This Artwork Titled 'Dyatlov Pass' Is An Example Of How A Fallen Angel [Principality] Resides Over An Area.
A shaman in Siberia summons demons using a drum. She sees them as 'spirits', very likely, as a variety of spirits, with some being good and others being evil, some of which may be ancestral spirits, or the spirits of her deceased ancestors. The shaman believes that the spirits will assist her, if she pays homeage to them, if she obeys them and sometimes she may even seek to control them, for her own purposes. The large round drum/ disc, is symbollic of the fallen angel/ demonic power, in light orb/ plasma ball form, as it utilises energy in order to move around in our dimension and impact our physical reality. The flying serpent on the drum, indicates that the shaman is under the influence of a fallen seraphim, that would very likely be a territorial power and/ or principality, an ancient god/ or overseer, of the surrounding area and a familiar spirit to those familes who have lived there for generations.
In the absence of the knowledge, of the one true and living God, the salvation that is possible through Jesus Christ and the guidance of The Holy Spirit, through the reading of God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible, the shaman summons the fallen angels/ demonic powers, in order to pay homeage to them, to seek guidance and protection from them, to worship them and to venerate them as gods, who, in their fallen state, desire this, as well as the blood sacrifice of animals and humans. They prefer humans, particularly children, infants and babies, but in the absence of these, they will accept the sacrifice of various animals, accompanied by eleborate ritualised ceremonies, where the demonic powers are symbollicaly represented and dutifully esteemed, in the physical world and where the participants enter into altered states of consciousness, making it easier for their minds, to be accessed and influenced.

The Siberian shaman uplifts his arms, in order to make an inverted pyramid, that connects spiritually with the pyramid of human spiritual and blood sacrifice, under the dominion of Satan and his fallen angels. The drums of the shaman, have been crafted into a horned [or winged] disc, which is how fallen angels/ demonic powers, choose to have themselves represented, when they inspire [influence] the craftsmen.

The Siberian shaman wears a breast plate or decoration, that displays a fallen angel/ demonic power, in sphere form. This represents the demonic powers, when they manifest as light orbs/ plasma balls, that people think are UFOs. The horns on the shamans head dress/ helmet, represent a demonic manifestation, ie; the horned god.

The fallen angel/ demonic power, is artistically and symbolically represented, as the large white sun disc, that appears behind the shaman. This is the 'sphere of influence', that the demonic power has over the shaman, during trance states, which is really a form of hypnosis or mind control, allowing the demonic power, further access to the shaman's mind, in order to influence his/ her thinking, emotions and subsequent actions. The winking shaman is represented as the one eyed dagual/ or anti-christ.
Note the many eyes of the fallen angel/ demonic power, that have been drawn onto the shaman's sleeve. These are the eyes of the seraphim/ cherubim angels, that are written about in The Holy Bible. "And their whole body, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, were full of eyes round about, even the wheels that they four had." [Ezekiel 10:12, The Holy Bible, KJV]. There is also the X inside the circle, that represents human death and homeage paid to the demonic power, that has overseen/ overshadowed their lives. Various forms of demonic manifestations, such as faeries and satyrs, appear in the illustration, that the artist has drawn, under the inspiration, of a demonic power.

Prefering a cover of darkness, fallen angels/ demonic powers, often choose the later hours of the afternoon, towards early evening, or just as soon as the sun sets, in order to manifest and make themselves known to human beings. This can occur well into the night, often with the manifestation gaining intensity at around 3.30am, in order to copycat the work that Jesus did on the cross, during his crucifixion at Calvary, which some believe to have occured around 3.30pm. In his series of Missing 411 books, author and researcher, David Paulides, notes that many of the people that he has documented, tend to go missing in the late afternoon, towards the evening.

In order to become a servant/ channeller/ or living conduit, for the fallen angel/ demonic power, the shaman must take on s subservient role, covering their own head, with the head dress, bearing the painted eyes, that represent the demonic power, who now takes the dominant position, not only influencing the thoughts and thereby the actions of the shaman, but at least in a symbollic sense, replacing the shaman's body with his own. The demonic power sees himself as having influence and/ or possession, over the shaman/ person, who then becomes their property. The cross on the back of the drum and the dress of the shaman are highly symbollic.

This book cover, depicting Turkish shamanism written by Fuzuli Bayat, depicts the fallen angel/ demonic power in its sphere, or winged disc form, as having complete influence over the body, mind and spirit of the Turkish shaman. Since demonic powers are worshipped by the deceieved and pershing worldwide, the are similarly represented symbolicslly worldwide.

In this way the shaman becomes subserviant to the totem animal, as they blend [mind meld] into the one spiritual force. This can be seen in a movie; Highlander where the protagonist was taught to run like a deer, whereby he must assume the deer's spirit and become the stag/ deer on a physical sense in order to receive its powers.

Scene From The Movie Highlander, Where Human And Animal Spirit Combine, To Give Strength And Power.
Under the influence of the fallen angel/ demonic power, that I was with, I had dreams of being different animals including a wolf and a kangaroo. The Dragon wanted me to worship animals, to have totem animals, as a form of idolatory and he placed various visual experiences into my psyche, where I envisaged a spirit animal helper, or joined with it, in some kind of spiritual union, that involved an exchange of spiritual knowledge. It was all a deception, leading to the weakening of my spirit, by the demonic power and in being ensnared by the sin of idolatory, before God.

The Siberian shaman offers his spirit up to the fallen angel/ demonic power, in taking on a passive sacrificial position. Here he gives the demonic power permission to take him over. The demonic power is close by, in its invisible spirit firm, but choses to have itself physical and symbollically represented, by the sphere that the shaman stands behind. Mind altering substances, such as drugs prepared by the shaman, from local plants, ensures that the shamans' mind is in a state, so as to be overtaken by a demonic power, or unclean spirit, that they readily and willingly submit to, not knowing, that the devil comes, but to steal, to kill and to destroy. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The shaman willingly offers themselves up to demonic powers, in return for worldly success, but this exchange comes at a very high price.

The Siberian shaman summons fallen angels/ demonic spirits, using the cross and circle symbol, which represents human death and worship of the demonic power, in its sun disc/ plasma ball form, the beating of the drum assists in placing the shaman and other people, into altered states of consciousness, where, coupled by substance abuse, prepares for demonic invasion and influence over their mind, body and spirit.

The shaman summons fallen angels/ demonic powers, or spirits, inside a teepee/ tent that is symbollic of the mountain/ pyramid of human and animal blood sacrifice, to the demonic power, who has influence over them, as is represented by the spherical shape, that has been incorporated into the structure, of the roof of the tent shelter.

In the background, we have the shaman with the face covering and a dead fox skin on their head, in order to symbolise the worship of/ and spiritual unity with, the fox and their subservience to the demonic power, who is behind the giving of their totem animal [and perhaps even their birth name] to them. The symbol on the clothes of the shaman, shows two overlapping diamonds. This is a symbol commonly used by fallen angels/ demonic powers, in order to represent fusion of two minds, that being, the drugged/ hypnotised mind, of the human being and the mind of the angelic being.

The Demonic Power That I Was Involved With Spoke To Me Through Symbols, Such As On This Necklace.
The fallen angel/ demonic power, that I was involved with said, We are the dream of each other, inviting me to FUSE with him. He had me buy the necklace [pictured above], in order to display the mind meld that had/ was still occuring between us.

Shamans nearly always rely on mind alternating substances, in order to allow the fallen angel/ demonic power, to access and influence their thoughts, that will then dictate both their emotions and actions. The demonic power that I was involved with, whom I refer to as The Dragon, put some text in front of me on the internet, that said the following, "Harbinger will be returning as a black lantern, in the blackest night crossover, [with her mind temporarily altered to make her more accomodating]."

Two shamans assist a third shaman, who appears to partially collapse, as he enters into an altered state of consciousness, in order to make his mind more receptive/ or accomodating, to demonic influence and intrusion. Without the knowledge of Almighty God and His only begotten son, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, cultures and religions worldwide, are still decieved into worshipping the little pagan gods, who are nothing more than fallen angels/ demonic powers in disguise. They are the ancient enemies of God and of humankind, whom God created, in His own image.

This is a photo of a shaman, with his eyes rolled back into his head, as he enters into an altered state of consciousness, while under fallen angelic/ or demonic influence.

This is a photo of myself, entering into an altered state of consciousness, in 2002.

Fallen angels/ demonic powers can affect the minds of animals, birds, fish, insects, similarly influencing them, into certain controlled behaviours. This artwork is a symbollic representation of a bison, that is under the sphere of influence, of a demonic power. In this instance, the American bald eagle, represents the winged disc, or the demonic power, that has placed the bison inside a cameo, in order to display its control and/ or influence over the animal. Many royal and/ or noble families worldwide, are similarly placed inside cameos, to represent the demonic power's sphere pf influence and/ or over individuals in their bloodline/ lineage, as they attempt to make a claim on each individual, for a trophy, to be displayed in Hell, upon the person's physical death, without the saving attonement of Jesus Christ.

When this Siberan shaman places her head inside the sphere, that is the drum, she is both summoning and submitting to the fallen angel/ demonic power, in sphere or orb form, that I refer to as a sphere of influence. The shaman must then cooperate, with the deceiving demonic power, by choosing to place herself, into an altered state of consciousness, that is most often accompanied by substance abuse, or drug taking and then into a hypnosis, or trance like state, whereupon she is accessed, influenced and utilised by the demonic power, in order to promote an agenda, that involves demonic powers, to her town or village. She is utilised by the same power, that intends to destroy her, body, mind and spirit, by the wrath of God. In this way, the shaman channeller, becomes a living blood sacrifice, to be discarded and destroyed, once the demonic power is finished with her, once she goes past her used by date.

This Siberian shaman raising his arms and drum, into the form of an inverted pyramid, in order to show his connection to the the pyramid/ or mountain, which is a symbol of human physical blood and spiritual sacrifice to fallen angels/ demonic powers.

The picture that has been painted onto the drum's surface, that is used by the shaman, depicts a fallen angel/ demonic power in light orb/ sphere/ plasma ball form, influencing a shaman, under its waves of eletro magnetic radiation, which can also manifest as a light or lazer beam, that used to mutilate both cattle and human being, via precision cutting, often while they are still alive. But this is a more dispersed version of the EMR, suggesting more of an influence over the shaman's thoughts and actions, than a direct intent to kill by the demonic power. Included are other symbolic representations of spirit orbs, deic, and demonic powers, auch as the arch of influence over both landscape, animals and human beings and the crossed circle, representing human worship of the demonic power, who can both arrange their physical death, cause their death and drag them to Hell upon death, to be displayed as a trophy and to be tortured under the eternal wrath of God Almighty.
The Ural Mountains - Modern Day Spiritual Seekers

Modern day spiritual seekers appear to be worshiping the sun, but the fallen angel/ demonic power, sees this as representative of themselves in their sphere/ light orb/ plasma ball form and their followers as worshipping them, by the creation of an inverted pyramids, when they hold their arms up high, in this fashion. The demonic power would prefer the use of mind conditioning symbolism, rather than to actually physically manifest, thereby revealing both their size and shape, which may be smaller than their followers would think. It is the mystery/ deception that gives the demonic, its power. They are empowered by deceived and perishing people, who believe in their lies. They gain access to people, by permission, through deception.

In this film, UFO Zone: Russian Enigma Draws Alien Hunters, Psychics To Urals, The fallen angel/ demonic power is symbolically represented as the sun, who resides over the top of the sacrifical mountain pyramid. The worshippers of the demonic power, offer homeage and thereby offer themselves up for physical blood and spiritual sacrifice. The demonic power, whose hatred of God Almighty, is focused on human beings, that were made by God in His own image, will stop nothing short, of the complete destruction of the human mind, body and spirit, fueled by both his desire to be worshipped as God and an ancient inbuilt malice, towards anything representing his [and our] own creator, that being, the one true and living God, of The Holy Bible.
Mount Kholat Syakhl As A Place Of Blood Sacrifice

The Dyatlov Hikers Campsite, 400 Metres From A Sacrificial Shroom, Mount Kholat Syakhl, Ural Mountains, Russia.
Did you know, that there was a place of animal blood sacrifice, called a 'Shroom', created to appease fallen angels/ demonic powers [mountain gods], only 400 metres from where the Dyatlov group of hikers camped, on Mount Kholat Syakhl, on the night of heir murders? On that fatal night, they became the blood sacrifice, desired by the mountain gods/ the fallen angels/ territorial demonic powers, the little gods of this world, who have turned into devils, through their rebellion against God Almighty.

Sacrificial Shroom 400 Metres From The Dyatlov Hikers Campsite, Mount Kholat Syakhl, Ural Mountains, Russia.
The Ural Mountains - A Stronghold Of Demonic Activity
The Ural Mountains in Russia, are both the playground and a war zone, for territorial fallen angels/ local demonic powers, who are at war with humanity. They are on an end times mission, to deceive as many unsaved people as they can, despising human beings, because they despise God, who made us in His own own image. They are internally fuelled by thousands of years of in inbuilt malice, to rob us of our eternal destiny. The Word of God is a sword that cuts through all these demonic shenanigans. Jesus warned that "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.." [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV]. and "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.." [John 8:44, The Holy Bible, KJV]. But still, we have the deceived and perishing children of the devil, the conjurers, the shamans, the investigators, the artists, the philosphers, the researchers, the musicians, the hunters, the scientists, the channelers, the mystics and the psychics, opening their hearts and minds, in a way that invites a malicious predator, into their lives and to that of their families.
In the past, this invitation was given by the local pagan snake worshipping religions, that occur worldwide, with no distinction between them of any significance, in hopes of gaining favour and power, from the fabricated gods [and goddesses], of the pagan deception, who desire to be worshipped as God Almighty. Once you have invited these guests into your lives, their demand for blood sacrifice swiftly follows, so it is no suprise, that they often gain legal ground before God, to take it upon themselves, to choose and to destroy their own prossesions, who are maliciously regarded and disregarded, as victims, as small offerings to themselves, as little gods of worldly malice, in appreciation for all the short-lived benefits, that they have bestowed upon humanity, in order to weakly counteract God's original curse. In an ongoing insatiable hatred for all human beings and harbouring an age old desire, for their physical death and eternal destruction, the gods of this world, under their leader, who is Satan, are permitted to deceive and destroy those, who are outside of God's perfect will.
Open these doors, to the fallen angels/ demonic powers and you have an anomalous zone, where every demonic force under the sun, attempts to deceive, persuade, distract and disorientate the human observer, into desiring more and more contact. Meanwhile, just out of range, these powers are mutilating cattle and wildlife, in the most hideous and calculated fashion, not to mention the ever increaxsing numbers of missing humans, hunters, campers, or hikers, if they think they can get away with it, just like they did, on that cold and treacherous night, back in February 1959, when they set their sights upon nine experienced hikers, who were attacked and murdered, perishing just 1.5km away, from the life sustaining supplies, of Igor Dyatlov's tent.
Meanwhile, the alien hunters and psychics of today, are offering themselves up for phyical and spiritual sacrifice, to the fallen angel/ demonic power, who sees them as worshippng him [the creation], rather than the God [the creator]of the universe. They cannot see the demonic power, but he would still be influencing them, both collectively and individual and he would bring others with him, to join in on the hunt for human trophies, to be inspired while they live and displayed in Hell, upon death. It is only when the demonic power utilises energy within the environment, in order to make himself known, that his deceived worshippers, will see him. But they will only see him in the form that he chooses to adopt and not as he appears in the heavenlies.

UFO Zone: Russian Enigma Draws Alien Hunters, Psychics To Ural Mountains in Russia.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |