"A Dreadful Meeting On A Dark Winter Road, Sweden 1984" By Stories Lost On YouTube.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]
This is a work in progress where I will be adding writing, images, quotes and personal testimony. "And this will we do, if God permit." [Hebrews 6:3, The Holy Bible, KJV]
Energy Attack
*Utilisation of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] to negatively affect the brain and body of human beings and/or animals.
*Ionisation process. Radiation poisoning. Radiation sickness. Radiation burns. Skin burns.
*Energy drains or energy surges, affecting anything from electricals to the human body. They can stop watches and drain camera and car batteries. Animals and insects are also targeted.
*Utilisation of magnetic fields to negatively affect the brain and body of human beings and/or animals.
*Utilisation of ultra sound or sound waves to negatively affect the mind and body of human beings and/or animals.
Note: This occurs in nearly all UFO cases where the human or animal comes into contact with the energy that is being utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power, either by approaching the area, being led into the area in an altered state of consciousness or being attack by the fallen angel/demonic power using occurring in natural wilderness areas or when driving on the road. Also attacks on pilots and ship captains and crews. Energy attack in the Bass Strait. The hikers in The Dyatlov Pass Incident were attack with EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] that was found on their dead bodies and clothing that they were wearing at the time that the attack or "incident" occurred. Link:
*Weather manipulation. Lightning strikes. Striking at people with lightning. Creating and directing storms, avalanche.
They will hang around volcanic activity posing as gods. They will hang around natural disasters where people are perishing on masse in order to harvest human souls ie; bushfire, flood, tsunasmi, earthquake, avalanche and all war zones.
*Ability to brand, mark or place graffiti the bodies of human beings, animals and crops, claw marks, symbols embedded into skin. [similar to nocturnal harrassment and "alien abduction" experiences].
*Mind control. Being led to a location [often a field, forest, cliff, marshes etc.] in order to place the person or animal in danger. Led to make contact, whether it is getting up and looking out of a window, winding down a car window and/or leaving the vehicle or searching areas. [occurs in "UFO" encounters, "Bigfoot" investigations, "ghost" hunting", "pilgrimages and retreats" as in a desire to visit "sacred places" in nature or cultural places of worship and blood sacrifice, presided over by fallen angels/demonic powers and being led to area during spiritual gangstalking episodes].

"An Overview of Stardust Ranch: The Skinwalker Ranch Neighbour:" By Missing Void On YouTube.
"Alien" Abduction Experiences
*Stalking, harrassment, intimidation, predation by "UFOs", "UAPs", cryptids such as "Bigfoot", "Dogman" and that follow cars and other motor vehicles, bikes, ships, aircraft etc. The stalking behsviour involved keeping pace with the person or persons. When they speed up, it speeds up, when they slow down it slows down. When they stop it stops etc.
*The manipulation and utilisation of energy as a weapon. Energy weapons. Also uses by the governments and military working with fallen angels/demonic powers.
*Creating sudden sickness like giddiness, dizziness, nausea, nose bleeds, migraines.
*Seeing flashes of light.
*A sense of time "freezing" or being "distorted" in some way, during an altered state of consciousness.
*Disorientation, confusion, deep sleep, fainting, unconsciousnessness/black out, amensia - short term and long term, "visionary" experience.
*Target joints in the body with EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] that may be accompanied by a buzzing sound.
*Levitation. Lifting and human beings and/or animals into the air. Throwing people and objects such as in "Bigfoot" encounters and "poltergiest" manifestations. Creation of a vacume or suction to pull things up into the air or drop things back down. Anti-gravity.
Add Testimony: Creating an energy vortex. Tetimony: Banjo and mulberry tree.
*Air pressure change. Popping of ears similar to taking off in a plane. Note: I watched a YouTube video where this was happening to a "Bigfoot" experiencer.
*Ringing, buzzing, humming, whining sound in ears.
*Long term affects - mental emotional and nervous shock, radiation sickness, dissociation, PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] etc.
*Ability to brand, mark or place graffiti the bodies of human beings, animals and crops, claw marks, symbols embedded into skin.

"Tucker Carlson Reveals DEMONIC Encounter While He Was Sleeping?" By Ruslan KD On YouTube.
Nocturnal Harrassment
*Can cause human beings to have dreams, nightmares, reocurring nightmares, hypnogogic [waking from sleep] experiences, abduction and OBEs [Out Of Body] experiences.
*Can cause animals to have dreams and nightmares.
*Ability to brand, mark or place graffiti the bodies of human beings, animals and crops, claw marks, symbols embedded into skin.
*Stand over your bed, tugging bedclothes, sitting down on end of bed, pressing down on bed or body, strangulation, etc.
Sexual predation, "Incubus" and/or "Succubus", creation of erotic dreams, manipulation of hormones/bodily functions.
Note: I've read accounts where Muslim men who are allegedly 'possessed' by Jinn/Djinn [fallen angels/demonic powers] experience constant penile erections, becoming hyper aroused, over sexualised, out of control is demonic and can be witnessed in alot of behaviours involving concerts, street parties and parades, voodoo ceremonies, cultural festivals, mardi gras, ritualised orgies etc. There appears to be alot of footage online of people, [nearly always migrants or people who originate from non-christian countries or associated with a radicalised section of the "transgender" movement], performing sexually suggestive acts in public places, such women "twerking", couples dancing in often violent sexually suggestive ways and men masturbating or toileting in public places, such as into drains or fountains, or in front of shops and/or restaurants etc.
Spiritual Gangstalking
*Utilisation of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] to negatively affect the brain and body of human beings and/or animals.
*Utilisation of magnetic fields to negatively affect the brain and body of human beings and/or animals.
*Utilisation of ultra sound or sound waves to negatively affect the mind and body of human beings and/or animals.
*Triple Digit Phenomenon or "Angel Numbers."
*Mind control - fallen angel/demonic power directing the victim where to go and what to look for, as in directing focus of the victim on external stimuli.
*Creation of feelings of fear and paranoia as in seeing everyone as "perps" or perpetrators.
*Coincidence, Synchronicity, timed events. Events perfectly timed events so as to cause "freak" encounters, "freak" accidents, motor vehicle, shipping and plane "accidents".
*Hyper Reality or "Street Theatre".
*All other techniques associated with "Spiritual Gangstalking".
Add Testimony: Give example of street threatre outside post office and in Kmart store woman prams pushing past. I saw a demon in a tree and that same tree ended up killed a person in a "freak accident" many months later.
Involves influence of consciousness, timing and a controlled/engineered synchronisation of events

Fallen Angels/Demonic Powers And The Military Mutilate Animals With Energy Weapons.
Human and Animal Mutilation
*Killing and mutilation wild animals, ocean animals, farmed/abused animals and companion animals.
*Killing animals such as birds, bats and leaving them on the experiencer's steps or in a position where the experiencer will see them.
*Energy attack using EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation].
*Energy attack using lazer precision cutting or lazer beam. Cutting and burning.
*Removal of skin, eyes, ears, tongue, brain, coring out of the anus and alleged sucking out of other body organs.
*Cutting shapes and/or symbols into bodies via cutting or burning while still alive or after death. Being branded or marked.
*Humans and/or animals being levitated, moved to a different location, returned to original location and/or dropped back down from a height.
*Techniques taught to the military worldwide and taught to the military in exchange for human and animal blood sacrifice.
*Appearance of military aircraft, helicopters and other vehicles at the sites, that may or may not be real. Silent and/or vanishing aircraft. Clean up operations. Radiation present.
*Placement of dead bodies in various formations [similar to object placement in "poltergiest" or "hauntings"]
Note: The placement of objects, including dead bodies of the fallen angel/demonic powers murdered victims satisfies their desire for symmetry, sacred geometry, symbolism and ritual. This is why we will find all these factors being incorporated into the world's religions and architecture that have been created, constructed and designed under the influence of fallen angels/demonic powers, where they are then overseen and continually upheld by the same spirits of anti-christ. Whereas God Almighty uses His Word in order to communicate with us.
Other Forms Of Assault
*Involuntary twitching, jerking, involuntary like a mini stroke. Shaking the body.
*Jabbing or pricking the skin on the body as in being stung, pricked with pins, electical static, electric shocks. Sensations such as cold drops of water splashing or dropping onto the skin
Add Testimony: It felt like my body was experiencing an earth tremor, trembling etc. Demonic powers made me have an itch to my eye or face every time I was carrying a sharp and dangerous implement, The distracted me in traffic so that I would think to reach down, knowing a truck was coming my way.
*Being hit with an unknown energy force. Body, car windscreens being cracked or shattered, cars being lifted etc.
Add Testimony: Add YouTube clip from The Paranormal Scholar and Dyatlov Pass.
*Being knocked unconscious. Being punched. Hit in the back of the head. Being pushed. Pushed down stairs or off balconies. Being thrown. Knocked over.
*Creating distraction so that the victim falls, sometimes to their death. Down stairs, off balconies, mountain or rock climbing etc [Quote - guy in avalanche]
Demonic Ritual
*Summoning fallen angels/demonic powers through mediumship, table turning, satanic, voodoo, witchcraft, wiccan and pagan ritual worldwide. Involving ritualistic blood sacrifice of animals, human babies, children and adults.
*Fallen angels/demonic powers in mediumship practices mimic the dead and can create an energy manifestation/hallucination, where they appear as deceased people.
*Cursing objects and artifacts, ritual masks, stones and boulders from "sacred sites" etc. A "sacred site" is simply sgeograpical area that the fallen angel/demonic spirit claims as his territory. They are also refered to as "territorial spirits". Fallen angels/demonic powers claim ownership over idols, especially idols involving ritual or worship. It doesn't matter when and/or where they were made or for what purpose the objects were used. They then harrass and oppress people who attempt to possess the objects until the object is either destroyed or returned.
*Cursing creative projects such as movies; Rosmary's Baby, The Exorcist and The Omen.
*Cursing people, generational or bloodline curse, witchcraft and/or voodoo attack refered to as bad luck, jinx etc. Familiar spirits as in spirits [fallen angels/demonic powers] familiar to the family.
*Crop failure/weather manipulation, accidents/injury, physical/mental illness, disease/plague, death.
Please note: The above descriptions are a work in progress and will be added to if/when more information becomes available.

"Close UFO Encounter & Attack by Family Knowles on Nullarbor Plain in Australia (1988)" By FindingUFO On YouTube.
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV]