"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." [Ephesians 6:12, The Holy Bible, KJV].
7. Demonic Powers Can Influence Your Thinking
Liam is influenced and filmed looking at the moon in the distance, because fallen angels/ demonic powers, will have themselves represented as suns, stars, spheres, moons, orbs, circles and even flowers, in arts and literature. They use these objects to symbolise and represent themselves in their light orb, fireball, plasma ball form.

When I was eighteen years of age, the fallen angel/ demonic power, who I was involved with, used to accompany me to art galleries, as part of my programming. He had me mesmerised by David Davies painting 'Moonrise', which is housed in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. I was not very good at writing at that time, but I did attempt to write a poem titled; 'Evening Feeling', as a way of giving expression, to how I was feeling about the painting. A couple of lines in the poem include, 'closeness to something disturbing', "shut the windows doors" and "the smooth feeling of darkness" being a terrible thing. Under the influence of The Dragon, this painting became a moving landscape that I entered into, over and over again, a mesmerised captive, on some kind of mobius strip. Needless to say, The Dragon was delighted and in the same way as Liam Freaney, believes that he has no choice, I remained helplessly fascinated, visiting the gallery, to see 'Moonrise', several times.

Moonrise by David Davies, 1885, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
My mother refused to go to art galleries with me, claiming that I would stand for up to half an hour, in front of each painting. This wasn't exactly true. I only stood in front of paintings under an enforced mild hypnosis, similar to what so called UFO abductees experience, when hit the the mind control and EMR [Electro Magnetic Radiation] of the fallen angels/ demonic powers, who thy are involved with, who have been granted permission, to access their minds and lives, whom they have let in.

The Above Sentence Is From An Email, Sent To Me By A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Who I Was Involved With.
During the making of the main film, Liam Freaney was also 'inspired' to film the full moon [as a symbolic representation of the fallen angel/ demonic power, that he was/ is still involved with], behind the leaves of a palm tree. Demonic powers in orb form, like to entice the seeker, by remaining partially hidden, so it is no coincidence, that Liam filmed the full moon in this way, while under their inspiration/ and influence.

In a similar way, the fallen angel/ demonic power, who I was involved with inspired/ influenced me, into taking a series of symbolic photographs, where he had me following the path of the full moon, behind the leaves of various grasses and leaves.

5. Demonic Powers Will Attempt To Steal Your Time

The fallen angels/ demonic powers form themselves into a small symbolic triangle/ sacrifical pyramid in the sky, to place on display, to others who are in the know, that Liam Freaney is now owned by them and will be sacrificed to them, in due course. Demonic powers in orb form are spirits, who may have the ability to transmute matter and will form themselves in shapes, triangles and pyramids etc. They will influence 'abductees' like Liam, into drawing these shapes, as part of the process, of keeping his attention and interest focused on them. It's all about mind control. During the film, the viewer is introduced to a series of notebooks, where Liam has been documenting his experiences with the demonic powers, whom he believes are aliens.

This is not a space craft from a galaxy far far away. It is a black sacrificial pyramid on its side, overseen by a number of demonic powers, that represent as small black orbs.

The sacrificial pyramid is now right side up, with the primary demonic power, having itself symbolically represented as a sphere/ orb/ planet earth. It is surrounded by other powers, that may be of lower ranking, due to their size, but are still involved, as a support to the primary demonic power. The yellow road is the avenue/ or rite of passage, that Liam must take, in order to offer himself up, as the sacrificial victim.

This crescent moon shape, is representative of a demonic manifestation, with devil's horns. It is used by worldly religions, that are run by fallen angels/ demonic powers.

Fallen angel/ demonic power in plasma ball/ orb form, involving two kinds of physical manifestation, that being, the plasma ball/ orb form and the figurative cryptid form.

Fallen angel/ demonic power in its plasma ball/ light orb form. Demonic powers are spirits and Liam draws one way, in which they are able to physically manifest.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
[2 Corinthians 11:14, The Holy Bible, KJV].
This is all about LIAM and is part of the same process, that being, to maintain his focus on them, rather than the one true and living God of The Holy Bible. Human beings are valueable to God, having been made by God in His own image, and there is a fight going on for the souls of humanity, that sadly, they don't even know exists.
6. Demonic Powers Will Assault You & Claim You As Their Property
Documentary film maker, Don Meers, states that Liam Freaney knew that what he was photographing was "otherworldly" and that it is what started to happen, after he actually filmed the so called UFOs, that convinced him. What happened, is that Liam [who is referred to as a 'contactee' throughout the film], began to be assaulted, both mentally and physically, once the fallen angels/ demonic powers, had gained the appropriare amount of permission, before God, to really start interfering with his life and very likely that of his family, close up and personal. Midway through the film, we find out, that the demonic powers, have turned against Liam and have started to physically assault him, while he is asleep, by leaving a number of injuries on his body.
Photos Of The Nocturnal Demonic Assault On Liam Freaney's Body

Such injuries are commonplace, in all forms of fallen angel/ demonic power physical assault, from poltergeist activity, through to so called 'alien' abduction experiences.

This appears to be an attempt, by the fallen angel/ demonic power, to corrupt/ or destroy Liam's skin cells, in order to draw the face of a seraphim/ or flying serpent.

The fallen angel/ demonic power marks Liam Freaney as property, with the symbol of the triangle/ or sacrificial pyramid. They see this action taken, as similar to the branding a cow, which they now claim to own, while using 'crop circle' techniques.

During the documentary Australien Skies 2: Contact Of Interest, we are to find out, that the film protagonist, Liam Freaney, is being physically assaulted while he sleeps. These injuries remind me of the injuries inflicted on people by another infamous demonic power, who ias known by the name of, The Mackenzie Poltergeist, situated in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburegh, Scotland. in the following pictures. The Mackenzie Poltergeist, likes to be known as a cat or a lion, so he scratches people, whereas the demonic powers assulting Liam, masquerade as extra terrestrial beings, hence they will draw more geometrical images, such as sacrificial pyramids and triangles. But if examined by a medical practitioner, the physical cause of the injuries, would be the same in each case, with only very minor variations [if any], to the techniques empolyed within each case. You will note two images, where the demonic powers have attempted to draw a face, in order to represent themselves, in the physical. The 'face' is in the centre image on the third row down from the top. Fallen angels/ demonic powers see brandings, piercings, markings, tattooings etc as disfiguring and disrepecting human beings, who God has created in His own image. They also see it as placing a legal claim on a person, before God Almighty, as in a sign of ownership.
The Mackenzie 'Poltergeist' Assaults On The Bodies Of Tourists

Ian Freaney: "... You wake up in the morning just going ... "

Liam Freany: "I felt like I had been beaten up with a ... bat."
Liam Freany: "Now, I'm starting to get confused by it, because this is, ah, this is really starting to mess with my head. As excited as I was to start ... , I was like, what's going on? ... So that's a whole new twist to it. It's not just a matter of seeing UFOs. That's cool. There's another side to it, which isn't that cool. I mean that, because why do you go to bed feeling fine and wake up with holes in your legs?"
The fallen angels/ demonic powers, have now marked Liam as their living trophy, as a blood sacrifice to themselves, that will also become a spiritual sacrifice, upon his physical death. These triangular/ sacrificial pyramid markings, made by them, appear in everything from Satanic symbollism, through to cattle mutilations, often with the triangle being lazer cut, out of the animal's flesh, while it is still alive, by the demonic power, in light orb form. What suprised me in this documentary. is how the demonic powers, so blatantly disfigured Liam Freaney's flesh, with their obscene graffti, knowing that it was very likely go on film, for thousands of people to see ... Why would they suddenly reveal themselves in this way, rather than just holding back and instead, continue to mesmerise their captive audience with their electrical and plasma ball displays? I think the answer is twofold. Firstly, as the time of God's divine judgement draws near, signalling their demise, the true character, regarding their dark and deranged natures, becomes increasingly harder to control and hide. It reminds me of a closet alcoholic, who, feeling that they have nothing to lose, finally reveals the hiding place of they're bottle of plonk, inside the wardrobe, while stumbling around, half drunk, infront of their distraught partner. The time is coming near, to when they will suffer their justice under God's divine judgment and wrath.
7. Demonic Powers Will Utilise You For The Purposes Of Propaganda

Liam Freaney: "It's not just a disc shaped UFO. It could be, then it changes into three different forms and then it's gone, over there into a pin prick and two seconds later it's back in front of me." Liam believes that he is seeing a "mixture of man made as well as extraterrestrial." What fallen angels/ demonic powers actually are, is 'interdimensional, but they have taught this recognisable technology, that they attemot to display to human beings, and they are definitely playing an important, if not essential role, in the worldwide industrial military complex, in order to assist human beings, in destroying themselves. The film comes to an abrupt stop regarding any possible military involvement and takes the viewer on an even more dangerous journey, that being, onto the wider demonic 'new age' spiritual path, as we are introduced to various groups, displaying yet more fallen angel symbollism, because the participants of the groups, are tuned and versed by fallen angels/ demonic powers, who then utilise them, in order to influence/ deceive the people that are involved with them. Liam Freaney was specifically selected for this purpose, long before anybody ever knew, that they were going to produce a documentary film.

The Above Sentence Is From An Email, Sent To Me By A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Who I Was Involved With.
8. They Will Put You In Contact With Other Deceived People

Fallen angels/ demonic powers, are the engineers behind social newtworking, so that Liam is introduced to Drew Briagn [UFO Investigator], through a 'mutual' contact.

The fallen angels/ demonic powers, will put you in contact with other people, who are just as deceived and under their influence as you are, the blind lesding the blind.

The black sphere [black sun] on this website, lets me know, that a fallen angel/ demonic power, hold influence over this organisation, its policy and its members.
9. Demonic Powers Will Attempt To Claim Your Children
During the film, the viewer finds out, that 'alien contactee', Liam Freaney, would prefer that his own children DO NOT experience the 'flying objects', that he is involved with. Don Meers: "Would you ever want you kids [baby goats], to be contactees [to be sacrificed]?" Liam Freaney: "Aw, look. I guess you don't have any choice if it does happen, but, I'd probably prefer it not to happen ... because, it's just ... there's so much more that goes along with it." Later, when Liam is placed under hypnosis, he sees a woman, whom he is made to believe, is from the future, who tells him, that she is there to protect his children. This is a demonic power, planting a thought seed, inside Liam's mind, while he is vulnerable and receptive, that his children will be protected. This truth of the matter, is that this demonic power, is, in reality, spiritually salivating, over Liam Freaney's children and cannot wait to start interfering with them, as it once did with him, all those years ago.
What happened in the spirit, in the Biblical reality, that people are unaware that we are living in, the fallen angels/ demonic powers, who rule the world under Satan, gained legal permission before God, in order to access and interfer with Liam and very likely, that of his family, in this way, because Liam's interest and/ in seeking them out, is seen as an invitation, a personal invitation that invites them into his life.
In not knowing that they demonic, Liam Freaney believes, that he has no other option, but to involve himself with worldly organisations, that are overseen by fallen angels/ demonic powers and to go to a new age "contactee threapist", who is also under the influence of fallen angels/ demonic powers, when the only way out, is through Jesus Christ and through God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible.

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |