Artistic Impression Of Fallen Angel/Demonic Power Energy Manipulation From Encounters In Australia, 1950s.
"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him." [Colossians 1:16, The Holy Bible, KJV]
The fallen angel/demonic power is an unclean "spirit" or "spiritual power", who utilises and manipulates energy, from a universe and an earth that God Almighty has created, in order to steal, kill and destroy human beings and animals. These created energetic manifestations are a way to have the experiencer focusing on them. The following eyewitness is confronted by a fallen angel/demonic power masquerading as a ghost:
"He suddenly saw the flickering light. It was not in a recognisable shape, but swirled and changed, swelling and shrinking like a formless luminous blob of jelly. When Mathieson slowly approached the light, it started to dribble towards him like a rotund phosphorescent slug." [2 PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS from Australia in the 1950's, Weird World, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDqSL5iknOc]
When experiencers see energy being manipulated, they naturally think that the "spirit" or "consciousness" is inside the energy and that the energetic manifestation is a living "being" with thoughts of its own. Fallen angels/demonic powers who are behind the energy manipulation are spiritiual predators, who would have people believe this, since it is all a part of the deception, in order to continue to deceive the lost and perishing. Meanwhile, the serious damage is being done using the energy, often [EMMR] Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation/or an ionizing radiation, that experiencer[s] cannot see.
The Juggler

The fallen angel/demonic power is the "spirit" or "consciousness" behind the energy manipulation. One way of viewing the situation would be to picture him as an invisible juggler, utilising his knowledge of physics and chemistry, in order to move pre-existing energy around, in order to direct energy, to increase and decrease energy, to mould and/or to shape energy, to strike with energy such as EMMR, to burn and irradiate, to utilise lazer precision cutting/suction to torture and mutilate humans and animals.

The artist Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard, who was a French illustrator in the early 1800s, depicts God Almighty as "the juggler" of the various heavenly bodies and/or energies of the universe. But The Holy Bible tells us that God Almighty is the true creator of the universe and not the juggler. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." [Genesis 1:1, The Holy Bible, KJV] The juggler struggles to hold moving energies/matter/objects in place and the audience understands, that at any moment, what appears to be a wonderous feat, can end in chaos and collapse. This is why the energies that are being utilised and manipulated by fallen angels/demonic powers are fleeting and deceptive. They can only hold it all together for so long, before, like an overly rehearsed repetative circus act, it collapses and disperses into insignificance.
Energetic Manifestations
The fallen angel/demonic power attempts to juggle energy that is already in existance and to create reactions, acting as a chemist or more aptly, a competent mad scientist. All existing energy and everything in the universe from molecules to galaxies have been thoughtfully created, effortlessly orchestrated and are held in place by God Almighty.

The fallen angel/demonic power is can both hold and move energy around, so that it appears to defy gravity. They can also manipulate energy in order to create physical manifestation. The illustration [above] is of energy orbs inside a "haunted" house and the illustration [below] depicts an amorphous mass, representing a physical form/or in the shape of a monster, that has been positioned by a young girl standing at a bustop.
Directed energy such as EMMR is used to mutilate and kill animals and occasionally human beings. The fallen angel/demonic power is a dangerous and intelligent predator with nothing to offer. He is the enemy of humankind, animals and everything that grows and lives. There is a way out. Jesus Christ states that; "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV] It's all about "spiritual powers" using energy to deceive, kill and destroy.

The fallen angel/demonic power cannot create the energy from nothing, even though he would have you believe that he can, as he mimics God Almighty and takes on his role as a little or lesser pagan god. The fallen angel/demonic power simply utilises and manipulates the energy that is already available to him. These can be anything from small orbs that are captured on camera, in so called "haunted" houses, to locations such as natural areas, sacred sites, cemeteries etc., to large silent energy spheres or spheres of power, that may be larger than cars, houses or even football ovals. The more energy that is being utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power, the more danger he poses to the experiencer. These spheres of energy are not "alien" ships or mother ships. It's energy manipulation. Much of the energy is not visible to the human eye. When the fallen angel/demonic power utilises and manipulates energy in the form of light orbs, plasma spheres, fireballs etc. they want to be seen, intimidate and to be worshipped.
God Almighty is the creator of everything including of all forms of energy. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." [Colossians 1:16-17, The Holy Bible, KJV] Fallen angels/demonic powers are capable of amazing feats that are meant to impress and mesmerise, but ultimately they are deranged and murderous deceivers, who use their craft in harmful ways. The world is filled with spiritual court jesters. Worship the true creator and not the juggler, who is a performer and a trickster by nature, who, if you let him, will steal more than just your wallet in sideshow alley.

The Protien Molecule Laminin, That Holds The Human Body Together, Has Been Created In The Form Of A Cross.
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV] |