"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." [Ephesians 6:12, The Holy Bible, KJV].
10. Demonic Powers Access Your Mind To Deceive You Spiritually
Opening The Doors To Demonic Powers Through Hypnosis
Film maker Don Meers and the Australien Skies crew, then decide to visit hypnotist, Mary Rodwell for answers. So instead of going to Jesus Christ and the Word of God, as it is written, in The Holy Bible, which would end the documentary immediately, the film makers organise for Liam Freaney to go to a "contactee" therapist, by the name of Mary Rodwell [therapist/ author], who, is also under the influence of fallen angels/ demonic powers, just like those that were abusing Liam, by physically assaulting him.

Upon the approach to the door of Mary Rodwell' house, a symbollic representation of a fallen angel/ demonic power, in black mandala sphere form, is brought into view. This immediately tells me that the demonic power has made a claim over Mary and her residence. It is unlikely that either Mary Rodwell or the guys, would be aware of this symbollism, but it is pretty much found worldwide, from old gothic cathedrals to modern suburban homes. What it means to humans and what is means to demonic powers, are different things entirely. Mary opens the door and they all step inside.

Mary Rodwell has artwork hanging on her walls, that represent fallen angels/ demonic powers and their intention of human blood sacrifice. Mary would be attracted to this style of art, because of the demonic power's influence over her. He would infuse his consciousness into her own, in much the same way, that they have done to the documentary makers, in order to 'inspire' her. Demonic powers like to be represented in our lives, seeing it as kudos and a display of power/ victory amongst each other.

This artwork tells me that this fallen angel/ demonic power, has a preference for being creatively represented as an orange sphere, similar to the balls of light seen in the Ural Mountains in Russia, on the night of The Dyatlov Pass Incident, where nine hikers were attacked and killed and/ or at cattle mutilation sites. I have noticed that the demonic powers use the orange or red colour, when in combat, or killing mode.

As they set the cameras up in the room, where they will be filming Liam Freaney, being placed under hypnosis by Mary Dodwell, I notice a large, almost intimidatng piece of artwork, hanging over and above where Liam is sitting, on the lounge.

This artwork is representive of a sacrificial pyramid, that has been turned into a platform, where the human to be sacrificed [in this case Liam] would lay down. At the top of the pyramid, is the eye of horus or Satan or the fallen angel/ demonic power, that is being represented by the artist. The arc over the eye of the demonic power, is an arc of influence, or a false arc of heaven, as is represented in The Holy Bible. The human being who lays down on this platform, is offering themselves up to the fallen angel/ demonic power, as both a physical blood and spiritual sacrifice.
People who enter into hypnosis, and other altered states of consciousness, are in fact offering themselves up demonic powers, who quickly move, in order to influence them, or exert their consciousness over their own. This is why most demonic attacks/ abductions/ assaults occur, while the person is asleep, or inbetween sleeping and waking, as in hypnogogic states, that being, in an altered state of consciousness. The placement of Liam Freaney, indicates that he is the one, that is being offered up.

Mary Rodwell then apparently places Liam Freaney into a suggested trance/ or hypnotic state, assuring Liam, that there is nothing MAGICAL about it, but completely negelcting him, that entering into any kind altered state of consciousness, is the very thing that fallen angels/ demonic powers want, in order to better influence one's thoughts. I spent over ten years in altered states of consciousness. The Dragon [a fallen angel who I was involved with] sent me the words below, about how these mind states, made me more accommodating/ receptive to their influences and suggestions.

The Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power Who I Was With, Accessed My Mind, Through Altered States Of Consciousness.
Roger Morneau is an ex-satanist who found Jesus Christ. In his book titled; A Trip Into The Supernatural, he warns of hypnosis and Satan's plan to use it on society, as a form of mass mind control and this is exactly what is occurring with the latest technology, offered to us by Satan's fallen minions, as humanity are drugged an fattened up like prized cattle, in final preparation for the worldwide slaughter.
Roger Morneau: "To find a way of getting total control over people's minds and that would be done by taking HYPNOTISM, out of the realm of the occult and introduce it as a new science, for the benefit of mankind ... He could then use people of great renown, educators, people of capacity, that would do great things, such as supposedly, regress people in time, to former lives that they had and of course after the sessions over, the person would not know a thing about ancient history and the person he or she talked about, as performing deeds, say three or four thousand years ago, but this was the strategy. Now what this would do for the thing is this, that it would create in the minds of the general public ... a unwavering trust, in the great deception ... and that this would be a way of de-Christianising the western world, through the avenue of mysticism." Mesmer was then chosen by Satan to bring this deception into the world.
[Roger Morneau, A Trip Into The Supernatural (full testimony),]

The Holy Bible warns us to be in our right state of mind, against these invading fallen angels/ demonic forces ... To stay awake. [Mark 13:35] That we be sober and viligant [1 Peter 5:8], to pray without creasing [1 Thessalonians 5:17], to put on the full armour of God [Ephesians 6:10-18] and to hold every thought a captive to Christ [2 Corinthians 10:5]. Jesus Christ can undo the damage that the demonic powers do and he can rescue these people out of the mess they are in. Then there will be no more 'ALIEN SKIES' film documentaries, but there will be precious spirits of saved human beings, conformed to the image of Christ [Romans 8:29], living for an eternity as divine evidence of God's sovernity, his justice and his love. What's more importantly, God gives us the right to choose ... the deception leading to destruction, or the truth leading to salvation? Tragically, millions of people will choose to perish in their sin.

The placement of the idol [graven image] of the alien/ demonic power, above Liam Freaney's head, suggests that he is under the direct influence, of a demonic power.

The idol [graven image] of the alien/ demonic power, will have direct access to and/ or influence, over Liam Freaney's mind, once he has been placed under hypnosis.

Mary Rodwell: "I'm with you. I'm actually in that space too, as part of it, 'cause that's my role, as part of it as well, so you will not be alone through any of this, okay." This is not true. Mary Rodwell cannot be inside Liam's mind with him. Mary can only attempt to influence his thinking from the outside. It's actually the demonic power, as a spirit, who will be with Liam and once he is under hypnosis, you can see where it suggests thoughts to him. The placement of the second idol [graven image] of the alien/ demonic power, above Liam Freaney's head, suggests that he will fall under the direct influence, of a demonic power and also that it is somehoew standing inside his on mind, in a symbollic display, of anti-Biblical dominance, since it it actually the Christian, who is given the authority under Jesus Christ, to tread on demonic powers/ spirits and not the other way around, as Don Meers film documentary, would indicate.
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” [Luke 10:19, The Holy Bible, KJV].

The demonic power [idol] is made to look as if it is standing inside Liam's head. This is no coincidence, but instead has been placed there by the film makers, who is also under influence of/ or inspired by the fallen angels [demonc powers] for the purposes of propaganda. Once Liam Freaney relinquishes control over his own mind, to the fallen angel/ demonic power, by being placed under hypnosis, the thought hologram, involving a FAKE ALIEN ABDUCTION scenario begins, in which three alien greys 'take Liam into a well lit room in a 'ship'. Liam is scared. In his mind, he is approached by a swarm of fallen angels/ demonic powers, fifteen of them [all in light orb form] ....

While under hypnosis, Liam Freaney correctly identifies a 'red orb', as 'the being', who is assaulting him, while he sleeps. What Liam has identified, is a fallen angel/ demonic power in orb/ plasma ball form. Liam has been influenced to believe, that he has no control over the situation. He then identifies the image of the demonic power, as it presents itself to him ... a woman named, Ayar, that he has known for a long time [as a familiar spirit], from a past life, that is visiting him from the future, ... from underground. This is Hell, where this deceiving demonic power, in male form, will be visualised by Liam again, as it tortures him, outside of God's will, if he dies not saved. This is very likely to be the same demon, who now comes to make sure that Liam is okay, assaulting him at night, while acting as his spiritual guide.
Then when Mary Rodwell asks "So, it's about you and who else in the family?" Liam Freaney immediately responds, "My children." This is correct, since the fallen angel/ demonic power is after his children as well. Liam then acts as a channel, for the demonic power, who tells him that he must speak to his mother, saying 'It is time' and that she has got the answers. So, rather than directing Liam straight to God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible, as a holy angel of God would do, the demonic power directs Liam to another lost human being, who will not be able to help him. If Liam Freaney's mother is a Christian, then we can know for certain, that God has intervened in this hypnosis session, since He will often orchestrate events, so that the person, who is about to be saved, will be put into direct contact with Christians. In this case, however, I think that is unlikely, for the simple reason, that I believe that Father would prefer that Liam be in his right mind, in order to receive assistance from Him. If God is to intervene in this way, on behalf of Liam, it will be later on, when Liam is thinking clearly, rather than channeling. This is just what I believe, of course. God can do anything and will and does utilise any situation that He likes, according to His purposes. God is sovereign, all knowing, all powerful and in control.

Mary Rodwell [and friend] then direct Liam Freaney, to bring his consciousness and awareness back into his physical body." ... I didn't think that they had left.

One of the very first realisations, that Liam Freaney has, after coming out of the hypnosis session, conducted by Mary Rodwell and into his normal state of mind, is that what he had experienced/ or perceived as fighter jets, may not have actually been what they first appeared to be, because the 'fighter jets', had made no sound.

Liam Freaney: "They weren't fighter jets. They weren't fighter jets ... They were bright lights. They came very close."
I sympathise with how Liam Freaney feels, in regards to this revelation, having gone through something similar myself. It was months after the event by holy angels of God, that the Chinook heiicopter that had hovered over the top of my vehicle, over the Stuart Highway, while I was driving, between Darwin and Batchelor, hadn't in fact, made any sound ... I was shocked and as my mind attempted to understand the fact, that the fallen angel/ demonic power, had been responsible for that deception. At the time, it felt like the incident was outside of my ability to cope, both mentally and emotionally, even with divine spiritual assistance. Of course, I did cope, under instruction and guidance, but not before I had felt overwhelmed by the revelation. Once you understand that we have been duped and that we are living in an overseen and engineered reality, under the temporary rulership of malevolent entities under their leader Satan, and more horrifying, under the wrath of God's curse, your life can never and will never be the same again. The truth of the matter, in regards to God's pending judgement upon humankind, turns every little light display, from these powers, into a few stray fire flies, circling a light bulb, about to crash and burn.

To conclude, hypnotist Mary Rodwell, summarises the experience, that some of this is about "enchancing Liam's intuitive abilities." However, God Almighty doesn't go for any of this new age conjecture ... He knows that we are sinners and that we need to turn to Him in repentance, under the attoning sacrifice and Lordship, of His only begotten Son, who is Jesus Christ, in order to receive God's free gift, of eternal salvation. Once this occurs, one really couldn't care less, about enchancing any abilities, while in the flesh, under the so called 'guidance' of Satan's fallen minions. Mary Rodwell mentioned that by doing this session, Liam has opened alot of doors. "It's opened alot of doors ..." Yes, it certainly has, but they are trap doors, displaying personal invitations, from demonic powers, who desire to have even more access and influence over Liam's life, where they are ever attempting, to bring him into a state of mind, where he will place out of God's reach. This is a futile hope, since all things are possible with God. However, it doesn't stop them from doing the best that they can, to hijack and sabotage Liam Freaney's life, under an evil and deadly deception.
Mary Rodwell then says, that Liam Freaney had gained some "interesting insights" and then the fallen angel/ demonic power, who is influencing Mary, has her say the following, "I think your interesting one [insight] is your visitor from the future ..." When in fact, the far more interesting insight, was at the moment, when Liam first woke up, about the fighter jets not being real. This is why the demonic power, took action, in order to place Liam's focus, back onto the seductive side of the experience. Mary Rodwell was used to lure him back, as the blind leading the blind, to point him in the wrong direction, that will ultimately end in Liam's deception and damnation.

Liam Freaney gives Mary Rodwell a hug good-bye, in appreciation of her services, with neither of them understanding, that the experience, has only led Liam, further down the path of demonic influence and intrusion, into both his and his family's life.

But film maker, Don Meers, hasn't finished with Mary Rodwell yet, since he is, afterall, slowly transforming the so called 'alien abduction' experience, into a new age spiritual journey. So hypnotist, Mary Rodwell [rather than Jesus Christ], then becomes the teacher or, the one who knows ... Mary then goes on to say, that this experience, is all about, "enchancing they're [Liam's] intuitive [psychic] abilities. In otherwords, it is about bringing Liam Freaney and his family, including his children, into more contact with fallen angels/ demonic powers and further into deception/ mind control, under ongoing demonic influence. Therefore, rather than Liam Freaney being infilled, by The Holy Spirit of God, who will teach and assist him, in regards to God's Word, as it is written in The Holy Bible, leading to his eternal salvation, we now have Liam's mind, being made more receptive to demonic intrusion, to secretive balls of light and little grey creatures, who draw graffiti across Liam's body and who make holes in Liam's legs, while he sleeps. Would enlightened spiritual entities and/ or intelligent advanced aliens do something like this? Mary Rodwell: "What we are seeing is a huge shift in human consciousness. A shift that's showing us that we're not just 3D." ... Yes, but in this case, it is a consciousness shift, in the wrong direction.

You will note that hypnotist Mary Rodwell, is wearing the satanic Tree Of Life symbol and that her blue top, all glittery with small floating spheres, that are symbollically representative, of the demonic spirit orbs, that surround her at any given time, is similar to the top of the now deceased musician, Micheal Jackson, who was also under the tragic influence of fallen angels/ demonic powers, from a very young age. Mary Rodwell hopes that Liam Freaney, would get even more 'insights', now that the door to the 'spiritual realm', has been opened. In that regard, she is gravely mistaken.
Demonic Powers Will Often Have Themselves Represented As Spheres, Orbs, Circles, Suns, Bubbles Etc.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |