An Experienced Hunter, With Two Dogs, Vanishes On A Day Trip In 2004. His Dogs Return, But He Doesn't.
Long before he knew about the Missing 411 cases, researched and compiled by author David Paulides, Keith McCloskey, presented a classic Missing 411 case, published his first book, The Dyatlov Pass Incident, that occurred in the Ural Mountains in Russia.
Yuri Yakimov, featured in Keith's book, in regards to his encounter with a light orb 'set' [fallen angel/ power], who stalked him, writes about his investigation of hunter, who became 'lost' under unusual circumstances, while out with his dogs and who perished as a result: "In summer 2004, in the Taiga near Severouralsk, an experienced hunter left his car, without his outer clothes and never came back. Later, his body was found without signs of violent death (reported in the newspaper Nashe Slovo dated 27 February, 2006). I got interested in the mysterious death of this person and decided to look for details of the case. This is what I learned from relatives of the deceased. Sergey Baryshnikov, 50 years old, a physically strong person, a miner from the city of Severouralsk, knew the Taiga very well. He used his vacation time for professional hunting. He had a hut somewhere on the River Molmys in the Perm Oblast, beyond the Ural Ridge, where he lived and hunted. On 14 August 2004, he left Severouralsk in his car to check whortleberry fields on the Yelovaya Griva (Spruce Mane) ridge. This is a place on the road to Kvasrkusha. He took no gun and planned to be back home on the same day. There were two dogs with him: 3-year-old Belka and 3-month-old Buran. He drove from Severouralsk via Bayanovka to the west, in the direction of Mount Teremki on the Yelovvaya Ridge, 60km from Severouralsk.

The Hunter Wanders Aimlessly, Because He No Longer Has The Ability To Recognise His Physical Surroundings.
There, 1km from the main road, he left his car. He did not come back, neither on that night, nor on the next day. His relatives and friends started a search. The car was soon found because they knew where he was headed for, but there was no sign of him. A rescue tea from Ksrpinsk was invited twice, because Severouralsk has no such team at that time. People from the Severouralsk Bauxite mines (SUBR] and other city organisations were involved in the search. A sniffer dog was brought but it failed to find a trail, because too many footprints near the car. Within a few days, his dogs Buran and Belka were found. The Mansi said that if the dogs had left their master it must mean he is dead. The search lasted two weeks. On 3 September 2004, in the vicinity of Mount Sredny Sennoi Kamen, a cedar nuts procurement team found his dead body approximately 20km from where he had left his car. He was without footwear and half dressed. He wore only a singlet and sports pants. There were no traces of violent death. He had died of heart failure, which had developed as a result of strong pneumonia, which means that he died of hypothermia. His stomach was empty, despite the fact that at that time of the year, the Taiga abounds in Cedar cones, many of which lay on the ground and Whortleberry."
[p 176-177, Mountain Of The Dead, The Dyatlov Pass Incident, Keith McCloskey, The History Press, 2016]
When A Familiar Landscape Becomes Unfamiliar ...

A Fallen Angel [Power Or Principality Coming Down Over A Person Or A Geographical Location. It's Like This.
This hunter, would have braved the wilds for days, It was said there was food that he could have eaten, but perhaps he did not see that food, perhaps the landscape that he thougjht that he once knew had changed, even if ever so slightly, so that there were things that he did not recognise, paths appearing bordered trees, tracks that he had never been down, a feeling of being watched, hunted, pursued, haunted. Perhaps it was like a gigantic hand, placing a 'snow dome' over the top of him, so that it was superimposed over the real landscape, that he once knew, like the back of his hand.
But now things had changed and as he moved, so did the snow dome move along with him, so he walked within it, and as he was about to hit an edge, because there is an edge or an end, to these simulated realities, it was moved again, so that inside the dome, his walk was certain, but because the dome moved randomly, then he had appeared to move randomly as well, as if he were being lured or lead by faeries, or herded and pursued by hairy cryptids. They are all of the same, finite consciousness.
Perhaps the snow dome, had its own an arctic sun, that shone above him, so that there was no night and perhaps it was not there sometimes, so that the daylight did not come, when he had expected that it would. Yet while it covered him, this 'dome', was no warmer than the environment, that he was physically in, because this dome was conscious and it's intention was to deceive him and to kill him, making it appear, as if he had simply gotten lost and died from natural causes, because these created paths he walked upon, were all part of a visionary experience, a mirage, a simulated false reality, that he had failed to see through, having no Biblical understanding and no holy angels of God encamped around him and so, he had been deceived by a predatory consciousness, more powerful than his own. In the David Paulides Missing 411 book series, a child describes an experience while lost, beneath a permanent sun.
Lillian Carney
Missing 8th August, 1897, Noon, Marsadis, ME, USA.
Age at disappearance: 6 years.
"The girl didn't say alot [about being lost for 4 days] but she made one interesting statement that appeared in the August 12, 1897, article in the Lewiston Evening Journal: "She said the sun shined all the time in the woods."
[p124, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014]

The Little Match Girl Is A Fairy Tale [Demon Story] Written By Demonically Inspired, Hans Christian Anderson.
It very much reminds me of the story, by the demonically inspired author, Hans Christian Anderson, called 'The Little Match Girl' where a little girl, on a cold new year's eve, a poor, young girl in Denmark [later changed to Russia by Disney], having lost her slippers, tries to sell matches in the street. She is already shivering from cold and early hypothermia. No matter how many matches she lit, with each match igniting a false visionary experience [or devil wonderland], that she observed from her poverty in the snow, that showed her many beautiful scenes, from a feast at a traditional pagan Christmas family gathering, to [a demon posing] as her dear deceased grandmother, whom she saw as a shooting star, she still froze to death in the end, because those damp little matches, could not warm the damp little match girl, in order to provide for her, the truth, life and love, that she needed, in order to be effective, in her worldly existence. Instead, she was enticed and mesmerised, by the things that she longed for/ desired/ lusted after, the worldly experiences that promised nurturing and comfort and that she believed, would warm and sustain her.
Both the hunter and the little match girl were lost, off with the faeries, having their minds wandered away in as vision, a dream, a fatal fantasy, a simulated reality, where their consciousness was overwhelmned, and controlled by a force of deception, greater than their own, who, without the knowledge of Jesus Christ, had failed to distinguish, the physical reality, that their bodies were dying in, from the simulated reality, that their minds perceived, when the fallen angel, superimposes his false reality, his agumented reality, his simulated reality, over our own, so that we feel, what he wants us to feel and in this way, we are influenced, under his guidance and control and in many [if not all] cases, we will be seduced and deceived, into making decisions, that lead to our destruction, not only in this physical reality, but the world to come, after we vacate the body. So while the little match girl, did not escape the grip of death, upon an earth, cursed by God, in being a child, she would not perish unnoticed by the dear Lord Jesus and his holy angels, relegated just to her and being loved by God, she would not go unsaved, by the Kingdom of Heaven.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |