The Remaining For Hikers, Under Zolotaryov, Made A Large Den In The Snow, As A Shelter From The Wind.
While I believe that I know who the perpetrators of the murders are, I do not know, how the actual events may have unfolded. The following is a continuation, of my own conjecture, on how the deaths of the remaining four hikers, in the Dyatlov group, may have occurred and in what order. My deepest sympathy remains, with the families and friends of the nine hikers, who, if they had been allowed to live, would have been in their seventies, at the time of writing these words, in October, 2016.
The Den
The small bonfire made up of wet branches and twigs, was all but out and the wind, was pickng up, along the freezing edge of the forest. So, with the two dead bodies of their friends, Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, laying in front of them and any matches now soaked wet, the remaining four, Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, who were better dressed than their companions and under advice of Semyon Zolotaryov, were pleased that a decision had been made, to look for and create a more sheltered area, not too far away. They take some clothes from the dead bodies, as it was reported, to keep warm and placed the dead in a position, showing care and respect. They appear to have left a trail of clothes, on the snow, in order to show where they were located.
The four group members, went to a ravine and dug themselves a den, using various branches and twigs, to line the floor, in order to keep the wet ice, away from their skin. Alexander Kolevatov, who had remained by the fire, with Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, while they were alive, joined Semyon, Lyudmila and Nikolai and the four waited in the den, not knowing that Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov were already dead. They hung some of the clothes, that they had cut from the bodies of Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, in a tree to dry, also leaving some along the ground, so that the others, whom they still expected to return, with supplies from the tent, or at the very least, news of what was going on, would know where to find them. They may have hoped that searchers would also see the clothes.
Not too long after the remaining hikers in the Dyatlov group, had made the den, the fallen angels [or the luminous spheres that many have reported] and the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, continued down the slope, until they came to the edge of the forest. They passed by the bodies of Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, by a dead fire, near the cedar tree, whereupon, they proceeded towards the ravine, in order to murder, the remaining four hikers, in the group; Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles. They attacked the remaining group members directly, because there was now the obvious risk, that they would survive the night and make their way back to tent and supplies the next day. The fallen angel and/ or demonic attack, on the remaining group members, was fast, efficient, precise and inhuman. None of the members, were given a chance, to respond in a way, that would have assisted them, in trying to defend themselves.
Murder At The Ravine
Firstly, the fallen angels went to where, the remaining group members were, in the den, next to a ravine and placed the hikers, under what I refer to, as 'a sphere of influence', where their consciousness would be affected. The hikers ran/ or fell, into a ravine, but did not have a chance, to go any further, than six metres, before they were placed under the sphere of influence, of the fallen angel[s] and attacked.

As the reality appeared to change, one can only imagine, the strange sights and sounds, they must have experienced, while under the influence of the fallen angel[s]. It may very well have been similar to an LSD drug experience, as the fallen angels, are able to affect electrical impulses, in the brains of their victims, causing false visions, auditory and visual hallucinations, or may create a hologram and/ or augumented reality, that can be experienced by multiple people, simultaneously.

After the fight that ensued with Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov, it may have been considered too messy, for the "Bigfoot", to take on Semyon Zolotaryov, who was trained in hand to hand combat, with three others present. Since there were four of them, possibly armed with tree branches and ready to fight, the "Bigfoot" did not feel confident, to go in and start swinging, so the fallen angel[s], simply directed an energy force at Semyon Zolotaryov, smashing his rib cage and taking out his eyes. They did this, by creating a lazer and/ or directed energy [heat] beams, of electromagnetic microwave radiation, as they do in cattle mutilations. The events that followed, occurred very quickly from that moment on, as the fallen angel[s] in orb form, [assisted by the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity], attacked the group.
Semyon Zolotaryov was hit with the directed energy beam, taking his eyes and splintering his ribs. Once Semyon Zolotaryov was blinded, the manifesting "Bigfoot", struck him in the right side of the skull. Lyudmila Dubinina began to scream and so the fallen angel[s] attention, turned to her. It fired as pencil thin beam of heat and/ or light, striking her in the face, where the beam was used for focused precision cutting, in Lyudmila Dubinina's case, taking out her eyes, tongue, outside lip and inside of her mouth, as well as splintering her ribs with its directed energy. The fallen angel, was, in fact, cooking inside her body, with the heat wave, electro magnetic microwave radiation, that targets the victim, as a directed energy beam.

Microwave tips on the internet, advise the chef to "Remove large bones from meat, before microwaving it, because the dense bone, may keep the area around it from cooking." It appears that a regular microwave oven, can make bones 'splinter', without affecting any of the flesh around it. What the fallen angel did to the bodies of Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, was no different to heating food, using a focused form of heating, through microwave radiation, while they were conscious.
The fallen angel then turned its attention to member, Alexander Kolevatov, taking his eyebrows and some skin off his forehead, so that the skull bone was exposed, but withdrew, as the "Bigfoot" entity, physically manifested and hit Alexander Kolevatov in the face, breaking his nose, as well as on the back of the head, damaging his neck, with the force of the blow, so that he fell into the snow,unconscious. Unhindered by the others, who were now either dead or unconscious, the "Bigfoot" entity smashed Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles in the side of the skull, knocking him to the ground, where he lay unconscious. This would have occurred in a matter of a few minutes.
Once the for remaining group members had been knocked down, the manifesting "Bigfoot", placed Semyon Zolotaryov, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles next to each other, in a face down position of worship. The "Bigfoot" then dragged Lyudmila Dubinina lifeless body, towards the rock face, placing her on her knees, with both arms, raised in a position of worship. Tibo [Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles], died without moving, after the original blow to the skull. The two remaining group members, Semyon Zolotaryov and Alexander Kolevatov, were left to die of a combination of their injuries and hypothermia. Semyon Zolotaryov made a weak attempt to write something in his notebook, but died before he was able to do it.
Satisfied that the three men would now die of hypothermia, as a result of their injuries, the "Bigfoot" entity and fallen angel[s], departed from the scene and would only continue their work, the next time a human blood sacrifice was required, in order to glorify themselves and/ or, in order to deceive the minds of the searchers, military and other government officials, who attempted to figure out the truth, about what had really occurred that night, at Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain].
Note: The manifesting "Bigfoot" entity, may have also picked the four up and dumped them into the ravine. Since after hitting people over the head, with a blunt object, "Bigfoot" will often dispose of them, by throwing them off cliff faces, into crevices and/ or ravines. This can be seen, in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases and other reports, involving missing people, where the bodies are actually found. Note: Not all deceased people, who are found beneath cliffs and in ravines, were thrown there by "Bigfoot". Many fall to their deaths, after having been lead to the edge, while in a trance and/ or under the hypnosis of fallen angel[s] and/ or higher level demons.
I have extracted [an edited version], the personal background information, on the individuals in group and the causes of their deaths, from The Dyatlov Pass website:
The Murder of Semyon Zolotaryov
Born on Feb. 2, 1921, Russian Federation. A native of North Caucasian Kuban Cossacks he survived the Great Patriotic War serving from October 1941 - May 1946.
Semyon Zolotaryov joined a Communist party after the war. In April 1946 he transferred to Leningrad Military Engineering University. Later he transferred to Minsk Institute of Physical Education (GIFKB). In the early '50s he worked as a guide for the tourist base of "Artybash" in Altai, South Siberia. Semyon died on his 38th birthday. |
Semyon Zolotaryov was the most senoir member of the group and was the first to be attacked in the ravine. The fallen angels appeared to have focused on Semyon Zolotaryov and one can only assume, that this was because, he had the ability to survive and to assist the others, in surving the conditions, where the fallen angels had expected them, to have already died. Perhaps he could fight as well, having been trained in hand to hand combat while in the army] and so, they may not have trusted him, with their manifesting "Bigfoot", who had already been involved in a fight, on the slope of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], with Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov. The reason may also have had to do with the camera, that was found around Semyon's neck, after he had taken photos of the fallen angels, in orb form, in the night sky, shortly before they attacked the group.

The autopsy report for Semyon Zolotaryov (37) showed "an open wound on the right side of the skull with exposed bone, 8x6 cm in size 4. flail chest, broken ribs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the right side, two fracture lines." The fallen angels, appeared to make a special effort, to murder Semyon Zolotaryov, on the eve of his thirty eighth birthday.
The Murder of Lyudmila Dubinina
Born on May 12, 1938, Russian Federation. She was a third year student at UPI university as an Engineering and Economics Major. The youngest of the Dyatlov group. Athletic and strong, she was also a dedicated and outspoken communist.
During an expedition to the Eastern Sayan Mountains in 1957, she was accidentally shot by another tourist, who was cleaning his rifle. She endured the painful injury courageously. During the long and painful transportation back, she didn’t complain, but felt sorry, for causing the group trouble. Lyudmila was just 20 years old, when she died. |
Lyudmila Dubinina was with the two group members, whom it was suggested, that she felt most secure with, on this trip. They were the comical and compassionate, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles and the older gentleman, with extensive military experience, Semyon Zolotaryov. As the fallen angels [in orb form], hit Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila would have started screaming. The manifesting demonic entity, [Bigfoot, Yeti, Menk] do not like loud noises and so the fallen angel[s], would have hit her, with their lazer precision microwaving, taking her tongue and eyes out.

The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "the stomach contained about 100 grams of coagulated blood. It is used by some as an indication, that the heart was beating and the blood was flowing, when tongue was removed from the mouth. The cause of death, is stated as hemorrhage, into right atrium of the heart, multiple fractured ribs and internal bleeding." I believe that Lyudmila Dubinina died of heart failure, due to the level of pain she experiened, while being cooked alive, by a fallen angel.

Lyudmila Dubinina either fell, or more likely, was placed into a face down position of worship, by the manifesting demonic entity [Bigfoot, Yeti, Menk]. Above, is how she was found in the ravine, "(20) kneeling head facing into rock", as the snow melted.
A Case Of Human Mutilation
The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "Both Zolotarev and Dubinina, have an interesting pattern of injuries. They are very similar in direction and force, despite difference in shape, height and body composition of the two. This would suggest that whatever caused these injuries, was not a single uniform event." Human mutilation cases, perpetuated by fallen angels [posing as light orbs/ fake UFOs], are covered up by government and military worldwide, so as not to cause public outcry and the mass conversion, from Satan's political materialism and worldly man made religion, to the truth and simplicity of Jesus Christ. The fallen angels [powers and principalitoes and/ or territorial demonic spirits], who are involved in the torture and murder of human beings, want to continue what they are doing unhindered, on an ever increasing scale of frequency and intensity, without people knowing and/ or understanding, that prayer to God, calling upon Jesus Christ and taking authority over the supernatural, under the protection of JESUS CHRIST, if one is a Christian, will stop the experience.
Fallen angels, are behaving exactly the same way, as serial kiilers and vivisectors [whom they influence and instruct], when they torture and mutilate human beings and animals. The fallen angels murdered Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, in the same way, that they mutilate cattle, while they were still alive and fully conscious, with the removal of their eyes, her tongue and the shattering of their ribs.
The Murder of Alexander Kolevatov
Born on Nov. 16, 1934, Russian Federation. A student of nuclear physics, he was a 4th year student as a Physics Major at the UPI University. He then moved to Moscow in Russia, to work in the secret institute of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building.
Alexander Kolevatov was engaged in producing materials for the growing nuclear industry. He was considered to be a cautious and studious person, who enjoyed smoking antique pipes. His friends described him as diligent, pedantic and methodical, with clear leadership qualities. Alexander was only 24 years old when he died. |
The autopsy report stated that, Alexander Kolevatov (24) sustained a 2. broken nose. 3. an open wound behind ear, size 3x1.5cm and 4. deformed neck. The pathologist, recording, that the injuries, were consistent with the "shockwave from a bomb". I note that there must have been other internal injuries, that were not recorded and/ or deleted from the medical records, since a 'shockwave from a bomb', would do more than just break a man's nose, create a wound behind his ear and hurt his neck. Alexander Kolevatov, was firstly smashed in the face [breaking his nose] and as he bent down, he was hit in the back of the head, by the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity and the angle and force, of the focused blow, resulted in his 'deformed' neck.

Special Forces
In regards to the murder of Alexander Kolevatov, The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "We should probably add, that snapped neck and blow behind the ear, is a common sign of killing, performed by special forces." Whereas Lev Ivanov, the inspector, concluded, that all of the nine deaths, had been caused, by what he described, as "an unknown elemental force, which they were unable to overcome". The techniques that 'special forces' used, to murder people, were taught to them, by higher level demons and/ or fallen angels, who also use guerilla style warfare on human beings. On the Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search program, an ex-military guy, fights a manifesting "Dogman" entity, by using specialised hand to hand combat techniques, that he learnt, as part of his training. During the interview with Sawin, he commented, that the "Dogman" entity, appeared to possess an 'understanding' and/ or 'knowledge', of the techniques, that he was using and responded accordingly.
The Murder of Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles
Born on July 8, 1935, Russian Federation. Graduated in 1958 with major in Civil Engineering from UPI University. He was the son of a French Communist who was executed during the Stalin years. He himself was born in a concentration camp for political prisoners. His friends liked him for his energy, sense of humor and friendly open character. All people who knew him and went on camping trips with him noted his care and consideration regarding all members of the group. He often helped younger or weaker members of the group, to carry their things. He fixed their bags to reduce the pain and make hiking more comfortable for them. Kolya was well read, though struck a balance between serious and intensely funny. This was to be his last trip. Nikolai was 23 years old when he died. |
The autopsy report stated that Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles (23) sustained, 1. multiple fractures to the temporal bone, with extensions to the frontal and sphenoid bones, 2. a bruise on the upper lip on the left side. Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles was murdered by the by manifesting "Bigfoot" [yeti, menk] smashing him, in the side of the head, with a blunt object, in this case, a short club like tree branch, or a rock.

The close up of the fractures to the skull is shown below. The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "Vozrojdenniy, who undertook the autopsy, refered to the injury as "a massive and unusual fracture" and as "a massive hemorrhage, that would make Thibeaux-Brignolles, unable to move on his own." Unlike Dyatlov and Slobodin, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles was hit hard and fast and he did not appear, to have put up a fight, before being knocked unconscious, by the manifesting "Bigfoot" entity.

The injury received by Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles [below left], where he was found to have "multiple fractures/ [and hemorrhage] to the temporal bone, with extensions to the frontal and sphenoid bones" is similar to the injury received by Rustem Slobodin [below right], where he was found to have "a fracture of the frontal bone and hemorrhages (shaded areas) in the temporalis muscles." Both were hit hard.
The diagram above shows his smashed skull autopsy report. "Bigfoot" are known for murdering their human victims with a blow to the skull. Sometimes they [including the "Dogman" entity] decapitate people. This is evident on a number of occasions, in the David Paulides Missing 411 cases and other reports, involving missing people, where the bodies of adults, are found to have died, of 'blunt trauma' to the head.
Placement Of The Bodies In The Ravine
The three remaining hikers, Semyon Zolotaryov, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, were dutifully placed, side by side, in a face down position of worship, where they fell. Semyon Zolotaryov would have been barely alive. Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles unconscious and Alexander Kolevatov perhaps semi-conscious. Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles were the last to die. As the snow melted and the stream began to flow months later, the bodies of the men, would have rolled in closer together, creating the chest to back positioning, that the searchers found, in regards to Semyon Zolotaryov and Alexander Kolevatov, with Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, a little further away. Semyon Zolotaryov was said to have been found, with a notebook in one hand and a pencil in the other, with severe frost bite from fingertips to elbows, but died before he was able to write anything.

The Bodies Of Semyon Zolotaryov, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Found In The Ravine.
A Note For The Hikers ...
You remember the white ascent to the mountain ridgetop and trudging up toward it, toward someplace warm, beneath the frozen silence. After that, nothing -- only that immense coldness lodged inside you. You've traveled to a place where there is no sun. You've seen that in the infinite reaches of the universe, heat is as glorious and ephemeral as the light of the stars. In the winter of space, it is the cold that is huge. [Appropriated from: The Cold Hard Facts Of Freezing To Death By Peter Stark, 2004].

The photo [above] shows the group's silent tomb in winter snow, at the Mikhajlov Cemetry in Yekaterinburg. Yuri Yudin was buried at the same cemetery in 2013.
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever." [Psalm 23, The Holy Bible, KJV]
On February 12, 1959, the group failed to reach the scheduled end-point of the itinerary — a village called Vizhai. The Feb. 1–2 stay on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl (“Dead Mountain” in Mansi), had proven fatal, for nine of the tourists.
Mount Kholat Syakhl [The Mountain of Ritualistic Murder To Fallen Angels Posing As Fake Gods], heads the list of most dangerous unexplained death zones in Russia: 27 people have lost their lives there over the last 100 years. In addition to the Dyatlov Pass incident in 1959, another nine fatalities occurred in 1960, in three separate air crashes, involving pilots and geologists. In 1961, the bodies of nine more tourists, from Leningrad, were discovered. According to messages of locals, their deaths were surprisingly similar, to the Dyatlov group, with the same tents, which literally are cut to pieces from within. More recently, a helicopter crashed on the approach to Mount Kholat Syakhl, with nine people aboard — although, amazingly, no one was killed. The number nine holds a morbid significance, for the fallen angels of this location.
This murder of these nine young people by fallen angels [orange spheres, glowing orbs, fake UFOs] and a manifesting demonic "Bigfoot" entity, in the Northern Urals, Russia, remains one of the so called "great unsolved mysteries" of the 20th century, and hundreds of tourists, have made the trip to Mount Kholat Syakhl, in attempts to unravel it. So long as the world remains deceived by Satan and his legions of fallen angels and demonic entities, the misinformation on these murders and others like it will continue, through the darkened and perishing minds, of the deceived millions.

A Newly Fallen Cedar Branch, Still Bearing Its Clusters Of Small Purple Berries, As It Lay In The Snow. |