Fallen Angels/Demonic Powers Know That Without God Almighty, Humans Will Look Towards Idol Worship.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" [Exodus 20:4, The Holy Bible, KJV]
Fallen angels/demonic powers are territorial spirits. They have chosen areas on earth to turn into places of pagan worship, for human beings to venerate and uplift them. These places were typically obvious landmarks, perhaps natural features, [boulders or stones that had been uplifted and eroded into various shapes, waterfalls or waterholes, trees or groves], of something that stood out from the surrounding landscape. Fallen angels/demonic powers have sought/required ritualised blood sacrifice at such places.
When a large stone is taken/quarried from the ground, transported to an area, turned on its side and made to stand upright and them imbued with spiritual significance, it becomes an idol. This often involves various kinds of religious carvings and engravings from shamans and stone masons. Without knowledge of God, people from all ages and cultures, are demonically inspired to worship such stones, often refered to as standing stones, monoliths, megaliths, menhirs, dolmens, rock cairns and other arranged rock structures, that then take on any kind of "spiritual" significance and that are created independantly, under the influence and inspiration of fallen angels/demonic powers around the world. This involves anything from geographical or territorial markers or landmarks, streets/avenues, temples and churches, calanders mapping the stars, sun, moon and planets, tombs, structures, monuments, cist graves, sacred wells, stone circles and most importantly to the fallen angels/demonic powers, sacrifical platforms.

Fallen Angels/Demonic Powers Create Energy Fields Around Idols That Can Affect Human Consciousness.
Fallen angels/demonic powers manipulate and utilise energy, to deceive people into worshipping standing stones. The use of energy fields are spiritually irresistible for the restless spiritual person who is seeking answers. They often associate spiritual matters with 'feelings and sensations' and therefore the fallen angel/demonic power simply manipulates this weakness to his advantage. This same technique is used on people under a variety of circumstances, to anything from 'falling in love' to the deception and addiction experienced by 'Bigfoot, ghost, UFO' and paranormal investigators and researchers and will nearly always lead people to commit all manner of sin, from adultery to covetousness. Idolatory or idol worship is no exception. The demonic calling, also refered to as "the sirens call", "coming under a spell" etc., involves the manipulation of both energy and consciousness and cannot be resisted without Christ.
The following artwork by artist Yoshiko Prema Swan, the creator of Shambhala Light Visionary Art, provides an inspired example of the desired use of standing stones by fallen angels/demonic powers. The desire of the fallen angel/demonic power, is to have symbols and images carved into stones, that have been quarried or taken from the earth, transported to an area of spiritual significance, turned on their sides and stood upright. The eternal purpose is primarily fallen angel/demonic power worship, idol worship and blood sacrifice, all of which lead to spiritual destruction. Physical sacrifice is spiritual sacrifice. People around the world have been deceived into creating and worshipping what will destroy them. To the fallen angel/demonic power who is a predator, it's all about the physical death and spiritual destruction of God's creation.

The desire of the fallen angel/demonic power is to have images carved into these upright "standing" or "living" stones, that are figurative and that can be worshipped. The fallen angel/demonic power will inspire artisans and masons to carve or sculpt certain kinds of images into the stones, that will either represent them, or another false god of their chosing or imaginations. They then inspire the shamans, witches, new agers, buddhists, hindus, voodoo priests, druids and witch doctors etc to worship them, hence giving the spirits permission to manifest and to interact with humans in order to deceive and destroy them. The idol is always accompanied by an energy manifestation.

Graven images are similar to the pyramid, where the fallen angels/demonic powers attempts to personalise or improve upon nature using sculpture and sacred geometry.

I believe that the artist Yoshiko Prema Swan is currently under the influence and spiritual guidance of a fallen angel/demonic power [a seraphim]. In some of her artwork on monoliths, the pyramid is featured in the background, showing the spiritual connection between monoliths and pyramids to the fallen angel/demonic power.

The fallen angel/demonic power prefers three dimensional images [graven images] that are turned into idols and that are either figurative or symbollic in nature. They imagine themselves embodying three dimensional images and spaces in order to be worshipped.
They also create energy manifestations, that affect the surrounding geographical area and are also able to manipulate and utilise energy, to affect human consciousness. The Biblical "image of the beast" will most likely be a graven image [figurative/symbolic], and generated by AI [Artificial Intelligence], to provoke and ensure worldwide worship.

The fallen angels/demonic powers consider themselves as spiritually and intellectually superior to human beings, viewing them as trophies for Hell. They desire to interact with those who worship them, in order to ensnare their minds and to take them hostage through deception. It is prudent for a fallen angel/demonic power to achieve some dergree of physical manifestation, whether that involves the manipulation of energy, or through inspiring pagan cultures to make graven images, where they can be artistically represented and venerated. The fallen angel/demonic power understands that without faith in God Almighty, the deceived and perishing must see an object, turn it into a symbol of God and then worship it. “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” [Romans 1:25, The Holy Bible, KJV] God's Word should be seen as a serious warning, regarding the deceptive and demonic spiritual danger of idol/image worship.
The fallen angel/demonic power understands the lack of peace, that was caused by the seperation from God after the fall and that will continue until Christ's return. They exploit this need for God, by having the deceived and perishing create and worship images of themselves, as substitute gods. Fallen angels/demonic powers are driven by an age old malice towards human beings and view their worship of idols, that God forbids, as part of capturing and destroying what they despise. God's Word warns that they were liars and murderers from the beginning. There is no truth in them. Fallen angel/demonic powers want people to worship animals, rocks and trees, sacred places, sacred geometry and each other, knowing it will lead to their spiritual destruction.
Everything on this earth is created by and is owned by God Almighty. The mountains that are holy to fallen angels/demonic powers are the footstool of God. Sacred places are cursed places and the earth has been cursed by suffering and death. As followers of Jesus Christ, our true home is with him. We are not of this earth. We are strangers and pilgrims. “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” [Hebrews 11:13, The Holy Bible, KJV] We are instructed to be good stewards of God's creation, but we are not to worship it.

Fallen Angels/Demonic Powers Manipulate And Utilise Energy, To Decieve People Into Worshipping Standing Stones.
"Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?" [Isaiah 66:1, The Holy Bible, KJV]