Coral Hull: Testimony: Fallen Angels Exposed: The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Dyatlov Pass [2]: Fleeing The Tent

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Footprints Of The Nine Murdered Hikers Left In The Snow, Are All That Remains, Of Their Trip To Dead Mountain.

I will now begin to speculate, on how the fallen angels [in orb form/ fake UFOs] and the manifesting demonic hybrid 'Bigfoot' [Yeti, Menk, Skinwalker], operated, in regards to the setting up of the nine hikers, on the eve of their murders. This will include both the the tactics and the motivations, of the supernatural perpetrators and the ordering of events, as they might have occurred, on the stormy ice swept night of February 1, 1959 and in the early, frozen, silent hours, of February 2, 1959.

Moving Through The Pass

The following day (February 1), the nine hikers packed up camp and left the Auspiya River, on the last day of their trip and started to move through the pass. The hike started out fairly late and the group only traveled 2.5 miles that day. The Dyatlov Pass website author speculates that; "It seems they planned to get over the pass and make camp for the next night on the opposite side, but because of worsening weather conditions – snowstorms and decreasing visibility – they [appeared] to have lost their direction and deviated west, up towards the top of Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain] ..." As the hikers moved through the pass, the fallen angels created blizzard like conditions, that would set a series of decisions and actions into play, that would ultimately be to their advantage. The fallen angels 'wanted' the group to camp in the open, on the side of the mountain, that was most exposed, to the prevailing winds. Fallen angels are able to manipulate weather and have been doing so, for thousands of years, demanding that pagans make blood sacrifices to them, in order to ensure a good harvest for that year. Fallen angels also manipulate the weather conditions, in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, to ensure that the footprints and scent of the person, whom they have caused to wander away, or whom their demonic cryptid Bigfoot etc. has carried away, vanishes as well and to hamper any search and rescue efforts, so that the 'missing person' has enough time to die, of seemingly 'natural causes', such as hypothermia, dehydration and exposure.

The website states, "... When they realized their mistake, the group 'decided' ... to stop and set up camp there on the slope of the mountain, rather than moving 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) downhill to a forested area which would have offered some shelter from the elements. This photo shows the group hiking on the mountain.

This is a haunting photo of the group, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], in blizzard conditions, in what would be the last hours of their lives.

The Decision To Camp On Dead Mountain

A typical group of intelligent energetic graduate students, excited by the adventure before them, quickly fell into a pattern, of late nights and late starts, on some mornings, which only allowed them a short amount of hiking time, before they had to look for a suitable camping site, before the darkness of the night, was upon them.
As a thoughtful and considerate group leader, Dyatlov would have felt a sense of responsibility, for both the well being of the group and the schedule, that they were meant to adhere to. If they were longer than expected 14 days, their supplies might run low. But to stick too tightly to a schedule, at the expense of the group members getting to know each other, stopping to take photos, making mistakes, unforseen events that may cause minor delays, would be more like a military exercise, than an enjoyable and challanging journey. Dyatlov had to weigh up the two and remain somewhere in the middle. As leader, he had to direct the group, without them feeling like he was in control of everything that they did.
The Dyatlov Pass website author speculates that; "It must be presumed, without evidence to the contrary, that Dyatlov had intended to pitch the tent on the slopes of Dead Mountain [Kholat Syakhl]. It is of course speculation that this was to give the group an extra challenge. Another factor is that when dawn broke, their destination, Mount Otorten, would be visible from their tent. This, after a difficult journey, would be good for moral as they could see their destination." Yuri Yudin later postulated, that "Dyatlov probably did not want to lose the altitude they had gained, or he decided to practice camping on the mountain slope." Considering that they had previously backtracked to the Auspiya River the night before, in order to avoid adverse weather conditions, to do so again, may have felt to the group, like they were starting to lose too much time. Since the group had developed a habit of getting to bed late and starting late, Dyatlov may have even made a decision, to take a short cut across the slopes Mount Kholat Syakhl, rather than continue along the pass, or if they had, in fact, deviated to the left, he decided to camp there anyway, in order not to lose more time, by going back down to the forest again. Dyatlov didn't see any harm, in camping in the open, when his handmade stove and tent, would once again, keep the group nice and warm, despite the blizzard conditions outside.

The Campsite

The campsite for the night, was set up in adverse conditions, during a blizzard, on a slope of Kholat Syakhl [meaning "Dead Mountain"], just 10 miles from Mount Otorten.

The Dyatlov Pass website author, describes the photo; "... Dyatlov group preparing the tent for their last night alive, photo is taken around 3 pm on February 1. They had their dinner around 6-7pm ... Then something went catastrophically wrong ..."

Lights In The Sky

I believe that most of the group had changed into their clothes, that they were going to sleep in, for the night and that it was time for flash 'lights out' and sleeping inside the warmth of the tent. A single torch may have been left burning as a night light. Before joining the others, members Semyon Zolotaryov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, redressed and went outside for a pee and a smoke. This time the group was already being very closely observed by the fallen angels and so, not long after Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolles had gone outside, they would have started their light display in the sky, in order to get the attention of the two hikers. After which, the two would have stood in unbelief for a moment, with each telling the other "Shhh ... wait, do you see that? ... What is that?!", as people do, when they see something that they cannot identify in the sky. The fallen angels/ demonic powers [in orb form], that Semyon and Nikolai [Tibo] were observing, may have looked like this:

Zolotaryov already had his camera around his neck and so he would have started snapping the light orbs. Thibeaux-Brignolles, however, would have had to crawl quietly back into the tent, for his camera, trying not to disturb the others, most of whom he believed, were ready to fall asleep. The two men may have began to snap a series of photos with their cameras, but the fallen angels [in orb form] would have been disappearing and reappearing, as if to play games of hide 'n' seek, in order to tantalise, which may have even been interpreted by the pair, as some form of communication. This intermittent light display by the fallen angels, may have required further cocerntration by the men, making it hard to get a good shot. Semyon Zolotaryov would have known that they were not military aircraft and that he was in fact, actually now the witness, to what he believed, were a cluster of UFOs. In this case, they did not resist the devil, as The Holy Bible instructs humans to do. "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” [James 4:7, The Holy Bible, KJV] Instead, they focused on the fallen angels, becoming captivated and were deceived into thinking, that they were taking photos of UFOs, or perhaps natural phenomenon. Either way, they were hooked, which is exactly what the fallen angels required, in order for them to gain further access to the group, since they are allowed to mislead and deceive people without knowledge.

Perhaps the fallen angels, manifesting in orb form, looked like this [pictured below], since it was confirmed, at a later date, that people camping in the next valley, had seen large balls of light. Furthermore, that local people were said to have seen ... "strange orange spheres", floating in the sky, during the night, of the hikers deaths.

Furthermore, several geologists, 70km from the mountains, apparently saw some glowing and pulsating orbits, flying in the direction of the Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], on the day of the tragedy (evening of February 1st, 1959). It would be no coincidence, that Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, shot a film and his camera was 'not found' and also, that the film in Semyon Zolotaryov's camera, found around his neck, after he had been tortured and murdered, was said to have been water damaged.

Perhaps the fallen angels looked like this, once photographed. Pictured [above] is the last photo to be developed on Krivonischenko's film. Was this really from a lab?

After the fallen angels had got the attention of Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolles for long eough, they simply blinked out, so that the two men, may have quietly, but excitedly, crawled back into the tent, fastening up the opening behind them, since they believed that the orbs of light, that they had just witnessed, were now gone. They may have decided not to bother waking the others up, or disturbing anyone, but instead, to tell them what they had witnessed and photographed the next morning. Thibeaux-Brignolles changed into his slippers. But, ... it appears that they never had the opportunity, to undress entirely, because things began to escalate very rapidly.

Fleeing The Tent

In this case, one of several things may have occurred, that being, that a large orb of light, came dangerously close to the tent, so that the light, could be seen through the material, from the inside. This may have also been followed closely by a loud scream, of a manifesting demonic entity [Bigfoot, Yeti, Menk etc], that always have a fallen angel, in close proximity to the manifestation. The group inside the tent would have woken up, or perhaps been shaken awake, by the two 'photographers'.

In the state of semi sleep and bewilderment, inside the tent, things were about to become very chaotic very quickly, but not before Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolles had a chance to tell the group, that they had seen UFOs when they had been outside. There would have been no time for questions, speculation and/ or disbelief from the other group members as a 'Bigfoot' screamed again, perhaps towards the end of the tent where the entrance / exit was located as the light outside suddenly increased.

Terrfied and caught unawares, several group members would have grabbed for their knives, in order to make eye sized slits in the tent, to see that was going on, without actually going outside. In typical 'Bigfoot' encounters, where the manifesting entity, has approached campers, they always stay inside the tent, treating the 'Bigfoot' as a wild animal and hoping that it will go away. They do not expose themselves to the unknown entity, by leaving the tent, in order to investigate. They are usually too afraid to do anything. The Dyatlov group was no different, but they were intrepid and curious [rather than frozen in fear], so they used their knives, to make small eye level slits, in the side of the tent, in order to see what was going on. Whatever was going on outside, was shocking enough, to have group members take the drastic action, of cutting slits, into their only means of protection, against the deadly cold.

Okay, so what if they were suddenly lit up by a powerful light, like you often hear about in 'UFO' abduction cases, that they could see through their tent walls? What if they saw silhouettes of beings, that they knew were not of this earth? They may see their tent surrounded by ETs, strange people, or there may even be manifesting demonic entities, in physical celestial bodies. We can only look at patterns, but we will never know what they were seeing, under he affect of the fallen angels, who are manifesting as balls of light, spheres, fireballs, fake UFOs. Something is outside the tent. There are lights, sound, the tent may begin to shake. Whatever it is, it must be astonishing to have these people, make slits in the side of the tent, in order to look out. What are they seeing and hearing? It could be anything, since fallen angels can readily create false visions, hallucinations, altered states of consciousness and OBEs.

Something perceived as life threatening has frightened them, causing this dramatic exit, that essentially destroys, their only means of protection, against the freezing conditions of the Ural Mountains, they may feel like they are being hit or cooked, they have to get out fast. They split the tent with knives to exit. There is no time to put on shoes and the fallen angels, would also place this thought, furtherest from the minds, since, as in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, they do not want them in shoes, for both physical vulnerability and spiritual worship, that they so desire. This worship, requires the person to remove their shoes, or the removal of shoes, in a holy place, such as when God told Moses; "Put off your shoes from off your feet, for the place whereon you stand is holy ground." [Exodus 3:5, The Holy Bible, KJV]

I believe that the fallen angel[s], in orb form, would have made conditions inside the tent extremely uncomfortable, perhaps life threatening, as they began to cook the group, with a blast of electro magnetic microwave radiation, so that in order to escape the searing heat and pain, the individuals still holding knives, that they had used made the slits with, simply slashed the tent so that they all poured outside into the snow, in order to avoid the agony, of being cooked alive, inside the structure.

A view of the tent, as the rescuers found it on February 26, 1959. The tent had been purposefully cut open from inside, in order to allow a speedy exit, for the group.

There would not have been enough time, to grab anything and anyone who had stuff, would have already had it in the pockets, of the clothes they were wearing to bed, or grabbed, while the other members, were looking through the slits. Furthermore, the manifesting demonic 'Bigfoot' entity, may have also smashed down, onto the centre of the tent from behind, that caused panic for the hikers, so that they cut through the tent, from the inside and fled for their lives, without clothing and shoes, some of them with bare feet, into the deadly darkness of an icy blizzard, in minus 26 degrees C. The 'official' Dyatlov website states, "... Although the temperature was very low, around -25 to -30 °C with a storm blowing, the dead were only partially dressed. Some of them had only one shoe, while others had no shoes or wore only socks ..."

In fleeing for their lives, in the way that the group did, to run into certain death beyond the tent, they would have perceived the situation, within close proximity to the tent, as immediately life threatening. To stay, to them, would have meant to die. For them to leave the lifeline of their supplies behind, they felt that they might have a chance, if they left the area, of the life threatening danger, immediately.

As the group fled the tent, they may have already been given a strong dose of electro magnetic microwave radiation and some members at least, may have been in a dazed and confused state, as they headed down the mountain, since fallen angels are easily able to affect the human mind, in creating confusion, disorientartion, false visions, trance, hallucinations, unconsciousness, amnesia, blackouts, hypnosis, epilepsy etc.

Dyatlov may have taken off his jacket, outside the tent and dropped his torch in a scramble to remove his clothing, because he had been hit with the microwave radiation or, while in an altered state of consciousness, where he wasn't in full control, of what he was doing. In the Missing 411 Many of the victims remove or have their clothes removed. A man Cullen Finnerty, was attacked by a fallen angel and two manifesting 'Bigfoot' entities [either physical manifestations or, as part of false vision, created by the fallen angel], just outside of Webber township, in Michigan, USA. Paulides writes, "At 9.27pm, Jennifer received a frantic call from Cullen ... He said that he was getting out of the river and taking off his clothes ... and then he hung up the phone." [Missing 411 The Devil's In The Details, David Paulides]. There seemed to be no reason for Finnerty to either take off his clothes, or to tell his wife that he was going to do it, during an emergency phonecall. In regards to the Dyatlov Pass murders, the second flashlight was found switched off and battery discharged 400m down the slope, perhaps in a similar way to people that drop and/ or abandon their mobile phones, credit cards, wallets and clothing in the Missing 411 cases.

The manifesting Bigfoot entity, [either as a false vision created by the fallen angel, or as a physical agent in its own right], may have let out another hideous inhuman demonic scream behind them, in order to focus them [herding], into moving in the direction away from the tent and supplies and down the slope towards certain death, from hypothermia. The fallen angels would have then backed off, to observe and give 'order' or 'symmetry' to the situation, since this was to be a sacrifical killing, in honour of themselves. The initial plan was to get the group away from tent, warmth, supplies and protection, so that they would appear to die of natural causes. The fallen angels have a good understanding human psychology, biology and psysiology and so they know at those temperature [minus 26 C] in these clothes, that would not take long for the group to perish, once away from food, clothing and the shelter of the tent. But in this case, at least, they were to have few fighters on their hands, which would have both inspired and enraged them, to take more extreme measures.

The Descent To The Forest

The group may have stumbled from the tent a panic, but once they realised, that they were not being burnt anymore and/ or, that whatever was making the inhuman screaming noises, was not following or attacking them, but instead remained back at at the tent, they simply moved off quickly, but in an orderly fashion, in the pitch dark, down the mountain slope, in the direction of the forest. They were smart and experienced and in being under the guidance, of two ex-military men, Igor Dyatlov and Semyon Zolotaryov, they formed a single file, as they fled, with the tallest, Yuri Doroshenko, being to the rear. This would ensure, that no one would be lost and would also indicate, that the perceived threat, was coming from behind them, at ground level. The Dyatlov Pass website states, that "Members of the group apparently walked in a single file, with the tallest man, walking in the back. His footprints partially covered footprints of his friends, who walked in front of him. Overall, the path gave an impression of organized and uneventful descent, down the slope of the mountain." So, in knowing that the immediate threat, was now behind them, but that it could follow at any time, they moved off, as quickly as they could, remaining in single file and cutting their way through the snow, until they reached the treeline.

As I wrote this, I was given an example outside, on the property where I live, as I walked to an area, where wild Kakadu Geese, are sharing pumped water, with the domesticated birds, that I look after. The first day that they were there, my dog Banjo, chased them and the flock flew away. Banjo was told not to chase them and has not done so since that day, however, when the geese see me coming, they now fly a short distance away, waiting for me to leave, so that they can then make their way back to the water. This is because, while they fled from my first approach [with Banjo], they now know, that I appear to have a boundary, that I do not go beyond, in order to pursue them. This is what Dyatlov group did. The manifesting entity, scared them out of the tent, but did not follow them and so they got themselves away from the immediate threat, into a partially sheltered area, and then stopped and planned to go back to the tent, as soon as they felt, that there was no more danger to them.

Footprints ...

In regards to the footprints, that veered away from the group and then back in, the Dyatlov website states, "Several trails would deviate from the general direction, but then rejoin the group. Other footprints were also discovered and photographed. It is hard to say if these were left by someone else or rescuers themselves." I concur with the explaination, provided on author Keith's McCloskey's website, where he writes, "Sean Kotz of Virginia puts forward the view that while the escape from the tent by slashing their way out may seem incomprehensible, their descent down the mountain does not. The search party found that they had made their way down the mountain in a line with trails coming out from the line and going back into it. This would be the normal procedure for them to make their way through deep snow as this is the standard method for a group to travel through deep snow where the lead person in the line tramples down the worst of the snow and as the line passes along, they each trample the snow down further. When the lead person in the line gets tired, he or she then comes out of the front of the line and makes their way to the rear which is the easiest position to rest as the people in front have done most of the work." This is actually mentioned on the 'official' Dyatlov Pass website, in the Dyatlov Group Diary, dated 01/31/59, where Dyatlov writes, "... Walking is especially hard today. Visibility is very low. We can't see the trail and sometimes we have to advance gropingly ... We are forced to find new methods of clearing the path for the skis. The first member leaves his backpack on the ground and walks forward, then returns and rests for 10- 15 minutes with the group. Thus we have a non-stop paving of the trail."

The fallen angel[s]/ orbs, then created the snowfall, that covered the footprints, 500 metres from the tent. This was done, so that the hikers, could not find their way back, to the tent and supplies, that they had been forced to abandon in the dark, by retracing their own tracks. The fallen angels act in a similar way to this, in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, by quickly creating inclement weather, so that search and rescue, including sniffer dogs, cannot see the footprints, of either the victim or the manifesting 'Bigfoot' entity, or follow the scent of the person or entity, to where the victim has walked away, in an altered state of consciousness, under the influence of the fallen angel and/ or has been carried away, by the manifesting 'Bigfoot' entity.

Investigators At The Tent Remains, Superimposed On Landscape, To Show The Route Taken By Fleeing Hikers.

Once the group reached the treeline, on the forest's edge, they stopped, not wanting to place too much distance between themselves and their belongings, back at the tent, since many of them, were inadequately dressed and they had to get back to their shoes, clothing and other supplies. This would have been an extremely painful descent to the forest, in the dark, in the bitter cold of a Russian winter. So, in single file, they worked as a group, ensuring that no one was lost in the snow and in the darkness. Once they reached the treeline, offering minimal shelter from the wind, knowing that they were still not being followed and not wanting to move too far away from the tent, they chose to make a fire on the edge of the forest, for reasons of immediate survival, particularly for those who were less adequately dressed and in order to decide what to do next. The entire situation would have had the group in some shock, in the freezing dark, having already been suprised out of their shelter, irradiated and disorientated by the fallen angels and/ or in fear of the manifesting 'Bigfoot' entity, with the sharp pain of ice upon skin, and the inevitable outcome of dying from hypothermia, they had to think, move and act fast. A quick escape and return, after the threat had passed, would have been essential, for their survival.

Dyatlov Pass in Winter - Tent Location Ridge To Tree Line, By Author Keith McCloskey.

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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