It Was Explained To Me Using Diagrams What Was Going On. It Took Years For Me To Understand Anything.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" [1 Peter 5:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]
While living at Eva Valley in the Northern Terrtory of Australia, I was shown a series of images that I then added labels to, in order to assist me in understanding the way in which fallen angels/demonic powers operate in the world. These are a few of those images, whose labels changed over a period of years, as I came to understand more.
The fallen angel/demonic power is the "spirit" or "consciousness" behind the energy attack, that is then use to harm human beings and/or animals and even plants such as what occurs during crop circle formation. These energy attacks involve the utilisation and manipulation of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] etc. and may cause anything from unconsciousness/amnesia to general radiation burns or in mutilation cases, precision cutting and cauterization, using lazers, that are directed at the victim.
There are numerous forms of this kind of physical attack, but when looked at over hundreds of years, they are repetative in nature. This is due to both physical and legal limitations imposed upon the fallen angel/demonic power by their status as a creation of God Almighty. They have an extraordinarily higher spiritual power to answer to. The fallen angel/demonic power may engage in myraid of complex designs, as is the case with the crop circle formations, but it is still just irradiation of vegetative matter and it is still just circular graffiti, destroying a farmer's food crops. The same applies to the myriad of "alien beings/cryptids/faeries" etc. that suddenly "appear" to experiencers and just as suddenly "disappear" during an energy attack and/or visionary experience.

The energy attack perpetuated by the fallen angel/demonic power sometimes occurs while the experiencer is fully conscious, but still in an altered state of consciousness, sometimes while unconscious, as in having been knocked out by the perpetrator, sometimes during a NDE [Near Death Experience] or OBE [Out Of Body Experience], and sometimes during the sleeping state, where fallen angels/demonic powers are able to enter and manipulate consciousness and impose their reality over the victim's own. This evil practice of predating on a less powerful consciousness and creating a hyper real situation or a hyper reality, can be done during a victim's dream state or while fully conscious. I have experienced both of these techniques over a long period of time.
Fallen angels/demonic powers can become territorial and familiar spirits. Sometimes they make legal claims on families and individuals through certain bloodlines, involving royal blood/satanic blood sacrifice or both. These are known as "familiar spirits", that being, they are familiar with the family lineage. When it comes to territorial rights, these firstly appear to be Biblical both in regards to spiritual hierarchies and I believe, territorial claims in the physical world, where fallen angels/demonic powers are described thrones, dominions, principalities and powers. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” [Colossians 1:16, The Holy Bible, KJV] Fallen angels/demonic powers may have both legal territorial and personal claims.
Fallen angels/demonic powers also select and then claim earthly territories and demand that pagans worship them in those territories as little gods or pagan gods. They influence/ inspire all cultures worldwide to create idols, sometimes made in the image that they would like to have representing themselves and then they deceive people into worshipping those idols, knowing that it is against the will of God Almighty, the creator of both the pagan gods and their dedicated, deceived and perishing followers.
“For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:” [Exodus 34:14, The Holy Bible, KJV] and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." [Exodus 20:3-6, The Holy Bible, KJV] Why worship the creature when you can worship the creator who created all things?

This labelled illustration [above] shows the fallen angel/demonic power actively working in a natural environment. The natural environment is chosen and then a territory established by rituals of human followers that always involve barbaric blood sacrifice of the most innocent and vulnerable, such as babies, children and animals. The fallen angel/demonic power has an insatiable lust for murder and the destruction of the body and spirit of all of God's creation, particularly of human beings, since they were made in God's own image is endless and demanding. Destruction comes naturally.
The physical landscape that was created and maintained by God Almighty, is then turned into a sacred site, where fallen angels/demonic powers mess up the natural energies of God's earth with their own attempts to act as little gods, relishing in the spiritual submission and murderous actions their deceived and perishing human worshippers; that they also have a claim over, similar to claiming property rights.
The fallen angel/demonic power then utilises and manipulates energy at the chosen "sacred site" in order to affect the brain/consciousness of their human worshippers that may involve visionary experiences including animals and or personified dieties, that the deceived and perishing experiencer believes is real. Idols or graven images are then made of these visions and/or "hallucinations" of these so called gods and they are worshipped by the pagans and false religions are created and perpetuated worldwide.

Fallen angels/demonic powers use the same methods on experiencers of so called "UFO" or "alien" abductions and "cryptid" sightings. This is why many "contactees" or experiencers begin to worship the so called "extra terrestrials" as little gods, despite being deceived, abused, physically assaulted and sometimes murdered, as well as their companion animals being attacked and killed. Researchers of "Bigfoot" and "UFOs" become obsessed to the extent, where their inordinate affection constitutes Biblical idolatry. Rather than pagan idols of wood and stone being made of the "aliens" and "cryptids", the researchers create and commission artwork and merchandise, of a what remains essentially a visionary experience. It's the same deception under a different disguise and fallen angels/demonic powers have many of them to abduct the mind.
This labelled illustration [below] shows the fallen angel/demonic power as a large manipulator of energy. Sometimes they are able to influence a geographical area like a natural sacred site or a city. They are not all pulling the bedsheets and knocking over ashtrays in someone's kitchen at night. Some fallen angels/demonic powers have been filmed in outerspace manipulating large forms of energy closer to the moon and sun.

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV] |