The Cross of [Eternal] Death.
Satan's answer to the saving cross of Jesus Christ is X: The Cross of [Eternal] Death. Symbols are important to fallen angels/demonic powers and they rule the world by symbols, which is idolatory."Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" [Exodus 20:4, The Holy Bible, KJV] The worship of the living God is replaced by the worship of dead symbols. We are confused and controlled victims living in a world of deceptive images and creepy idols. It is no coincidence, that the more symbols are used, the less The Holy Spirit is present. God uses His Word. Satan and his fallen angels/ demonic powers defile the world and control the mind with complex symbolism.

Elon Musk making the sign of the devil's horns with his fingers to openly display his spiritual beliefs and worldly allegiance. The so called "devil's horns" are symbolic of one of the four faces of the cherubim angel who is non-human/animal or "oxen".

Elon Musk's outfit is titled "devil's champion", but while the fallen angel/demonic power who has been assigned to Elon Musk makes him feel like a 'champion', it views him as a 'possession'. When Elon Musk wears the symbols of Satan and his fallen minions, he is under the influence and ownership of the spiritual "powers of the air".

The fallen angel/demonic power who has adopted Elon Musk, views his captive as a trophy or a possession. It's about claiming ownership of the deceived and perishing.

The symbols on the Halloween outfit chosen by Elon Musk, includes the upsidedown cross. None of these symbols mean anything to God. What matters to God is the "spirit" behind the symbol and how this "spirit" leads the person to worship and idolise symbols, rather than the one true living God, as they are lead further and further away from the saving knowledge, truth and work of His son, The Lord Jesus Christ.

This is an occult sign featured on the cover of the book title; Elon Musk by Walter Issacson. I refer to this symbolic 'spiritual' gesture as The Prayer Of Insincerity.

Elon Musk is a well known entrepreneur and the new owner of the social media platform of Twitter. In 2023 Elon Musk changed the symbol of a "blue bird" to the symbol of The Cross of [Eternal] Death that is otherwise known as "Osiris Risen".

Both are idols, but the cross is the fallen angel's prefered idol, since it is symbolic of the eternal death of the deceived and perishing souls who are without Jesus Christ.
This reminds me of the World Trade Center in NYC. Both the old monoliths and the new pyramid shaped buildings were/are idols, due to their occult symbology, but the fallen angels/demonic powers who preside over NYC, pefer the idol of the pyramid.

Elon Musk unknowingly and happily displaying the occult origins of his new logo, by making the sign of The Cross of [Eternal] Death, by crossing his arms across his chest.

The Cross Of [Eternal] Death is one of the prefered symbols of fallen angels/demonic powers, because it signifies God's final judgemment of the decieved and perishing and the eternal death of the individual human being, who is without Christ. Each human being who is cast into Hell, under the judgment of a righteous and holy God, is a victory for Satan and his fallen minions. They are in a spiritual war with humanity and a self proclaimed competition with Jesus Christ and a soul count to them, is the equivalent to a body count, in the terrible and bloody wars that occur in the world.

The Cross Of [Eternal] Death is also known as "Osiris Risen" amongst the Satanists/ Luciferians, with the symbol of the "x-cross" traced back to Egyptian mythology.

The symbol of X or The Cross Of [Eternal] Death, is the seductive counterfeit cross.
The only true cross is the cross of The Lord Jesus Christ and even so, it is mentioned in the living Word of God, as an adjective and a statement of fact and was never meant to be used as a symbol, or an idol in the world. Jesus desires a present and personal relationship with all of his children. A cross around the neck is often worn as a compensatory symbol, by those who lack such a relationship with Jesus Christ.

An artist's interpretation of Elon Musk changing the Twitter logo of the 'blue bird' to The Cross Of [Eternal] Death'. Elon Musk is depicted as making the "as below" symbol of the Sacrificial [Mountain] Pyramid, while he is positioned over a fresh grave site.

Elon Musk is making the "as above" symbol of the Sacrificial [Mountain] Pyramid. It is a requirement that these occult symbols are made in public by members of "the club of Lucifer" in order to deceive in plain sight. But the true deceivers are the fallen angels/demonic powers, who inspire people into false religions using idols/symbols.

The rolling of the eyes signifies a momentary relinquishment of consciousness and can be seen in shamans, practitioners of voodoo, trance mediums and channelers who relinquish temporary control of their own minds, in order to allow themselves to be influenced/inhabited by demonic powers, and some multiples or people with MPD [Multiple Personality Disorder] who relinquish conscious control when "switching".

An illustration depicting Elon Musk as being within The Sphere [Star] of Power. The symbolic meaning of the image is that the person inside the sphere, is under the influence [energy field] and spiritual ownership of a fallen angel/demonic power.

Fallen angels/demonic powers have the ability to both inspire and influence human beings in exchange for their eternal salvation. The deceived and perishing person is made to feel energised, enlightened and powerful, under these worldly "powers of the air", as they are both led astray and kept away from Jesus Christ. It is an unfair exchange between a spiritual adversary and a human victim, that is very short lived.

Many Christians are praying for the salvation of Elon Musk and this is a good thing.
"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."
[Galathians 6:14, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |