Russian Geologists Have Been Known To Experience Territorial [Demonic Powers] In Isolated Wilderness Areas.
Stories Of 'Danger' From Russian Geologists
Here are two stories depictng demonic shenanigans, from an article titled; '4 dangerous stories from a Siberian geologist’s expeditions' published by Lifestyle in 2017, by writer Irina Korneva. Korneva writes, "... Russian geologists travel a lot, spending months away from home, somewhere in the Siberian mountains, living in tents and cooking over fire. They have many adventures and numerous stories to tell - some very unusual and inexplicable; and others that were just plain dangerous. With more than 30 years experience on geological expeditions, Dr. Vladimir Vladimirov, a senior researcher at The V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, shared his memories from field trips.
Horror At Night
In 1982-1983, Vladimirov and his colleagues had a field trip close to the Erzin River in the Tuva region. At night, they met in a kitchen tent to tell mystical stories that happened during different field trips. "There were numerous stories. It was very silent and dark. Suddenly the silence was broken by the clanking of chains very close to the tent,” recalled Vladimirov. They ran out with a lantern and saw a huge white horse held by chains. “I’ve never seen such horses before or after this occasion,” said Vladimirov. “That was very creepy.” The horse walked slowly around the tent and the chains rang out softly. The men took the ladies to the tent, and immediately after they returned the horse was gone and once again there was only silence. [4 dangerous stories from a Siberian geologist’s expeditions, Lifestyle, Aug 09, 2017, Irina Korneva https://www.rbth.com/arts/lifestyle/2017/08/09/ 4-dangerous-stories-from-geologists_819638]

The Appearance Of A White Horse In Twin Peaks The Celtic Harbinger Of Demonic Abduction Experience.
A Holy Hill
In the 1990s, Dr. Vladimirov and a group of geologists worked in the Tuva region in southern Siberia. The majority of the population is Buddhist and there was a tradition of marking holy hills with strips of fabric. During one expedition, the geologists met an old man who pointed at the hill far away and advised them not to go there. But they only laughed at him and continued their way straight to that hill. “It was a very hot day and there were no clouds in the sky. We reached the hill and started hiking to the top, but not even halfway it suddenly started raining,” recalled Vladimirov. “We looked up at the sky and saw there was only one cloud exactly above our heads. We found it ironic and descended, and immediately the rain stopped. We became annoyed and started climbing the hill again, but once again the rain started. So we changed our route, to go around the mountain, and surprisingly there was no rain after that.” [4 dangerous stories from a Siberian geologist’s expeditions, Lifestyle, Aug 09, 2017, Irina Korneva https://www.rbth.com/arts/lifestyle/2017/08/09/ 4-dangerous-stories-from-geologists_819638]

The Pagan Practice Of Tying Ribbons Onto Trees, Occurs Across The Fallen World, From Siberia To Scotland.
In this photo [below], taken in 2009, a couple of months before I was saved by Jesus Christ and his holy angels, I was photographing ribbons tied onto ropes in a supposed 'faery area' where the Reverend Kirk, the author of The Secret Commonwealth, became involved with the local territoral demonic powers and disappeared. I was told telepathically by the demons, whom I thought we faeries, that they didn't kill him.

Before I Got Saved, Demonic Powers [Territorial Spirits], Decieved Me Into Thinking, That They Were Faeries.
"On the winding path of the Doonhill Fairy Trail Walk up to the secluded glen, where legend had it that the Reverend Kirk was abducted by fairies. I took many photos of the surrounding bush, seeing what I could pick up. The place certainly had an atmosphere about it and it wasn't long before it began to speak with me. It was only one line and it had to do with the disappearance of the Reverend Kirk. They said that he was not 'abducted' by them, followed by, something along the lines of: He only moved in closer to us, into a deeper shade of green. It was more profound than this, but it is my best translation of the telepathic communication. It was kind of sung to me, as I walked, half poetry and half wind. I wanted to start taking down, what they were saying, straight away, but the circumstances didn't allow for it, so I took as many photos as I could, in hopes of recapturing the voice, that was speaking through the natural world. [Update 2016: Nearly all of these photos 'vanished' from my pc]."
[Coral Hull, Testimony, Mackenzie Knight, Sacred Scotland [1]: Road Through The Highlands, The Faery Glen, http://www.coral-hull.com/testimony/mackenzieknight/enchantment/scotland-1.html]
What Can Happen Under A Power or Principality?

Ritualised Human Blood Sacrifice, Being Performed By Fallen Angels, In This Geographical Location.
When a fallen angel [demonic power] resides in a geographical location, they assign to themselves guardianship, custodianship, ownership over that area and everything that is within that area. For example; they do not like rocks being moved, such as in mining enterprises and being taken away as souvenirs. They may give permission for an area to be entered, in exchange for worship and acknowledgment, via animal or human blood sacrifice. They may not. Furthermore, they do not appreciate human intrusion, into the places that they hold to be special to themselves, not for any particular reason, but for the simple fact, that they have some kind of preference for a place, or a particular geographical area and/ or that they may have been assigned to his area, by their superiors, for some reason or another, that being unknown to and/ or unrecognised by human beings. An area will also hold significance, if, by human worship and blood sacrifice, they have gained permission before God, in order to physically manifest there. These are what pagans refer to as, 'sacred' places.
"According to the legend 9 Mansi hunters stayed here over night during their hunting trip. The next morning all nine were found dead by their friends. None of them showed any signs of violent death. Thus the mountain became regarded as haunted. Local native tribes avoided the peak and never ventured here."
[Dyatlov Pass Incident, Ermak Travel Guide, http://ermakvagus.com/Europe/Russia/Cholat-%20Syachil/Kholat%20Syakhl.htm]

They also require worship and this will inevitably takes the form of blood sacrifice, since their one desire is to hurt God and to see that all his creation dies phyaically while unsaved spiritually. This sacrficial offering can come in many forms, from pagans sacrificing animals and humans to the powers taking their own action, as they did with the mansi hunter, who was mutilated alongside the reindeer, if they deem that the worship of them, as the little gods of the earth, has not been as it should be.
They will also forceably remove people from this world, in order to pay homeage to themselves, or if they feel that they have been offended in some way. It is very easy to offend a fallen angel [demonic power], since our very presence, as fallen sinners made by God in His own image, is a ongoing offense to them. God rejected them and the fact that we still exist, offends them. You will find that in the areas, where fallen angels are on a killig spree, a number of things will occur, from human and animal mutilations to death via accidents, whether they be motor vehicle, plane or shipping accidents. Freak accidents such as lightning strike, rockslide and trees falling are often not accidents at all. There will be also be areas that include a higher incidence of deaths such as murder, suicide, illness, disease, heart attack and deaths that occur through oddly synchronised events, that are actually perfectly sychronised, by the fallen ones. The geographical area of the Ural Mountains in Russia, is one such area.

On the Dyatlov Pass website, maintained by Teodora Hadjiysk, it states that, "From 1960-61 several airplane crashes took away lives of nine pilots and geologists who were sent here. For a time flights were totally canceled in the region. Among more recent victims of the mountain was a crash of Mi-8 in 2009. Pilots ignored long standing unofficial no-fly zone. Fortunately they survived the crash, but they couldn't explain why their helicopter went down so quickly and without any warning."
[Dyatlov Pass, Teodora Hadjiyska, http://dyatlov-pass.com/theories]
The helicopter went down quickly and without warning, because the fallen angels [demonic powers] interfered with the electronics and navigational equipment and caused it to crash. In The Great Lakes area, bordering the USA and Canada in North America, the fallen angels [demonic powers] appear to have several techniques when bringing down aircraft swiftly. They disrupt the navigational equipment through their knowledge of electro magnetic radiation and magnetic fields. They affect the minds of the pilots and they utilise energy, as in natural forces, to simply tear the planes apart. Afterall, it was they who have humankind the technology in the first place and everything that they give to us in this world, comes at a cost. Why do you think so many so called UFOs [in light orb form], 'Bigfoot' sightings, cattle mutilations and the appearance of unmarked military helicopters [some real, some fake], including other anomalous phenomenon, are so often associated with, or occur close to military bases or installations? Do fallen angels enter into a contractual relationship, whereby they strike up a deal with the military, that being, in exchange for deadly weapondary technology, they then get to go on a sacrificial blood rampage on nearby farms?

A human mutilation in combination with animal mutilation:
Location: Naryan-Mar, Nenets Autonomous Region, Russia - 1994 - afternoon
"Several deer herders watched a large metallic disc-shaped object descend and land among a herd of deer. Immediately from the craft emerged several short humanoid figures, while ignoring the stunned herders, began to conduct on the seemingly paralyzed animals what appeared to be ‘surgical operations’. One of the shepherds approached the group of aliens, intending to drive them away. However the other men watched as the herder apparently came under the same hypnotic control that had affected the herd. Without trying to escape he approached the aliens and ‘voluntarily gave himself to them’. His body was found the next day, completely drained of blood, his genitalia removed along with the prostrate and pancreas; also several pieces of skin were removed in other parts of the body." [Igor Voloznev, Anomaly News, 2010. www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/ ET/et04human.html]

Fallen Angels [Demonic Powers] Utilise Electro Magentic Microwave Radiation To Mutilate Humans And Animals.
Testimony 1:
“Mansi legends tell of nine hunters that found their death on the Mount Kholat-Syakhyl at the time of the Flood: “died of hunger”, “cooked to death in boiling water”, “perished in some sinister flare”. Hence its name, translated as the Mountain of the Dead.” [Dimitry Romashko, http://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/nine]

Multiple Witnesses Reported Seeing Fireballs In The Area, On The Night That The Nine Hikers Perished.
The Dyatlov group were selected and monitored by fallen angels [demonic powers] to be sacrificed in this way. This planet of suffering and death under the curse of God, has many areas of blood sacrifice to fallen angels [demonic powers] posing as pagan gods and mountains are some to the places where this occurs. Mountains are considered to be areas of spiritual significance in The Holy Bible, being where Moses recieved The Ten Commandments from God and where Jesus Christ was transfigured. Satan and his fallen minions, still want what they cannot have, that is, to be worshipped as God, to be somehow, spiritually significant. This can only occurr via deception, by influencing people's thinking, by keeping them in sin and away from the saving power of Jesus Christ, by causing people to become ill, by making people have accidents, by causing them to become lost in the wilderness and sometimes by murdering them outright, as in human mutilation cases, as was the case with the nine hikers. The techniques of the enemy of humankind are subtle, varied and many.
The Leningrad Tourists Scenario, Unlikely To Have Occurred
There is information on the internet stating that nine tourists from Leningrad, met the same fate as the Dyatlov tourists in 1959. I assumed that it was true and repeated the information, however, I was then unable to find any evidence, of this having actually occurred. I asked author/ researcher Keith McCloskey [who has written two books on Dyatlov Pass], if he knew anything about this. He responded: "Quite frankly I don't believe this about the nine from Leningrad. In May 1959, the whole area was closed to all outsiders ie anyone who wasn't military, Mansi or a forestry worker.
It was not so much closed as you could not get a permit to go in there. On top of that, Sverdlovsk was a closed city as was the region to the north above it, so to travel to Sverdlovsk and then go north means you would have had to permission and papers to do so. That was a fact without The Dyatlov Pass Incident. You could not just jump on a train in Leningrad and go anywhere you wanted. During the Soviet period you needed a special permit just to live in Moscow. in 1961 it would have been only two years after the Dyatlov deaths and the area was not opened up again until 1963 for hikers and outsiders to travel up there." [Keith McCloskey, Author Website: http://www.keithmccloskey.com/] |
Two Russian Geologists Flee Their Tent And Perish
In his second book on the Dyatlov Pass incident, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, author and researcher, Keith McCloskey, describes two Russian geologists, who met a similar fate to the Dyatlov hikers, when something caused them to flee from their tent, into the winter landscape. He writes;

Were The Alakit River Geologists Frightened Out Of Their Tent By A Pack Of Wolves Or Something Else?
"The River Alakit lies deep in Siberia in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), roughly 2,575 kilometres (1,600) miles to the east of the Dyatlov Pass and can be considered to be as remote as it gets in Russia. In 1973 two geologists ran away from their tent and died from hypothermia. There seemed to be no explaination for their behaviour as nothing could be found which pointed to an external threat. What is interesting though, in this comparison with the Dyatlov group, is that the geologists ran in different directions away from each other, which would suggest panic. They too, were only partially clothed, which again suggests that whatever happened, happened very suddenly and must have been life threatening. Some observers of this incident have stated that the geologists were running away from an avalanche. However, although they were in an area of gentle mountains, they were actually camped on a relatively flat area of land close to the River Alakit. So again, the possibility of an avalanche can be ruled out. Like the Dyatlov Incident, there was no clear explaination for the deaths of the geologists or more correctly, what caused them to flee their tents which, in turn, led to their deaths."
[p121, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, Keith McCloskey, Self Published, 2016]
Legends Engineered By Fallen Angels [Demonic Powers]
"The force lines of the Dyatlov mystery inexorably converge in the dark heart of the labyrinth, the gloomy forest of the Voguls, where this once militant race gradually withers away, lulled by the harsh climate, primordial landscapes, and, the scourge of all indigenous peoples, the firewater. Back in the old days, each clan of Mansi owned vast shares of land. But the Voguls avoid certain places* even in “their” tribal and ancestral lands, so as not to disturb the real proprietors, spirits and gods. They are reluctant to talk of unusual things, as the outsiders delving too deep in Mansi mysticism always end badly."
[PER UNA SELVA OSCURA*, http://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/per-una-selva-oscura]
“There is no wind, and yet the bushes and branches are bending, as if someone is nearby…” – Prokopiy Bakhtiyarov, a hunter. According to folk beliefs, Kul-no-yer, the king of demons, and Vor-Ne, the patroness of the forest, hold sway over the Chistop* mountain range. There also dwell invisible giants whom only children can see. The Mansi sometimes brought the kids along to Chistop as “watchers”. Following some new concepts of the Soviet Air Defense command, construction of the radar site on the mountain began in 1978. It was after two years of laying the road on the mountain relief and erecting a fort, that it become evident that the radar is standing on top of a massive electromagnetic pocket. Semiconductors instantly burned out, copper and steel wires rapidly turned to ash. There would be a signal, and then, it would disappear; the site seemed to be under an impenetrable cap for several days.
Balls of lightning would fly out of the telephones in the winter. Stunning light shows unfolded in the night sky; and during cloudless weather, rectangular shadows glided across the mountains. Someone’s presence could always be felt in the most deserted and impassible places. “This same horror was in the sky when the masters of the mountain decided to show us some kind of spectacle. Quite frankly, I got cold feet and went into the house. I am not even sure what to compare this to: a mix of a laser and some sort of images… […] Then, the Mansi said that we should not see this, that the masters might take away my sight.” – From the evidence of Vladimir, the Commander of the Chistop radar site (1980-85) When asked, the Mansi would mumble about evil spirits and of gates to another world*. A resident of Ushma, Nikolai Anyamov (one of those who discovered the skiers’ tent) even said this to the military, “the students somehow upset the spirits, and they sought revenge.”
Finally, something took revenge upon the soldiers as well. Three privates went insane and were discharged after they met themselves coming up a hill. The ill-fated radar site was closed in 1985. And this was just another record in the murky history of Chistop. Gennadi Patrushev crashed his plane here in 1961. Twenty years before the Dyatlov incident, a whole NKVD squad of forty people* allegedly disappeared in the area of the mountain range in 1939. The squad had been detached for search for the Golden Lady, the fabled idol of the Great Mother-Goddess of the Ostyaks, the Voguls and the Samoyads. There is some historical evidence to back up the latter account. In the 1930’s, Soviet occultist Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko actually led several expeditions in search for the idol in the Ural Mountains. The research was commissioned by a special occult department in the OGPU/NKVD* under the Commissar, Gleb Bokiy, one of the founders of the Gulag system. Barchenko and Bokiy were shot in the years 1937-38, while their findings remain classified until this day.[Dyatlov Pass, Into the Golden Fire, By Dimitry Romashko, http://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/the-howler-1]
There is no consensus regarding the appearance of the statue of the “Golden Fire*”. In his “Rerum Moscoviticarum” (1549), the Austrian ambassador, Sigismund Herberstein related rumors that a stone temple in the Urals contained a golden idol of a pregnant woman, giving off a deafening roar. A Renaissance humanist, Pomponius Laetus assumed that the Golden Lady was a statue of Juno or of Cybele, brought by the Ugric tribes, who took part in the defeat of Rome by Alaric in 410, back to their homeland, to the Arctic Ocean, where they worshipped it as a goddess*. It is also being suggested that the Huns, while migrating from the Chinese border, brought to the Ugric tribes a Tibetan statue of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara or of the Goddess Guanyin. In ancient times, Vogul soldiers dressed in scarlet robes guarded the sacred place where the idol was hidden. But until today, the path to the shrine is supposedly watched by sentinels of a different kind: a water spirit, a serpent, and an obscure creature that the Mansi prefer not to mention in vain. It comes under an array of names: the Host, the Land Surveyor, Khumpolen, Kompolen, Yalvil, or Kul-no-yer.
[Dyatlov Pass, Into the Golden Fire, By Dimitry Romashko, http://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/the-golden-fire]

“It was the night of February 1st, 1959”. Despite such an epic prologue, the book of the Mansi author Olga Koshmanova, Staring at the Back, makes no mention of the Dyatlov Incident, not even in passing. By a strange coincidence, that very night the author had met “the Host” in a remote village in the Ural taiga. That encounter inspired her almost 50-year-long quest for evidence of this “forest spirit”. According to the natives’ belief, being in close proximity to “the Host” often comes with a blend of tactile, visual and mental sensations described with the concept of “mayachit*”. The places where the Kompolen roams are called “spellbound”.
The Mansi put their altars at the borders of those places. Quite often, such locations will coincide with areas of electromagnetic anomalies. Once in the forbidden territory, people start to hear things: whistles, stamping of the feet, and shouts - at times so shrilly as to cause vomit. If trespassers do not heed the warning, the Host may appear in the flesh. Always domineering physically and psychologically, he can induce terror, stupefaction, and panic. Some say he has control over fog and wind. Telepathic phenomena are also common. Oftentimes the Kompolen melts into thin air, leaving no traces on the soil or the snow. Among numerous evidences collected by Koshmanova only few tell of people being mutilated or killed by the Kompolen.
The Russian historian N. M. Karamzin brings up a legend about a forest giant “who would grab ten or more people with his hand so that they could not take him alive…” In 1946, in the village of Shamya, a forest man killed a child, ripping him to shreds, and put his head on a stake. Koshmanova relates a story where a “forest spirit” killed a woman by ripping out her lower jaw. Despite his sometimes monstrous size, pointed skull and the thick short hair covering his body and face, the Mansi never refer to “the Host” as an animal. “This is a person; however,” say the Mansi, “he is from another world.” [Dyatlov Pass, Into the Golden Fire, By Dimitry Romashko, http://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/the-man-from-another-world]

The Word Of God And The Love Of Jesus More Powerful Than Anything On Earth. [Matthew 24:35, 28:20]
Putting The Legends Into Perspective
On the property I live, a holy angel of God brought me comfort one day, when looking fo my lost drake Tara, to remind me that God not only was present on the property, by that he was responsible for and present on everything outside of the property as well. This meant that wherever Tara was, God was in control. Over a week later, my prayers were answered, when Tara 'turned up' on the back door step one morning.
Seven days and nights alone, barely able to fly or waddle far, in dingo and crocodile infested scrub, Tara was back, like he had never been away. Many years later, this thought of Father being in control of everything and everywhere, the seen and the unseen, came once again to me, shortly after rebuking a 'Bigfoot' demon, that had been following me along the fenceline, just after dark and seeing and placing this in the correct spiritual and physical perspective, that being, that they may be unknown to the majority of human beings, they may be for now, superior in regards to their abilities to utilise energy, in order to harm others and to self-represent as a myriad of physical manifestations, but most of their 'power' comes from their ability to decieve the perishing world, robbing millions of people of their eternal destiny in the kingdom of God, beneath the lordship of Jesus Christ, who came to attone for the lost sinner.
The fact is, that fallen angels [demonic powers] are subject to Jesus Christ and those Christians who operate under his authority. For example; I was able demand that the "Bigfoot" demon leave the property, which it finally did. This world is God's foot stool and God is my Father. My Father created this world. He owns everything in it. Satan's powers and principalities will soon be manifesting on their knees, before our saviour's imminent return. But in the meantime, my Father has dominion over His creation and everything that moves, breathes and thinks in this world, from the mountains to the oceans and every territorial 'spirit' and 'power' that operates within these localities, comes under His sovereign and divine authority and as a christian, Father has passed a little bit of this authority onto me, so that I may go where I go, under the ongoing protection and guidance of His holy angels, without risk of sucuumbing to the deadly deception of Satan and his fallen minions. This world, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe an everything in it, belongs to God and nothing and I mean nothing, shall seperate us from the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives inside all who love him.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39, The Holy Bible, KJV].