"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV].
In the final tragic moments of this documentary, we see a man named Liam Freaney, who is walking alone, along the boardwalk of a jetty, with painted pylons, towards the close of day, in Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, who is rapidly moving into the ever increasing darkness of deception, under the influence and control of fallen angels/ demonic powers. There is once again, a demonic/ occult symbolism, behind this scene, that Don Meers and Co. have tapped into, while under the influence of these powers, that God refers to as vain imaginations, but that they view as creative inspiration. We are in a spiritual war, that is rapidly becoming more physical in nature, so that anyone who is outside of God's will, involving His only begotten son, Jesus Christ and His Word, as it written in The Holy Bible, will be deceived and destroyed, as the spiritual collides with the physical, in an explosion of lying signs and wonders. These manifestations, as fascinatig as they may be to some, are merely the tip of the iceberg, involving thousands of years of human and angellic interaction.
Path To The Sacrificial Pyramid Of Eternal Destruction

In the same way, that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ did, when he was on the earth, we all walk alone, to the place of physical death, that we must pass through, before judgement comes. Some will be saved but most will perish upon physical death. The fallen angels/ demonic powers, who view this earth as an alter of human and animal blood sacrifice, claim the lives and souls of the deceived, like trophies, before God, to shake in the face of Jesus Christ and to be carried home to Hell.

In the film's closing scene, the white tops of the pylons, that hold the jetty in place, represent the sacrifical mountain pyramids. Liam Freaney walks along the ritualistic avenue/ passageway, to the darkening alter, since he is now viewed as sacrifice, under a deadly demonic deception. Liam's so called ET friends are nowhere to be seen, and will, if he continues to trust in them, betray and abandon him, to second death, that awaits all who are outside of God's divine plan, for our eternal salvation.

What I found so tragic about this documentary film, was not only a reminder of the general deception that the entire world is under as it perishing, but on a more personal level, it was the way that the demonic powers betrayed Liam Freaney's innocent trust of them. Like so many others, Liam pretty much did exactly as they influenced him to do. He went out and took footage of them and interacted with them, essentially inviting them into his life and that of his family, as his new and mysterious friends, with no questions asked, because he did not know to test every spirit to see of it be of God, as Christians are instructed to do. The moment they got the chance, they began to assault him, in body and spirit. But why should we expect any more of these old malevolent deceivers, who are the enemies of humankind?
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:" [1 John 4:1-2, The Holy Bible, KJV].

The demonically inspired music plays; "Don't turn around ... Don't turn around. I couldn't walk away. I couldn't walk away. I couldn't walk away from you." I pray to God in Jesus's mighty name that the people who view this documentary film, are not, as a rseult, deceived into making contact with fallen angels/ demonic powers, who are pretending to be extra terrestrials. I pray that the people, involved in the making of the documentary film, Australien Skies 2, come to know the truth and that their sins are forgiven and their lives are spared from God's wrath in the day of judgment.

We end up with the oceanic mountain pyramid of physical and spiritual sacrifice, which is standard demonic propaganda, for Satan's mass media. Fallen angels/ demonic powers morphing into fake spacecraft will always inflate our egos, by stringing ua along on, into an ever increasing mystery/ of abuse and deception. They won't tell these guys anything. They will gain more and more access into their lives. The synchronicities will start, the mind control, the abuse, the continuing lies, as the unknowable mystery remains unsolved. The fallen angels/ demonic powers have one purpose only, for all those who are deceived by them and that is ... as trash to be trodden under their feet, in God's cosmic waste disposal. These people are deceived and perishing. They will be utilised for Satan's mass media, for the purpose of the false alien agenda, which in reality, is nothing more than demonic progaganda.
No one can love Liam Freaney like Jesus Christ can. I was saved out of a similar situation and for others who are going what I went through. I would like to see say the same. God is loving and merciful and He wants to bring his lost sheep back into the fold. His Word is supernaturally powerful, more exciting, calming, uplifting and all fulfilling that some elusive light display by makeout interdimensional tricksters, who have been engaged in these same displays for thousands of years, hell-bent on the deception and destruction of human kind, made by God, in His own image.
The fallen angel that I was involved with, tested me, by placing me inside a dream landscape with 'alien greys', in order to gage my response and suceptability, to that particular method of the deception. In the controlled dream, I had no interest in 'the greys' and was disappointed and disinterested. They didn't try it again. Instead, HE openely posed an an angel, a new age angel of light, because he knew that this what I was attracted to and that is who I would be more likely to trust, so their deception was 'angel' focused and they told me that Jesus Christ was so amazing, that he was half angel and half human. I thought that this was wonderful at the time, because I knew Jesus was a perfect human being and I also loved my guides, my 'angels of light', who were training me to enter into 'Angel University', once I left the world [in otherwords, once I died] and so to think that Jesus was half angel and half human, meant alot to me. They never happened to mention that Jesus was the Son of God.
Liam Freaney: "There's a whole underlying hidden side behind this UFO concept. What I've said is about 1% of some of the stuff that goes on."

Everyone involved with this documentary film, has been deceived by the fallen angels/ demonic powers and without the God's Word via The Holy Bible, the truth of Jesus Christ and the ongoing assistance of The Holy Spirit, they will remain deceived and lorded over, by the adversary of humankind. Everyone in the documentary is perishing. This means that when they die, they will be judged by God, without the saving attonment of Jesus Christ and they will go to Hell, where they will suffer the second death, in being lost for all eternity. The demonic powers that they have been chosen by and that they have chosen to be involved with, will utilise them, in order to promote their 'alien agenda' propaganda, to the Australian public and when they have finished with them, they will destroy them. To the fallen angels/ demonic powers, these people are 'property', to be legally claimed before God and to be utilised for their purposes, so long as they are alive on this earth. Fallen angels/ demonic powers, wait upon the deaths of human beings and drag them to Hell, in order to present them as spiritual trophies to their commander in chief, who is Satan. If these people knew the truth, they would be on their knees before a holy God [who is our creator], in thanksgiving and repentance, whereupon they would be swiftly boycotted by the mass media, that is under satanic control, by the god of this world.

The Above Sentence Is From An Email, Sent To Me By A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Who I Was Involved With.

I feel great sympathy for all of these people, who became involved with something malicious and predatory, non-human, thousands of years old, who knows the minds, hearts and bodies of human beings. As the fallen angel I was involved with said to me, I've been studying human psychology for a very long time. The fallen angels/ demonic powers, chose their target well. Crying out to Jesus ends the abduction experience. The fallen angels are masters at seduction. They have nothing to lose, but you have everything to lose, by engaging with them. Liam Freaney, you and your family belong to Jesus Christ. Come to the one who truly loves you, now and forevermore. Amen.

Bali Hai - South Pacific (1958).
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |