In this piece of writing, I am going to examine the fallen angel, who goes by the name of 'Black Star' [not his real name] and who chose to reveal himself, on David Bowie's final album, also titled Black Star, before his death on 17/01/2016. Black Star not only had himself included in the lyrics of the song 'Black Star', but also had a symbollic representation of himself, included on the cover of the album. Hannah Furness, Arts Correspondent, for The Telegraph in London, writes that, "The singer's 25th studio album, which features seven tracks, was the first that did not feature his photo on the cover but instead a black star." Both the symbols that the fallen angel has used, in order to have himself represented in the creative work, appear at the opening of the video clip 'Black Star', that being a black sun that shines down on the dead astronaut Major Tom [David Bowie] and a five pointed black star with pieces.
Black Star, who is the fallen angel behind David Bowie's creative work, required recognition [worship] and Bowie complied on his final album. Not only that, but a film clip for the title song, involved a demon conjuring sex and death ritual, in order to glorify the fallen angel. Now David Bowie is gone from this earth and the fallen angel, who goes by the name of Black Star remains, 'immortalised' through Bowie's music. While they collaborated on the project, the difference is that Black Star, is relegated to Hell, whereas David Bowie, had a chance for eternal life, through Jesus Christ, that the fallen angel in his life did not have. Black Star and other fallen angels/ demons are destiny thieves, desiring to rob human beings, who were made in God's image, of their rightful inheritance, since they chose to reject God for Satan, thousands of years ago. Black Star, while offering and providing all the trappings [worldly snares], of fame and fortune, to the deceived David Bowie, was little more than a malicious and deadly predator, in regards to Bowie's immortal salvation.

The video opens with an image of the fallen angel as a 'Black Star' which is how he has chosen to have himself represented in this instance. This is not an eclipse, as the moon is not moving across the sun. It is a black sun or in this case, it is a 'black star'.
The image of the fallen angel Black Star, is focused on in the video, as David Bowie sings, "At the centre of it all ... at the centre of it all ... your eyes." This is fallen angel worship, as the 'Black Star' has placed himself at the centre of it all. However, he has cleverly convinced David Bowie, that he is actually at the centre of it all ... since the eyes are said to be the gateway to the human soul, ... so at the centre of it all, is the soul of David Bowie, who helped to make this video clip, as a demon conjuring death and sex ritual, dedicated to his fallen angel, Black Star, in hopes of 'favour' or god-like immortality. In this video, David Bowie acts as a channel/ or medium, for the fallen angel, as he sings about and/ or gives energy to the ritual.

In a future time, beneath a fallen angel, who has himself as being represented as a 'Black Star,' an androgynous hybrid woman, with tail swinging between her legs, approaches the skeleton of Major Tom [David Bowie], inside an astronaut suit. This scene is reminiscent of movies such as A 2001 A Space Oddessy, Planet Of The Apes and/ or Katy Perry's song ET, that also features a hybrid woman with an astronaut.

When the androgynous hybrid woman, opens the astronaut's helmet, she finds the human skull of Major Tom [David Bowie]. She then proceeds to somehow, dislodge this skull from the skeleton, whereupon she takes it to a delapidated post industrial futuristic satanic temple, a place refered to as, 'the villa of Ormen'. This 'villa' comprises of a number of 'standing stones,' like Stone Henge in Wiltshire, England.

David Bowie then sings about what is about to occur in the satanic ritual. He sings, "On the day of execution, Only women kneel and smile," followed by "at the centre of it all, your eyes [his soul]. In this satanic ritual, a woman will need to kneel and to be willingly sacrificed, as an offering to Black Star, in order to create 'favourable' conditions, for the promised/ supposed resurrection of David Bowie's immortal soul.

In this part of the ritual David Bowie is conjuring up the spirit, which in this case, appears to be a higher level demon, that will manifest in physical form, as a swaying spaghetti monster, at the end of the video clip. This ritual is overseen by the fallen angel, Black Star, who has himself represented by the light orb, inside the temple triangle/ pyramid shape. Alister Crowley tried the same kind of thing where demons manifested and attempted to kill him, in repayment, for his efforts. There is no ritualistic power involved in this, as the demons would like us to believe. They simply need permission from us, before God, in order to manifest and interfer with our lives. David Bowie invites the demons, hence giving them permission before God.

In this part of the ritual, David Bowie is directing the energy flow, of where the demon should enter, through a dimensional portal, which, in this case, appears to be in or around the place refered to as, ' the villa of Ormen.' This ritual is overseen by the fallen angel, Black Star, who has himself represented by the light orb, inside the triangle/ pyramid shape. You will note that the orb sits beneath where the eye of Lucifer normally sits in the triangle/ pyramid. This is because the fallen angels have a loose hierarchical structure under Satan and 'Black Star' knows his place in the structure. So when he influenced the director, on where to have him positioned, he would be beneath his commander in chief, Lucifer/ Satan. This suggests to me, that this particular fallen angel, may have been a 'higher up' in Satan's fallen hierarchy.
Under Satan, fallen angels and/ or demons, desire to turn human beings into "scary monsters/ super creeps", who lose control of their minds. Bowie can be likened to the eye monster in Pan's Labyrinth and the mouth of Sauron in The Lord of The Rings.

The vibrating people in the villa of Ormen, before the triangle/ pyramid shape, are under demonic influence, having sucumb to the fallen angels/ demons affecting their biochemistry/ sexuality. They are in an altered state of consciousness, where they have lost, at least partial control, of their minds and bodies, to the low key sound of a saxaphone, while the androgynous hybrid woman, carries the skull, that will be used in the satanic ritual, to the villa. The vibrating movements represent having an ongoing orgasm, while under demonic influences. The demons involved, then feed off the sexual energy that is being generated, because they are energy vampires. In real life and perhaps in the video clip as well, these people would be surrounded by thousands of invisible demonic orbs, swarming on them, like blowflies to a carcass.

The androgynous hybrid woman, takes the skull of Major Tom [David Bowie], to a place called the villa of Ormen, where a satanic demon, sex and death ritual will be conducted, using this skull and the body of a young woman, who is to be executed.

David Bowie [one eyed], is being influenced by the fallen angel 'Black Star', who is positioned on his left shoulder, within the delapidated temple in the villa of Ormen.

In this part of the satanic ritual, David Bowie both summons and appeals to the power, of his fallen angel, Black Star. This assists in the summoning of a demon and/ or in creating a dimensional portal, in order for that demon to physically manifest.

Major Tom's headless skeleton, is seen floating towards the fallen angel, Black Star. In reality, the spirit of David Bowie, would be little more than a 'trophy' to this fallen angel, a prize to be carried off to the abyss [Hell] with him, at the appointed time.

This sexual vibrating can also be seen in voodoo or shamanic rituals. These people are offering their energy up to the ritual, dedicated to a fallen angel posing as god, and involving a high priest and a group of participants, who are women and girls in summer frocks. David Bowie is the bard, who documents and approves of the ritual, through his creativity. This definitely appears to be a case of art mimicking real life.

Under the influece of the fallen angel, Black Star, a smiling David Bowie, both participates in and supports this satanic ritual, with the hope, that any promises made by Black Star, will be kept, as a result of this worship and the sacrificial offering [or execution] of a young woman, who will have the skull of Major Tom [David Bowie] placed upon her shoulders. It is very likely that Black Star, directed this video, as well as writing the song lyrics, spoken between Bowie and himself. Fallen angels do not have vocal cords like human beings, when manifesting in this reality as [UFOs] energy orbs, hence the electronic voice. The fallen angel that I was involved with [The Dragon], has spoken to me, in an electronically generated voice.

This scene is followed by a number of young woman and girls, who come together in order to participate in and/ or give their energy to the sacrifical ritual, to the fallen angel Black Star, as they form a loose circle and begin to mindlessly sexually vibrate. A demonic face appears to ripple on the back of the dress, of one of the participants.

David Bowie, under deep and long standing deception, of the fallen angel, Black Star, makes the huge mistake, of setting himself up as a high priest/ or worshipper, of a creation of God, rather than The Creator, Himself. Bowie holds up a "satanic bible", with Black Star's symbol on the cover. He then stands within the triangle/ pyramid shape and begins to pray to the fallen angel, whose light orb now energises and controls him from behind. While the fallen angel enjoys being worshipped as God, he is not God. He is merely one of God's creations, who has now fallen from grace.

David Bowie prays to the fallen angel, Black Star, who actually despises him, since he depises God and all human beings, that are made in God's image. David Bowie made a terrible mistake by becoming involved with Black Star, in the first place. But in His divine grace and mercy, God Almighty provides each and every human being, with a way out of the sinful mess, that fallen angels/ demons and humans, have made of the earth. David Bowie, as much as any other person, had a chance to turn to Jesus Christ and God's Word, as is written in The Holy Bible, before his physical death.
Black Star has himself represented as a light orb, inside the triangle/ pyramid shape. Any heartfelt appeal to one of Satan's fallen angels, including Black Star, made by David Bowie, in his creativity and from his human heart, will fall on deaf ears. The fallen angel is a psychopath, thousands of years spent in darkness, evil manifest. Here, David Bowie was tragically deceived into praying on a music video, to the evil worldly counterfiet, of the one true and living God, at the end of his artistic career.
David Bowie reveals a few things about his personal relationship with the fallen angel, Black Star, when he sings, "Something happened on the day he died/ Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside/ Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried/ (I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar)." This is not only about the fallen angel, taking David Bowie's place, on the cover of the final album, it also involves a parasidical spiritual invasion of the mind, where the fallen angel merges/ or fuses with their human victim, in order to control and/ or replace them. David Bowie then asks, "How many times does an angel fall?" and sings, "I’m the great I am (I’m a blackstar)". These two lines in the song, collaborated on, by both a deceived David Bowie and the fallen angel, Black Star, are designed to evoke human sympathy, in regards his fallen status as an angel before his creator, as well as deceive the human victim, in this case David Bowie and others, into believing that Black Star, is in fact, God Almighty.