With The Fire Unable To Warm Them, Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko, Died From Hypothermia.
The Decision To Split The Group
It had not taken long for group members, Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko, to sucuumb to hypothermia, beneath the cedar tree. The fire was not enough to save them. They were both dead. The remainder of the group quickly realised, that they must act now, since those without adequate clothing, were at risk of perishing, on the edge of the forest. By this stage, the hikers must have been not only been in shock, from their contact with the fallen angels [posing as fake UFOs] in orb form, [in not knowing what they were] and the manifesting "Bigfoot" [Yeti, Menk, Skinwalker], but now the tragic death, of two of their hiking group, coupled with the danger of the cold, rapidly creeping upon the exposed skin, of those without shoes, gloves and outerwear. Various articles of clothing, were cut, or torn, from the lifeless frozen bodies, of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko and were passed around the group. The dead were then, finally placed next to each other, in what appears to be, a respectful and caring act, by the remaining members, beneath the cedar tree.

Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova And Igor Dyatlov, Attempt To Make Their Way, Back To The Tent.
The military training and experience, of Igor Dyatlov and Semyon Zolotaryov, that had been kick started, as they fled from the tent, was now in full swing. It was therefore decided, that several scouts, would go back to the tent, in an attempt to secure the group's supplies and that the others would remain behind, in order to build a better shelter, thereby creating a second and more secure base camp, away from the threat, that had come upon them, on the side of the mountain. The plan would have been, that they all stay the night in makeshift shelter or area, away from the tent and then head back to civilization, upon first light, in order to notify the authorities, of what had occurred and bring assistance, in order to collect the dead. The obvious choice, for the attempted ascent back to the tent, was Igor Dyatlov, who was the group leader and with military experience. Rustem Slobodin and Zinaida Kolmogorova, volunteered to go with him. Rustem Slobodin was accepted due to his peak physical condition and the trust that existed, between himself and Igor Dyatlov. This left the other military guy, Semyon Zolotaryov, along with Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle, to wait by the fire, where Semyon Zolotaryov, would become second in charge, in the absence of Igor Dyatlov.
Order Of Ascension
Under any other circumstances, with a moderate amount of danger involved, I would assume Igor Dyatlov would have been out front, the first in line, followed by Zinaida Kolmogorova, between the two men, with Rustem Slobodin, to the rear. But Dyatlov was now in a weakened position, being the least well dressed, of these three hikers, struggling through the deep powdery snow, in the blizzard, on the mountain slope and having previously come under the influence of the fallen angels, which is why he discarded his jacket and torch, when fleeing from the tent. In addition, Igor Dyatlov also suffered from the rapid onset of hypothermia, that had begun to affect muscle co-ordination. He was also vomitting blood, from suspected acute radiation sickness.

Map Showing The Positions Of The First Five Bodies, In Relation To The Tent, Mountain Slope And Cedar Tree.
He may also have been suffering from tetanus, in wounds, that he had received on his hands, from the rusty nails on 27 Jan, in one of the abadoned houses at North-2, where Yuri Doroshenko, had recorded in the group's diary, "We started a fire with wood boards. Smoke came form the stove. Several people hurt their hands on old nails". Being in a weakened state, Igor Dyatlov positioned his trustworthy comrade, Rustik [Rustem Slobodin], who was now the strongest of the three, with Zinaida Kolmogorova following and with himself, behind them. The three hikers would have chosen to stay close together, which tells me, that they may have been avoiding a land predator, thereby, if one was attacked, there would be three of them, to go to the other person's defense. They stayed close to the ground, moving silently forward, as a close knit and unified group. Igor Dyatlov carried a small birch branch, in order to defend himself, against the 'entity', that he believed, they had all encountered, alongside the light orbs, when they had first fled the tent, earlier that same night.
The "Bigfoot" Entity Attacks
The manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, was under orders from its fallen angel guardian[s], not to let any hikers back near the tent, since the plan was, that they would be seperated from the tent and die from hypothermia. The fallen angels did not intend to murder anyone in the group outright. They just wanted them to die of the cold, so that it looked natural. But the group of hikers, under Igor Dyatlov, proved less fearful and a bit more resiliant, than they had anticipated and so more drastic and sadistic measures were enforced, in order to ensure, that everyone in the group perished.
Once the "Bigfoot" entity came upon Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov, a brief fight ensued, where they all unsuccessfully punched into "Bigfoot", who was swinging a club like tree branch, or fended off the swings of the weapon, with their fists. The "Bigfoot" took on the three group members at the one time, so it focused on the strongest, which was Rustem Slobodin. The "Bigfoot" had to take him out first, hard and fast. Rustem Slobodin wouldn't give in and had to be repeatedly hit in the face, over and over again, by the "Bigfoot". He was also smashed in the head, both on the left and right side, with a club, stone or tree branch, fracturing his skull. The repeated blows [and perhaps the injuries on his knuckles], are an obvious indication, that he put up a good, but brief fight, before being knocked unconscious. Rustim hit the ground 480 metres away from the cedar tree. He fell down while still alive, with his body heat, melting some of the snow and he died of a combination of his injuries and hypothermia while unconscious. Rustem Slobodin departed this world, fighting for his life, alongside his two friends and comrades, Zinaida and Igor.
Zinaida Kolmogorova may have ran towards Rustem Slobodin, as he was being hit in the face and the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity took a blind swing at her, smashing her in the side with a club [or baton] shaped tree branch. Zinaida may have even put up a fight for a few minutes. The "Bigfoot" then smashed Zinaida Kolmogorova in the face, either with a fist, stone or club [or baton] shaped tree branch, that same as it did to Rustim Slobodin. Zinaida Kolmogorova was pretty much knocked out, by this action and unlike Rustem Slobodoin, she did not require the hard strike to the skull, in order to take her down, so that she lay on her side, unconscious or semi conscious, as if holding on to the side of the mountain, in the deep snow. By the time the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity focused its attention on Igor Dyatlov, after a few hits and misses aimed at Dyatlov's face, where the blows may have been fended off with clenched fists, it only took a well aimed, hard and sharp blow, to the side of Igor Dyatlov's skull, with a club like tree branch, so that he fell backwards into the snow.
Wounds On Knuckles
Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov, all sustained injuries to their knuckles and finger joints, that the Dyatlov website suggested, were consistent with wounds sustained, from being in a fight. "Metacarpophalangeal joints on the right hand had brown red bruises. This is common injury in hand to hand fights." The three who ascended the mountain, were the only group members who had these wounds. One could summise, that they each put up a fight, when the "Bigfoot" approached them, before perishing, however, they may not have been given that opportunity, given that the "Bigfoot" entity, was quick to detect them, to incapacitate and to kill.

A less likely scenario, is that the injuries to the metacarpophalangeal joints, of Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov, may have been caused by crawling long distance and clenching their hands into fists as they crawled, so that they knuckles came into contact with hard ice, or iced over rocky floor, of the mountain slope. This would have been done, in order to protect their fingers, from irreversable frostbite. They may have been half walking, half crawling, through deep snow, over rocky ridges, since the three that ascended the slope, of Mount Kholat Syakhl, in an attempt to get back to the tent, in order to secure supplies, were the only members of the entire group, to sustain these particular injuries, to their knuckles. The other scenario, is that they fought off the attack of the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, through either punches to the creature, or by using their fists, in some kind of a self defensive way, in order to block the blows. So did they fight men [mansi hunters or assasins] on the slope? Unlike the Russian journalist, Svetlana Oss, I do not believe that they did, since I do not think that fallen angels, in orb form, would work in direct partnership, with human beings, at least in a physical combat scenario, in the same way, that they often work, in direct partnership and/or in relationship to, manifesting demonic entities, such as "Bigfoot" and other cryptids.
These two maps below, show a direct correlation, between UFOs [fallen angels in orb form/ light spheres] and 'Bigfoot' [manifesting demonic entity] sightings, in the USA:
Furthermore, I will add, that I do not believe that the military or Mansi [local indigenous people] hunters, were involved with the murders, due to the severity and nature of the injuries, which are more akin to human mutilation, perpetuated on victims, by fallen angels [posing as fake UFOs] and attack from higher level demonic entities, such as "Bigfoot", that appear to be able to physically manifest, to the extent, where they can injure and/ or kill a human being, in conjunction with a fallen angel [fake UFO] attack. According to one of the investigating doctors, Dr. Boris Vozrozhdenny, who examined the bodies of the group, once they had been recovered, the force required to cause such damage, would have been extremely high. He compared it to the force of a car crash. Notably, the bodies had no external wounds, as if they were crippled by a high level of pressure. While fallen angels and demons may assist and/ or influence human beings, to commit all kinds of hellish atrocities, while on earth, I think that the prospect of human beings, working in conjunction [side by side], with fallen angels, who are displaying supernatural power, in order to murder other human beings, is a rare occurrence [if indeed, it has ever occurred at all] and therefore, did not happen in the case of the Dyatlov murders.
Ritualistic "Face Down" Placement Of Bodies

I believe that Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov died and/ or were ritualistically murdered, in the same order, as their birth dates occurred. Is it a mere coincidence, that the three group members, that were found on the slope of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], were born on these dates, in the month of January?
Once the three hikers had been knocked down in the snow of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], 430 metres away from the cedar tree, they were placed face down, in positions of worship, on the side of the mountain, by the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, in order to glorify the powers and principalities [fallen angels] of the area, who were posing as fake pagan gods. The manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, made its way up the slope, through the snow, carrying Zinaida Kolmogorova's body. Once it knew, that it was the correct distance, for the 'placement' of her body, it placed Zinaida, face down in the snow, 630 metres past the cedar tree, where she then died of hypothermia, as a result of her injuries [described as a 'violent accident']. The "Bigfoot" entity, then walked back down the slope, until it reached Rustem Slobodin and Igor Dyatlov. It turned Rustem Slobodin over, while still unconscious, placing him in a face down position of worship, to the fallen angel pagan gods, against the alter of the sacred mountain. Rustem Slobodin was left to die, from a combination of his injuries and hypothermia. The "Bigfoot", then dragged Igor Dyatlov, by his ankles, back down the slope and placed him face down in the snow, 300 metres away from the cedar tree. Once the "Bigfoot" moved off, towards the cedar tree, Igor Dyatlov, still barely conscious, rolled over onto his back, whereupon, he froze to death.
I have extracted [an edited version], the personal background information, on the individuals in group and the causes of their deaths, from The Dyatlov Pass website:
The Murder of Rustem Slobodin
Born on Jan 11, 1936, Russian Federation. He graduated from the UPI University in 1959. He was a very athletic man, honest [loyal to Igor Dyatlov] and decent, although quiet at times. Rustem was an experienced hiker who liked to play a mandolin, that he often took during long hiking trips. His father was a professor at another Sverdlovsk University. Rustem Slobodin was 23 years old when he died. |
Rustem Slobodin's body was found 480 metres from the cedar tree on March 5, 1959, the day after the autopsy of the first four bodies, covered with 12-15 cm of snow, face down, head towards the tent. He had been hit in head with a blunt instrument, such as a branch or stone, fell unconscious in snow and died of skull trauma and hypothermia. He was turned over, after death, by the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity.

The regional bureau forensic patologyst, Boris Alekseevich Vozrojdenniy, suggested that the fracture in his skull could be done with some foreign blunt object. Medical autopsy further states, that Slobodin probably suffered loss of coordination, due to initial shock, right after the blow, that could speed up his death from hypothermia.

The Dyatlov Pass website states, "... It looks as if Rustem, fell repeatedly on his face, as he was walking down the mountain. And every time he fell, he managed to hit the sides of the his head. Rustem's body, was the only one, with icy bed, under from the hardening of the thawing snow. This means, that the body fell, when relatively still warm and there was a noticeable heat exchange, into the environment ..."

The diagram above, shows Rustem Slobodin's smashed skull in the autopsy report. "Bigfoot" are known for murdering their human victims with a blow to the skull. This can be seen over and over again, in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases and other reports involving missing people, where the bodies are found, often beneath cliffs.
The Murder of Zinaida Kolmogorova
Born on Jan. 12, 1937, Russian Federation. She was a 4th year student at the UPI University as a Radio Engineering Major. She was an experienced hiker. During one of her trips she was bitten by a viper. Despite pain and suffering, she refused lighten her load, unwilling to cause hardship to others. She was outgoing and energetic. People who knew her, said that she was the "engine of the University". She was full of ideas and treated others with interest and respect. She was 22 years old, when she died. |
Zinaida Kolmogorova (22) well dressed, was found 630 metres away from cedar tree, face down with head towards tent, death due to hypothermia and violent accident. Kolmogorova had a baton shaped bruise on her waist/ was turned over after death.

The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "... In her pockets were found five rubles and a military style protective mask, on the left side of her chest, between the top sweater and the checked shirt underneath." This would have been given to Zinaida by Igor Dyatlov, as a precaution, in order to protect her from inhaling something, that would damage her lungs, perhaps against the unknown threat, that being, the electro magnetic microwave radiation, that they were hit with, by the fallen angels [in orb form], while still inside the tent. Igor Dyatlov was operating with a military mindset.

Before the "Bigfoot" entity it rolled her over, it undid her clothing and her layers of trousers, in order to look at her sex, most likely considering whether to have sex with her dead body or not. "Bigfoot" are notorious peeping toms [perverts] and I have heard of eyewitness accounts, of them perving night after night, at a grandmother, while she was taking a bath, in her house and staring in through the window, at children playing on their loungreoom floor. After deciding [or being instructed], against further interference, it turned her face down and made its way back to Rustim Slobodin and Igor Dyatlov, who both still lay in the snow, 150 metres away.
The Murder of Igor Dyatlov
Born on Jan. 13, 1936, Russian Federation. He was the leader of the ill-fated hiking group; the whole incident is named after him. He was a student of the 5th Faculty of Radio Engineering at UPI university. A talented engineer, he designed and assembled a radio in his 2nd year, that was used during hikes, in 1956, in the Sayan Mountains.
He also designed a small stove that he had brought with him on this trip. People who knew Igor Dyatlov, described him as a thoughtful man, who never rushed with his decisions. He courted Zina Kolmogorova, who also took part in the hike. Igor was one of the experienced athletes in the group. He was 23yrs old when he died. |
Igor Dyatlov (23) was vomiting blood. fought something, died of hypothermia 300 metres from cedar tree, face up. Dyatlov might have been showing signs of ARS - Acute Radiation Sickness, as he had blood on his lips, possibly from vomiting. He died with a "Zvezda" (Star) watch on his wrist. Fallen angels self represent through stars.

"You lie still. There's a dead silence in the treeline, broken by the pumping of blood in your ears. Your ankles are throbbing with pain. Meltwater trickles down your neck and spine, joined soon by a thin line of blood, from a small cut on your head. As you sink back into the snow, shaken, your heat begins to drain away. Minutes pass. At one point, a stray thought says you should start being scared, but fear is a concept that floats somewhere beyond your immediate reach. You've now slid into the temperature range, at which cold renders the enzymes in your brain, less efficient. Maybe the others will come looking for you soon. You'll remember little of what happens next. Your head drops back. The snow crunches softly in your ear. In the minus-30-degree air, your core temperature falls about one degree every 30 to 40 minutes, your body heat leaching out into the soft, enveloping snow. Apathy at 91 degrees. Stupor at 90. You've now crossed the boundary into profound hypothermia. By the time your core temperature has fallen to 88 degrees celcius, your body has abandoned the urge to warm itself by shivering. Your blood is thickening like crankcase oil in a cold engine. Your oxygen consumption, has fallen by more than a quarter. Your kidneys, however, work overtime to process the fluid overload that occurred, when the blood vessels in your extremities, constricted and squeezed fluids toward your center. You feel a powerful urge to urinate, the only thing you feel at all. By 87 degrees you've lost the ability to recognize a familiar face, should one suddenly appear from the forest, which is does not, since the group are relying on your ability to secure the supplies for everybody. At 86 degrees, your heart, its electrical impulses hampered by chilled nerve tissues, becomes arrhythmic. It now pumps less than two-thirds the normal amount of blood. The lack of oxygen and the slowing metabolism of your brain. Minutes later, you realise the tent still sits beyond the trees, you lay amongst and you feel it sliding out of reach. You've crawled only a few feet. Exhausted, you decide to rest your head for a moment. When you lift it again, you're inside the tent, lying on the floor, beside the woodstove you made." [Appropriated from: The Cold Hard Facts Of Freezing To Death By Peter Stark, 2004].

Igor Dyatlov, was a dynamic group leader, who had done all the right things and who had tried hard, for the other members, to make the right decisions, but who had finally sucuumb to attack, from fallen angels and a manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, in the minus 26 celcius blizzard, of a Russian winter, in the Ural Mountain Ranges.

The Dyatlov Pass website describes Igor Dyatlov as having "minor abrasions" on "the forehead, upper eyelids, above the left eyebrow, on the left cheek and brown-red abrasions on both cheeks plus dried blood on lips." After hitting him in the face, the "Bigfoot" entity knocked Igor Dyatlov out, with a sharp well connected hard blow to the side of the skull. It then dragged him back down the slope, placing him only 300 metres away from the cedar tree, where it then left him to die, of hypothermia.

One can't help but think of the thoughful and considerate group leader Igor Dyatlov, in better days, when he was younger, twirling a piece of grass in a Russian summer. I am sure that this is the way, that the hikers families remember them all, with hopes for their eternal salvation, beyond any horror, that this brief existence had to offer.
On The Way To The Ravine
After having attacked Zinaida Kolmogorova, Rustem Slobodin and Igor Dyatlov and leaving them to die, of a combination of their injuries and hypothermia, in minus 26 degrees celcius, the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, then proceeded back down the side of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], on its way to find the remainder of the group, that being; Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles. It quickly and intentionally made its way towards the den and the ravine [with the fallen angels in close proximity and communication], to where it had been instructed, that the remainder of the group was waiting. The manifesting "Bigfoot" passed by the cedar tree, turning over the body of the tallest dead hiker, Yuri Doroshenko, to make sure that he was really dead and then, it followed the line of clothing, that the four remaining group members, had left in the snow, on its way to the den, where they waited, for the return of their companions.

The Bodies Of Slobodin, Kolmogorova And Dyatlov Were Placed Face Down On The Slopes Of Dead Mountain. |