"Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules:." [2 Colossians 2:20, The Holy Bible, NIV]

A UFO or UAP Is Simply Energy Utilisation And Manipulation By Spiritual Principalities And Powers.
A UFO [Unidentified Flying Object] or UAP [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena] is a fallen angel/demonic power manipulating and/or utilising energy for an intended purpose. Fallen angels/demonic powers are spirits and they use their knowledge of physics, chemistry, engineering etc. in order to create the desired effect. Both human and animal consciousness can be manipulated through directed energy and fallen angels/demonic powers have imparted this technology to governments and the military.
They also use this energy to cause injury and death to both animals and human beings, through electrons, EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation], magnetic and gravitational energy fields, lazer cutting and other forms of energy attack. They have a complex knowledge of animal and plant biology and they use this knowledge in order to corrupt, distort, burn, microwave, mutilate, murder and destroy their chosen victims.
Fallen angels/demonic powers are responsible for plant mutilations [crop circles] and animal and human mutilations involving energy use such as lazer, plasma and EMMR.
Targeted individuals who have ventured close to holograms of UFOs in the forms of "alien ships" have received severe radiation burns, resulting in sickness and sometimes death. The smell of hydrogen sulfide [rotten egg gas] is often accompanied by "Bigfoot" manifestations/sightings, when organic matter is heated by the energy manipulation.
"Hydrogen sulfide is often produced from the microbial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion, which is done by sulfate-reducing microorganisms. It also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas deposits, and sometimes in well-drawn water."
[Hydrogen Sulfide,]

Fallen angels/demonic powers utilise and manipulate energy, in order to create a physical manifestation, designed to mesmerise and deceive human beings. This occurs in regards to so called 'aliens', 'faeries' and all manner of cryptids such as 'Bigfoot'.
These spiritual "powers" utilise their knowledge of physics in order to create basic energy holograms, that can be witnessed and photographed by investigators and researchers. On a larger scale, they can also create a virtual reality, an augumented reality, a hyper reality or a "constructed dream/imagined world", where they can interact with the experiencer. This can occur during dreams and nightmares or on a larger scale, during certain kinds of abduction scenarios, where the victim is conscious.
This can involve more than one victim and a large powerful [spirit] manipulator of energy and consciousness. Some fallen angels/demonic powers can take control over geographical locations, in order to manipulate the thoughts of populations and to create mass hallucinations or psychosis. Natural and cultural areas, including national parks and monuments, rural properties, sacred sites, cities, buildings, planes, ships, vehicles or individual people, animals and insects can be surrounded or encapsulated.
One can walk in an out of areas, or fields of energy being created by these spirits, known as "dominions", "thrones", "principlaties and powers", "elemental forces", "murderers and thieves" and "spiritual wicknedness in high places" in The Holy Bible.

Fallen angels/demonic powers utilise energy in order to affect human [and animal] consciousness. They manipulate EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] in order to create various forms of paralysis, unconsciousness, short or long term amnesia or complex hallucinations, that may also involve a hyper real scenario [a hyper reality].
While the equipment of 'Bigfoot' researchers captures the manipulation and utilisation of energy, the researcher or experiencer may be seeing something entirely different, involving specific physical details such as eye colour, face shape, hair growth and various facial expressions. In abduction scenarios, an experiencer or eyewitness will see what the fallen angel/demonic power wants them to see. The fallen angel/demonic power utilises energy to manipulate consciousness and emotions and hence the actions of his victim and he will impinge upon [or override] the victim's consciousness with his own. The fallen angel/demonic power has the ability to create a hyper reality and to interact with a victim by the manipulation of energy within that reality. It's very similar to the holodeck from the Star Trek series, where the experiencers are unable to distinguish between the computer generated hyper reality and their physical reality.

During An Abduction An Experiencer Will See What The Fallen Angel/Demonic Power Wants Them To See.
Fallen angelic/demonic power abduction experiences can be stopped by Christians under the authority of Jesus Christ, or by simply crying out to Jesus. I use the words, "The Lord rebuke you" and the experience ends in seconds. If I get into any kind of trouble, my ministering angel steps in and the experience is ended. God has also used experiences to teach me about them. Finally, domesticated and wild animals can be prayed for, so that pointless and vindictive mutilations and killings do not take place. Human beings are not helpless when it comes to defense against these "powers".
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." [2 Corinthians 2:11, The Holy Bible, KJV]