Covers Of Four Of The Missing 411 Book Series, Published By Author And Researcher, David Pauildes.
Here is a list of the people who suffered skull injuries in David Paulides Missing 411 book series. I am only going on Paulides own research, while it is comprehensive, it is still remains incomplete, since the newspaper articles and medical reports that he has sourced, as part of is research, are many years old and may, or may not mention, the damaged skulls of the people, who's bodies have been found. I suggest, that not only are there many more people, who have gone missing in National Parks and reserves, in North America [and beyond], under similar circumstances, but that many of those people have died, from blunt force trauma injuries, to the skull and neck, with some of them having been thrown from cliffs, or mountain tops and that these injuries, have either gone unreported, by journalists at the time, or have been covered up, by examining coroners and physicians, particularly when "falling" cannot be given, as a possible explaination for the deaths and/ or when accompanied with other injuries, such as human mutilation injuries/ radiation burns, and/ or other unexplained and/ or undetermined forms of death, that have not been disclosed to the media, or have been left off medical reports altogether. These are just a few examples showing similar skull and neck injuries, of the Missing 411 victims [from 1912-2015], that were also received by the Dyatlov Pass hikers, in February 1959:
Isabel Zandarksi
Missing 21st September, 1912 3.00 am, East Orwell, Ohio, USA.
Age at disappearance: 30 months.
"This same article stated that "A blow from a club" crushed Isabella's skull; apparently two physicians initially performed the autopsy and stated that the girl died from a blow to the head ... Additional evidence revealed by physicians here who have performed a second autopsy, disclosing that three of the child's ribs had been broken prior to her death."
[p275, Missing 411: North America and Beyond, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2012]
Edward Gerke
Missing 11th June, 1918, Tomah, WI, USA.
Age at disappearance: Unknown.
Mr. Gerke was a farmer, who was found around midday, by his family, dead in a ditch in a pasture, on his newly purchased property, after he left early in the morning, in order to go and do some chores. Paulides writes, "They ... thought some of his clothes had been burned." followed by "Tomah Police ... were completely baffled about how Edward's neck was broken, or how he got sand in his mouth."
[p29-30, Missing 411: Eastern United States, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2011]
Missing 21st June, 1921. 9am. Chasm Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, USA.
Age at disappearance: 55 years. |
"Officials stated that his skull was partially crushed."
[p48, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014]
M-Floyd Chandler
Missing 11th October, 1937. 4.30pm., Stove Prairie, CO, USA.
Age at disappearance: 41 years.
"Mr. Chandler's body did go through a coroner's inquest. He was found to have a head injury as is described in the December 7, 1938, Greeley Tribune: "The doctors reported that the skull fracture had been caused by a large blunt instrument, which could have been caused by falling on a rock."
[p57, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014].
Note: More than likely, the rock fell on him.
Hoyt F. White
Missing 5th September, 1940 Unk, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, USA.
Age at disappearance: 33 years.
"White probably was killed instantly in the accidental tumble from the rock ledge, the ranger said. The attorney's skull was crushed and most of his clothes torn away." Most of his clothing torn away from a fall - hmm."
[p58, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014]
Note: On page 60 & 612 in Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, two more people [Thomas H. Evans 20 yrs old and M-Harley Booth 30 yrs old], apparently fell from cliffs. in Flat Top Mountain and Devil's Gulch, in Colorado, USA, respectively. Were their skulls crushed in as well?
Carl Herrick
Missing 23rd November, 1943, West Townshend, Vermont, USA.
Age at disappearance: 37 years.
Carl's cousin, Henrry found Carl on the mountain lying on the ground motionless. Henry walked to the body and found Carl's face black, with minor scratches on the arms and hands .. "The Dunkirk Evening Observer had the following: Äcting coroner Carlos Otis said that 'the bear had cuffed [scratched] Herrick about the head, but killed him by squeezing. The victim's lung was punctured.'" Paulides also notes, "There were some alleged "huge" bear tracks on the ground in the area." He then goes onto to state that he has never heard of a bear squeezing anyone to death, with that kind of force and that if a bear had killed Mr. Heerick, then there would have been bite and scratch marks [from the bear's claws] on his body, which there were not. As a side note, he writes, "I would assume that if a bear was going to take the effort to kill a man, that he would be hungry, so he would at least eat some of what he had killed. But this was not the case."
[p267-268, Missing 411: Eastern United States, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2011]
Note: This man was attacked by both the fallen angel, manifesting in light orb/ plasma ball form, hence the discolouration of the skin, through radiation/ and or burning, as well as being attacked by the physical manifestation, in the form of "Bigfoot", who cuffed [scratched] him about the head and then killed him by squeezing, with a rib puncturing his lung, in the same way that the game warden's lung was punctured, whereas Lyudmila Dubinina had one of her broken ribs, actually puncturing her heart.
Gunner Peterson
Missing 6th August, 1950, PM, Churchill Mountain, Colville National Park Forest, WA, USA.
Age at disappearance: 65 years.
"He could account only for eight of the ten days he had been missing and apparently had been knocked unconscious by a falling limb or rock."
[p13, Missing 411: North America and Beyond, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2012]
Richard Rucker
Missing 30th July, 1953 -10.37 am, Swiss, VW, USA.
Age at disappearance: 2 years.
"Searchers were a mile and a half from the Rucker home on a mountaintop when they found Richard's sunsuit. They stated that the suit appeared to be balled up as though someone had thrown it on the ground under a tree ... His bruised and broken naked body was lying face downward at the foot of a seventy foot cliff ... An autopsy revealed Richard had a fractured skull and multiple internal injuries."
[p224, Missing 411: North America and Beyond, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2012]
Samuel Ipock
Missing 10th October, 1977, 5.00pm, northeast of Tumalo Falls, OR, USA.
Age at disappearance: 22 years.
"A coroner's report indicated that Samuel had major head and neck trauma. It was theorised that Samuel fell off a one-hundred foot cliff and then slipped another 195 feet down a steep, boulder strewn decline."
[p177, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014]
M-Jeff Christensen
Missing 29th July, 2005, RMNP, CO, USA.
Age at disappearance: 31 years.
"A further description of where Jeff was located was in the Dailycamera.com on September 21, 2006: "On August 6 Christensen's body was found, not by searchers, but by three hikers in a large basin below Mt. Chiquita. He had died of a fatal head injury, probably from a fall, on the day he went missing, but had clearly been alive after his accident. He had bandaged his head and hiked away from the accident site [which has never been found]. His radio was in working condition and he was in a location from which he could have radioed for help, but he clearly did not." "Paulides requested the coroner's report from Larimer County which stated that Mr. Christensen had no other injuries. But that "Jeff did have head injuries and died of skull fractures and an epidermal hematoma."
[p88-89, Missing 411: The Devils In The Details, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2014]
Note: An Epidural hematoma commonly results from a blow to the side of the head ... Epidural hematoma is usually found on the same side of the brain that was impacted by the blow, but on very rare occasions it can be due to a contrecoup injury." [Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidural_hematoma]. The Dyatlov group members, that received blows to the side of the head, resulting in a fractured skull, were Rustem Slobodin and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles.
Jay Polhill
Missing 28th December, 2010, Chicago, IL, USA.
Age at disappearance: 20 years.
"The Cook county coroner stated that there were no drugs or alcohol found during toxicology testing. They did confirm that Jay had suffered from extensive skull fractures on both sides of his head, and he also had a broken bone in his neck." Paulides goes on to write that "This case matches many that I've written about in the past. The victim is found with severe and life-threatening injuries, and the coroner rules it as accidental or undetermined. This is very similar to cases I've chronicled of victims found at the bottom of cliffs. They have major injuries. The determination is normally 'aciddental fall'. There are never witnesses."
[p21-22, Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2015]
The Dyatlov group members, that received blows to the side of the head and/ or face, Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov, Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina. While there were no obvious high cliffs in the area, there was s shallow ravine and four of the hikers, Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, were found at the bottom of that ravine, in an icy stream.
In regards to the murder of Jay Polhill, a writer notes a çoincidence regarding this case, "He was found in the Calumet River. Calumet Photographic sells camera equipment, and Jay Polhill was a photographer." This is from the website: [Footprints At The River's Edge: Raising Awareness For Missing Young Adult Males, http://footprintsattheriversedge.blogspot.com.au/2010/03/22810-jay-polhill-20-chicago-il.html You will find many such synchronicities, when it comes to the fallen angels interference, in people's lives and this may carry over, into the lives of those, who research and write about these matters, while under the influence of same.
Michael Van Gortler
Makana Van Gortler
Missing 22nd June, 2011 -Unk, Mount Missouri, CO, USA.
Age at disappearance: 53 and 20 years respectively.
"Chafee County Sheriff Pete Palmer told CBS4 they almost certainly fell simultaneously. He said the two plunged almost a thousand feet on a 60 percent grade ... The coroner stated that Makana and Michael died from blunt trauma to their head and neck."
[p156-57, Missing 411: North America and Beyond, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2012]
Note: Coroner Randy Amettis called 7NEWS after he finished the autopsies on Monday. "Dr. Michael von Gortler and his daughter, Makana, both died from blunt-force trauma injuries to the head and neck,"
While Amettis could not say if the hikers had fallen, he said their injuries are not inconsistent with a fall ... Sheriffs at the county were asked what happened. One said he didn't know how two people fell off that mountain to their death on a day with beautiful weather, when it wasn't as steep as you would expect, or why they both fell off the mountain. He said it makes no sense."
[Source: Quora, https://www.quora.com/What-cases-involve-two-or-more-people-going-missing-together-What-are-their-stories]
David Paulides is writing about a 22 year old student, Karen Louise Wilson, who disappeared in Albany, NY, USA who was last seen "adjacent to heavy woods and a reservior and a creek." He writes; "There were other coeds in the greater New York area that had disappeared, but their bodies were found with significant head injuries that would've caused death. Karen has never been found."
[p275, Missing 411: North America and Beyond, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2012]
Benjamin Fuder
Missing 28th July, 2012 11.37pm, Whitewater, WI, USA.
Age at disappearance: 21 years.
"Ben's body was found on July 29 at 6.45cm in the same quarry as Mark Wegner. The police stated that he had fallen seventy feet to his death. The coroner stated that Ben died from traumatic head injury and ruled the death accidental."
[p21-22, Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2015]
James McGrogan
Missing 14th March, 2014, Vail, CO, USA.
"... Disappeared on a trail outside of Vail, Colorado ... Found at the bottom of an ice chute at Booth Creek Falls. James was wearing a helmet. Paulides states, "The coroner later took off that helmet and found that he had severe head injury. He had trauma to the left side of his chest. He had a broken femur."
[James McGrogan - Missing 411, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TlGc4slOMo]
"The femur, or thigh bone, is the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the entire human body. ..."
[Femur - Skeletal System - Human Anatomy http://www.innerbody.com/image_skelfov/skel25_new.html]
"The most common cause of femoral shaft fracture is a motor vehicle or motorcycle crash. Being hit by a car as a pedestrian is another common cause, as are falls from heights and gunshot wounds."
[OrthOInfo. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00521]
Note: In regards to James McGroggan placing a helmet on his head. People who hurt their heads by falling down or by bumping them on something accidentally, do not expect that they will have an exact repeat of the same accident. They would very likely, just stumble along with, or walk carefully with their injury, in order to look for help. The fact that James McGroggan, then felt it necessary, to place a helmet on his head, over the top of his skull injury, tells me that he had an expectation, that he may receive the same type of injury, to the head again. McGroggan was trying to protect his head, that had already been injured, from further injury. He was still alive, after receiving the first head injury and that perceived the threat to be ongoing. For James McGrogan, the danger, that he had encountered on his journey, resulting in his injury, was still imminent and potentially physically threatening. McGrogan was also said to have sustained injuries to the left side of his chest, remembering that Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, both had injuries to their chest, with Lyudmila's being mainly on the left side of her chest, created by force of impact.
Sukhjeet Saggu
20 years
Missing 06/05/15
Lindeman Lake Trail, Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park, BC, Canada
"A hiker from the Lower Mainland was found dead Saturday afternoon in Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park, following an extensive search involving dozens of volunteer rescuers ... Around 2 p.m. Saturday, an RCMP pilot spotted the hiker’s body in a boulder field southwest of Lindeman Lake, where he had apparently suffered a fatal fall, Fraser said. Fraser said in his 18 years with the local search and rescue team, he could not remember a previous fatal accident on the Lindeman Lake trail."
[Source: The Chilliwack Times http://www.chilliwacktimes.com/news/306509081.html]
Note: Missing 411 author/ researcher, David Paulides, comments on the death of Sukhjeet Saggu, in one of his radio interviews: "... An autopsy showed that Sukhjeet died of blunt head trauma ... It was the belief of some that he fell and hit his head. How did he end up in a boulder field? Where did he fall from? ..."
Joe Keller
19 years
Missing 23/07/15
Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado, USA
"Keller was thought to be jogging in a remote area of Conejos County when he came upon the rocky cliff and reportedly tried to climb it. At some point in his climb, Martin believes Keller fell backward, landing on rocks below. According to reports by Denver news media outlets, Martin confirmed the type of injury that took Keller’s life was a skull fracture."
[Cleveland Daily Banner, Tuesday, August 9, 2016, http://clevelandbanner.com/stories/joe-kellersdeath-ruledan-accident,39991]
Note: Missing 411 author/ researcher, David Paulides, comments on the death of Joe Keller, in one of his radio interviews on YouTube: "Yes, the DNA tests confirmed that Joe was found in the Conejos Canyon, Colorado on July 6th 2016, but that and where he was found is all we know. We do not know for certain what happened. The place Joe was found is not a place where someone would go running ... The truth is we really do not know what happened to Joe. We do know where he was found and that he was not alive. He was found at the base of a cliff, ... 2.5 miles as the crow flies, from the start of his run, from Rainbow Trout Ranch ... We have discussed it with investigators, detectives, searchers and others and still there is nothing more than speculation. Joe's death was ruled accidental by skull fracture."
Brief Summary
In summary, it is fair to say, that there are obvious similarities in the physical injuries sustained, by the Dyatlov group of hikers and a number of Missing 411 victims, as are documented in a series of books by author David Paulides, as well as those people, who become victims of fallen angel attack through, "UFO" and/ or "Bigfoot" related encounters. All of the aforementioned people, appear to have died from a combination of blunt trauma to the skull and/ or to have been 'squeezed/ crushed' in some way, that either resulted in death, or assisted in the process of death by hypothermia. However, there are also other factors, to take into consideration and they are the following: 1] that the blunt trauma force was caused by a] being hit with a blunt instrument, b] being hurtled, thrown, smashed down, or falling very hard and with intense force, onto a hard surface, c] Shockwave, blast, or explosive impact, often compared to being in a car accident. Finally, several of the Dyatlov group appeared involved in fighting the perpetrator and in return, receiving injuries to the knuckles [metacarpophalangeal joints], face, nose, eyelids, lips, forehead, head and forearms/ backs of hands, through possible defence blocking, 3] a number of the group appeared to have skin colouration reminiscent of radiation burn injuries, that are common in "UFO" light orb/ plasma ball encounters and 4] A couple of group members, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, sustained injuries reminiscent of cattle mutilation injuries, that are common in "Bigfoot" encounters and light orb/ plasma "UFO" encounters. There are three things, that you need to place together here, before you can understand the identity and nature of the perpetrators. They are 1. light orbs/ plasma balls [UFOs], 2. demonic manifestation [cryptids such as 'Bigfoot' and 3. fallen angels [demons] and to understand, that they are one of the same and that they are in direct opposition to God's word, via The Holy Bible. Praying to God, or crying out to Jesus, will stop these experiences and following Jesus, will save your spirit, which is who you really are, beyond the physical, now and forever.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |