Photo Of Igor Dyatlov, Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle And Unknown Person Taken By Yuri Krivonischenko.
Large Eye With Black Pupil On Dyatlov Group Stranger
There is person hiding here. He appears to be crouching behind the small square table. I don't know who he is, but something is not quite right. Do you see it? ...
Okay, let's take a closer look:

Photo Of Unknown Person, Taken By Yuri Krivonischenko.
Well, his hand looks okay and his head, but there is something wrong with his eye.

Photo Detail Of Unknown Person, Taken By Yuri Krivonischenko.
On the left eye, his pupil is too large and black and is bleeding into the iris. The right eye appears to be absent altogether, although it may just be, that a mark on the photo, has covered this eye. I believe that there was a demonic power with this group, from he outset and that the photo distortion was caused by that same spirit.
Hollow Cylinder Tube Eye On Tour Guide Jamie George
This is a photo of Jamie George, who runs a shonky operation called 'Gothic Images Tours' from Glastonbury, in the UK. A fallen angel/ demonic power, both influenced me into going to the UK and also then accompanied me on this trip. I took a photo of Jamie sitting beneath a tree, while he was rolling a joint, with leaf being taken from the tin foil, that you can see in his hand. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but once the photo was downloaded, I could see that Jamie wasn't too happy, about his actions being caught on film. It was then, that I noticed what should have been, his left eye.

Hmm, ... there's obviously something not quite right there. Let's take a closer look:

In this photo you will see that Jamie's eye has been replaced by a small hollow cylindrical tube, that sticks out of his eye socket, with a shadow beneath it.

Fallen angels/ demonic powers, were active and present on the trip that I was on, with Gothic Images Tours, organised by Jamie George, just as I believe that they were, on the trip that the Dyatlov student hikers were on, to Mount Kholat Syakhl in the Ural Mountains in Russia. A woman on our trip, named Denise, suffered from a serious injury, when she suddenly fell, face down, onto jagged rocks, on a rocky island outcrop, off the 'sacred' isle Iona, because the demonic power, that I was unknowingly involved with, did not want her, to accompany me to Mackenzie's tomb, back in Edinburgh, as was being arranged between us. Instead, Denise was lifted by air ambulence, to the closest available hospital. When I asked, who I thought were my spirit guides ... Why?, they answered something along the lines of ... she was a slut. She was too easy. Feeling distinctly uncomfortable, I immediately wondered, if I was somehow, ... easier than her and that maybe she had been, not easy enough.
At any rate, they wanted me on my own and these demonic powers, can easily arrange circumstances, so that some get go and others are left behind, just as they can create disease and illness, as they did with Yuri Yudin, so that he couldn't be part of what they had planned, for the other hikers, a few nights later, on Mount Kholat Syakhl [meaning Mountain of the Dead]. A similar scenario also occurred, in regards to the Eliean Mor lighthouse disappearances, where a potential light house keeper, dropped out at the last minute, only to be replaced by another one, whom the demonic powers then murdered, as part of their accident, involving an unusually large wave, that author and researcher, Keith McCloskey theorised, swept all three lighthouse keeepers who were on duty at that location, out into the ocean. Demonic powers kill people all the time. You just have to know what you are looking for in the spirit and the way in which they operate by the influencing of people's thinking and destiny, as though they are moving people around on a chess board, at their bidding.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |