, energy fluctuations and energy weapons, so that the experiencer believes that they are interacting with a figure, figures or an environment. Many times the animals are responding with fear or panic to energy fluctuations, energy fields and/or the presence of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation].
*Sightings of "Bigfoot", "Dogman", odd people including children, winged creatures, unusual animals, Black Panthers, large black dogs, many varieties of aliens/ETS [Extra Terrestrials], Rake Man, Slender Man, Shadow Man, Hat Man, BECS [Black Eyed Children], [MIBS] Men In Black, Faeries/Fairies, Phantoms and all manner of creatures and cryptids, also including phantom aircraft, military aircraft, helicopters, chinook helicopters, ghost ships, ghost horses and carriages, ghost armies and solidiers.
Note: The experiencer sees [often focusing in on] detailed phenomenon, while the camera or recording equipment captures the energy that is being utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power or nothing at all. This is why "Bigfoot" and "Dogman" sightings are often highly detailed, but never match the undefined and shadowy photographs. The photographs are real. The eyewitness accounts are real hallucinations/visionary experiences, where the experiencer's mind is being influenced and directed. There may be a fusion or overlapping of consciousness between the more powerful fallen angel/demonic power and the experiencer who is being manipulated and deceived.
In his book titled; The Black Eyed Children, author and researcher David Weatherby, writes that the "entities" that people refer to as "BEKS [Black Eyed Children] are not picked up by video cameras and he mentions an experiencer talking to thin air.
"On rare occasions, video cameras have been present when a person encountered the kids. Later review of the tapes shows no sign of the children. Tapes have been blank. Glitches have caused the tapes to skip forward or the system has been found to be shut down entirely. On at least one occasion, the tape showed the witness talking to thin air." [p12, The Black Eyed Children, David Weatherby, Leprechaun Press, 2012]
*Hyper Reality - being in a physical environment/landscape where the experiencer's perception and cognition is altered, to the extent where they percieved themselves to be/or actually are no longer in their usual surroundings.
*Projection of landscape features or geographical area, hologram, simulation, augmentation, hyperreality, holodeck, phantom, image, mirage.
*Movie screen like background. But you're in the movie.
Sometimes I believe that is this a spiritual visionary experience or hallucination and other times; a hologram or holographic reality, an augumented reality, a simulation or hyper reality, that may or may not be utilised in combination with the manipulation of human consciousness. The best way that I can describe this, in being both an experiencer and a researcher, is like being in the Star Trek holodeck, or inside a sphere of power, where a consciousness greater than your own, is able to create and/or dictates your reality. This experience may be similar to the movie West World and The Matrix trilogy. Consciousness [as spirit] attempts to create the environment or reality. In the case of the fallen angel/demonic power interacting with a human/animal experiencer, a superior conscious utilises his knowledge of physics, chemistry and energy, in order to target the brain of and/or manipulate an inferior consciousness. We are living in a universe of predatory consciousness. Jesus Christ offers the only true protection against the interference of consciousness or abduction experience.
Hyper Reality
Fallen angel/demonic power 1] utilising energy fields and EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] and 2] manipulating consciousness. While it is playing out, the experiencers cannot distinguish the hyper reality from their own regular reality. Christians have the authority to end these experiences with; "The Lord rebuke you." The experiences can also be ended by praying to the God of The Holy Bible or by crying out to Jesus Christ. It's best to be under the protection of Jesus Christ before the "spiritual power" can act, since once it does, your consciousness/senses may become incapacitated/ decieved to the extent where you are unable to operate with your normal level of conscious awareness. Many people where they are Christians or not at the time, instinctively resist the fallen angel/demonic power, who is the predator of their souls and cry out to Jesus Christ in terror ending the experience every time."Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. " [James 4:7, The Holy Bible, KJV] This fact is generally ignored by the "UFO" and "Bigfoot" communities, who have a vested interest on keeping these demonic experiences a permanent mystery [the "perhaps we'll never know" deception], that in turn tragically costs lives, including the lives of people's companion animals.
Other Sensory Experiences
*Different odours/smells - suplhur, metallic, excrement, something rotten, wet fur, rotting flesh, perfume, flowers.
The smell of sulphur. This is reported to have occurred during "Bigfoot", "Dogman" and other cryptid sightings/deception.
Note: The smell of hydrogen sulfide [rotten egg gas] is often accompanied by "Bigfoot" manifestations/sightings, when organic matter is heated by the energy manipulation.
"Hydrogen sulfide is often produced from the microbial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion, which is done by sulfate-reducing microorganisms. It also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas deposits, and sometimes in well-drawn water." [Hydrogen Sulfide, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_sulfide].
Testimony: I smelt the food that my father used to cook for himself, that being; steak, eggs and onions being fried, after I believed that I had made contact with him through mediumship at The Arthur Findlay Collage in Stansted, United Kingdom.

Crying Out To Jesus Christ, Or A Christian Taking Authority Under Jesus Christ, Ends The Hyper Real Experience.
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV]