Australien Skies 2 Is A Documentary, On The Interaction Of Liam Freaney, With Demonic Powers In Auatrlia.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." [Ephesians 6:12, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Australien Skies 2: Contact Of Interest, is a documentary, directed by film maker, Don Meers, about a man named Liam Freaney, who is deceived by fallen angels/ demonic powers, into thinking that they are extra terrestrials. The demonic powers appear to Liam in their light orb form, then shapeshift into various physical objects, such as silver discs and fighter jets. In this film, the viewer follows the journey of Liam, from when he first begins to photograph these powers, to his continuing search for them, through to his consulting a new age hypnotist, in order to find out who they might be and what their purpose is in his life. In this article, I will examine the fallen angels/ demonic powers at work, the symbollism, their affect on the minds of the people involved, in order to expose who is really behind the 'abduction' phenomenon.
I also will be examining the methods that are employed by demonic powers, in order to capture/ ensnare a human victim, by the use of physical manifestation and other associated phenomenon, that The Holy Bible refers to as "lying signs and wonders". I will be taking a brief look, at how these demonic powers think, their intentions regarding those who are caught, what they do, as in their methodology and how they self represent, as in the use of symbolism and their overall affect on the victim and those who are under their influence, when it comes these kinds of manifestations.
The Relationship Between Human & Demon Is A Sacrificial One
In the opening scene of the documentary, film maker, Don Meers, walks along a jetty boardwalk, in Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, that is bordered by a number of small white 'pyramids', to be found on the tops of each of the jetty pylons. Pyramids are considered by fallen angels/ demonic powers, to be symbols the human sacrifice, both physically and spiritually and as Don Meers gradually journeys towards them, while under their influence/ inspiration, it is symbolically representative, of the victim, making his way along a ritualistic avenue/ passgeway, in the process of offering of himself up as living prey, to the authority of the demonic powers, that have him film the walk and make the documentary for their purposes of propaganda.

Once director, Don Meers reaches protagonist, Liam Freaney, they enter a small boat together and as Liam turns around, we see a sacrificial mountain pyramid, on the back of his shirt, that lights up as he moves. The lights in the background, perhaps as less conspicuous representations, of demonic orbs, in plasma ball/ light orb form.

This symbology, tells me that the fallen angels/ demonic powers, involved in this documentary are aquatic, or have an territorial interest in the ocean. They have marked their property [Liam] and they want this to be recognised from the outset.
1. Demonic Powers Select The Person [A Chosen One]

"We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." [1 John 5:19, The Holy Bible, NIV].

The Above Sentence Is From An Email, Sent To Me By A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Who I Was Involved With.
Fallen angels/ demonic powers, will firstly select a person, whom they sometimes will refer to as a "chosen one", that being, a chosen vessel, to be utilised for their purposes, while they are on earth. This most often occurs through bloodlines, such as from royal, noble or aristocratic ancestry, through to generational curses, placed upon families, for their involvment in free masonry, the occult, witchcraft etc.
The demonic powers make a claim [similar to property rights/ rights of access] over a family, whereupon, they move down through the generations of that family, as "familiar spirits". A chosen one [through generational access] is selected before birth, due to family ties to the demonic and as a result, this child will begin to experience demonic activity from an early age. This may occur in the form of genetic disease, physical illness, nightmares, nocturnal invasion, abduction experiences and may even include physical manifestation. The child will be traumatised internally and the demonic powers may influence family members or friends, to abuse the child, emotionally, physically, or sexually. The traumatic abuse and demonic influence, work hand in hand, when it comes to programming and/ or mind control, of a chosen person, who has been especially selected/ targeted, with a specific purpose in mind.
During the film, we find out that both Liam and his mother, have known of/ but not the true identity of, the demonic powers, since his childhood, while growing up in New Zealand. This means that the demonic powers would be familiar with Liam, as "familiar spirits", very likely to have come down through the generations in his family, attempting to claim each generation for Hell, or they may have selected Liam as a child, in order to do some work for them, if his family lived close to a place, where demonic powers have gained permission from the actions of human beings, under the spiritual laws put into place by God, in order to access this world. During the film documentary, we are shown a photo of Liam as a child, that reflects his situation.

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." [Matthew 4:19, The Holy Bible, KJV].

We are also told that Liam grew up in a "UFO hotspot" which may even suggest, that he has been tested and selected due to being present in a geographical location, rather than on an ancestral basis. As a child under attack, Liam experienced awful migraines, created by the fallen angels/ demonic powers every Sunday morning, for a number of years. The night before the migraines started, Liam was convinced that something or someone, or maybe three of them, were outside his bedroom window.

The Above Sentence Is From An Email, Sent To Me By A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Who I Was Involved With.
Liam: "For about three years as a child, ... I suffered from these horrendous migraines and they were just the worst thing you could possibly ever wish on your worst enemy." That is because, Liam's worst enemy, was wishing it upon him.
2. Demonic Powers Place Your Focus/ Attention On Them

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." [Jeremiah 29:13, The Holy Bible, KJV].
The fallen angels/ demonic powers has tests Liam Freaney's interest snd receptivity, to see if he will be compatible/ agreeable to their purposes, even when he doesn't understand who they actually are or what those 'purposes' are. Liam says he had a funny feeling, that he should be looking at the sky. The demonic powers then showed up in light orb/ plasma ball form, in order for Liam to film them. Liam had been selected by them for this purpose. He is what they refer to as a chosen one. Liam instantly knew, in his own words, "that this is what he had been waiting for ..."
Liam explains how the 'balls of light', begin to form into shapes. This in order to impress Liam and maintain his interest in their activity. They shapeshift into a large diamond and a fake military fighter jet. They do something amazing to Liam in order to entice or lure him and then they suddenly depart, in order to leave Liam time to process what he has just seen. They play Hide N Seek in order to have Liam seek them out. They must have Liam's willingness and/ or consent, in order to gain permission to acess and interfer with is mind and his life. It must be his decision [either consciously, or while under deception] to seek them out. They must deceive him, in order to receive an invitation. There are vampires BEKS knocking at your front door, will you let them in? They cannot enter without your permission. Well, in not knowing or understanding, who and what he was dealing with, Liam Freaney did let them in. As he films, he exclaims [along with his wife], "What the Hell are they?' and "Oh my God, we've got it!" Not necessarily. It's more like, ... they've got him.
Liam goes o to explain, "... then there's the curiosity part. I was waiting and waiting and waiting and I was convinced and it happened, so now you went to know what it is. That ends it for me. I need to find out what I had just seen." The bait had worked and Liam, regarded as a fish, since fallen angels/ demonic powers, have made themelves fishers of mens souls, was HOOKED. There are likely to be a number of powers involved, and they will make sure that they put on a good display for Liam, since they intended to use him for something, that being, the film documentary for a start, in order to spread their alien/ UFO agenda/ propaganda, to the general public, through Satan's mass media. Liam documents the shennanigans of the enemy of his soul, saying "I can't see it'. Come on. Come on. Where are you? Where's it gone?" He wants them. In fact they need him to want them and they view this as worship.
3. Demonic Powers Lead You Off The Path, On A Wild Goose Chase

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:" [Matthew 7:13, The Holy Bible, KJV].
The direction is indicative of the dream like state with the protagonist following him to cliff tops by the ocean and in various modes of transportation such as cars and as coat; a postcard view of Australia, of various locations, fleeting glimpses, but without touch down. It is reflective of the dissociative trance like state, that one gets our une experiences, when under the influence of fallen angels/ demonic powers, who have, subsequently managed to insert, much of their symbolism throughout documentary.
Liam Freaney: "I'm going to have to say that there is a link between the object and myself. It's got me to go to a certain point. It's like I'm not just sitting at home, you know ... Nothing comes close to it. .. . The feeling that you get os overwhelming. ... I'm going to have to say that there is a link, between the object [demonic power] and myself ... because they ... It's got me to go to a certain point ... I've left the environment I was at, to go somewhere completely different and then for this to show up, so clearly, there's a link. It definítely draws you to a spot. It clearly wants you to be there."
This spiritualised view of the world, creates a dissociative experience, where the viewer is never allowed to connect with the physical, but instead, wanders along in a kind of no-man's land, a simulated reality, that accompanied with the trance type music, alters their ability to think and to reason, that will eventually weaken our spirit and place us un a situation, where we can easily be overpowered and overthrown, by the enemy of our minds and souls, who are fallen angels/ demonic powers, who are not extra terrestrial, but who are interdimensional, residingin the second heavenlies, as the power of the air and on this earth, alongside us. This is why, as Christians, we are instructed by Peter to remain both sober and viligant.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV].
4. Demonic Maintain Your Interest & They Make You Feel Special

Liam Freaney: "How you feel when you see it, because nothing comes close to it. .. the feeling that you get is just like, overwhelming and you're up there for days."
Seeking Fallen Angels/ Demonic Powers, With All Of Your Heart

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.." [Jeremiah 29:12-13, The Holy Bible, KJV].
God Almighty clearly states that when we chose to seek Him, that we will find Him. In this astounding and merciful way, the creator of the universe, makes himself available to His fallen creation, for the purpose of an ongoing personal relationship. The fallen angels/ demonic powers know this, which is why, when they manifest as light orbs, flying craft and cryptids such as 'Bigfoot' etc. they play hide and seek. In not knowing what and who they are and in being filled with wonder, awe and curiosty, this lures the person into seeking them, rather than God. The demonic powers see themselves as bait, that you will go after and this is what they did to Liam Freaney and those involved in the making of the documentary; Australien Skies 2 - Point Of Interest. That's right. They gained the attention/ focus/ interest, so that the group of men began to seek them, over and above seeking God, who created them.
In The Holy Bible, God promises that, if you seek Him, with all of your heart, you will find Him. When you seek fallen angels/ demonic powers, with all of your heart, instead of God, then God will allow you to find them and this is not a good situation to be in, since they are the adversary of humankind, that God's Word, through The Holy Bible warns us about. Jesus warns that the enemy, comes not, but to steal and to kill and to destroy, but the fallen ones, are relying on you not knowing this and not trusting in God's Word. They are relying on your ignorance and they will seek to destroy you, through deception and God will allow this to occur, if you have rejected him, in preference for them, or placed them, over and above Him, which is idolatory.
4. Demonic Powers Invite You To Climb The Sacrificial Mountain

Liam Freaney describes himself as being led by the 'aliens' [aka demonic powers], to a physical location and the men proceed to climb the rock platform [aka sacrificial mountain] on film. Liam describes his father as a professional 'mountain climber.'

On the way up, for every human sacrificil offering, before a territorial demonic power, posing as a little pagan god, there is right of passage that one must take, towards the powers of the air. This is why the Aztecs, who were offered as blood sacrifices to pagan gods, had to climb the pyramid stairs, in order to be sacrificed.
This is why Megalithic cultures created avenues of stone leading to the circles of blood sacrifice and why people in David Paulides Missing 411 book series, have to climb to their deaths on mountain tops, as they are sacrificed and this is why children are abducted, by demonic powers, manifesting in cryptid form, such as 'Bigfoot' and 'Dogman'. They are being taken to be offered, as both a blood sacrifice and in the case of the adults, a spiritual sacrifice to the sun god [aka Satan] on the mountain top, because the fallen angels know, that if the selected victim, has not been saved under Jesus Christ, that they will be judged by God, to join them in Hell.

Liam Freaney mistakenly thinks that he has no choice in the matter, after sucuumbing to the temptations, of the master seducers. He says, "There's a feeling where you don't have any choice in the matter. You have to get to an area and you don't think why you're going there. You just have to get there. You have to get to this point."

Liam [the 'space alien' contactee], explains to the viewers, that his life changed when he saw a UFO on March 8th, 2013. Liam knows that they are otherworldly, but he does not know that they are demonic powers, since he is under a deadly deception.
6. Demonic Powers Will Inspire/ Influence You To Worship Them

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, ..."
[Galatians 3:1, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Liam Freaney gives up his filming, for a brief moment, in order to lift his arms and pay homeage to the setting sun, in a sign of spiritual worship, in making the inverted pyramid. Sun worship is idolatry and is therefore not acceptable to God, because it is placing an object over and above the creator of the universe. In this case, however, the full round fiery disc of the sun, is symbollic of the fallen angels/ demonic powers, that Liam Freaney has become involved with. Demonic powers will often chose to have themselves represented as suns, stars, spheres, moons, orbs, circles and even flowers, when placed in the correct context. This photo of Liam Freaney, is about his acknowledgement of the demonic powers, as divine and his ability to worship them.
Fallen Angel Worship And Human Blood Sacrifice

Since fallen angels/ demonic powers, have themselves symbolically represented, as stars or suns, this is about Liam's worship of the the fallen angel/ demonic power, that has claimed him for a human spiritual and physical blood sacrifice. Liam is having a 'spiritual experience', based on his feelings, or feeling good, whereas the fallen angels/ demonic powers, that Liam is involved with, are winning a spiritual war, based on their malevolence towards all human beings, who have been made in the image of God. The demonic power deliberately had Don Meers film Liam doing this, as in worshipping them, because they know that if it's one thing that God Almighty hates, it's spiritual idolatry. Many have been destroyed, for this sin, against Him.

Most People Live Out Their Brief Lives, Completely Unaware, Of The Biblical Reality, Playing Out Around Them.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |