Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Fallen angels/ demonic powers have the ability, to manipulate God created [naturally occuring] elements, within our three dimensional reality, in order to achieve a certain degree of physical maifestation and to move this energy [manifestation] about, in ways that defy our knowledge of physics, at least when it comes to solid objects, simply because they are spiritual and not physical objects, as we know them to be. In this case, a demonic power [of a weaker nature], has manifested as a spirit orb, in order to have its photo taken, by the collapsed tent, of the Dyatlov hikers.
Sometimes demons refer to an orb like this, as 'a scout,' within the demonic hierarchy, who will observe the situation and then report back to the higher level power, who, for one reason or another, may not be present at the time. The spirit behind the creation of the orb, wears it like a mask and has adopted the position of the sacrificial mountain god, by placing itself, near to the top of the sacrificial mountain pyramid, but in this case, it is the collapsed tent, that has become the artificial pyramid. This is a example of the demonic power's use of symbollism.

Mansi Chum Path 200 Metres From Where The Dyatlov Hikers Set Up Their Tent On The Last Night Of Their Lives.
In this next case, a demonic power [of a weaker nature], has once again, chosen to manifest as a spirit orb, by the Mansi chum, which is both used as a tent shelter and a place of ritual blood sacrifice made to demonic powers, posing as little pagan gods.

Demonic Spirit In Orb Form Comparison Over The Hiker's Tent And The Mansi Chum.
In the photos [above] I compare the demonic spirit orbs, that achieved a degree of physical manifestation, over the remains of Mansi chum and the collapsed Dyatlov hikers tent. Both structures are symbollic representations of a sacrificial mountain pyramid. Both places have now involved physical human and animal blood sacrifice, to a larger fallen angel/ demonic power, posing as a territorial pagan mountain god.
Dyatlov Pass Mansi Ritual: Blood Sacrifice To Fake Gods
[Left Above] This construction is referred to as chum and was found 1 km from the tent (according to Cheglakov's testimony). [Right Above] A stock photo of a chum for comparison.
The following excerpt, from the Dyatlov Pass website, created by Teodora Hadjiyska, exposes the fact, that the vicinity surrounding Mount Kholat Syakhl, where the student hikes perished [were murdered] was a place of pagan ritual signficance, where roosters [and in the past babies], were sacrificed to territorial and ancestral fallen angels/ demonic powers, in return, for good hunting and the protection of the local food supply. The worship of devils in this area gives them permission. before God, to physically manifest and to futher enter into/ tamper with, the lives of those who worship them, the ancestors of those who worshipped them in the past, or those who are without the protection of Jesus Christ and his ministering holy angels, who are encamped around the saved, such as poltical communists, who were athiests.
"Mansi chum
A Mansi chum (definition) was observed North-East from where Dyatlov group pitched their tent on the night of January 30. A trail leading to the chum was passing 200 feet from where they camped.
Theory 1
The defenders of the Mansi theory say that the hikers may have been killed because they enter Mansi hunting grounds. Here follows an excerpt from Svetlana Oss "Don't Go There":
"According to Vladimir Androsov, who lived in the area next to the Mansi all his life, and is very familiar with their traditions and beliefs, the chum is a place of sacrifice. The purpose of any blood sacrifice performed by indigenous people was to ask God to protect reindeer from wolves, from diseases, to provide more food for their reindeer, etc. (9) Really, native minorities of Russian North don’t perform human sacrifices, and the following quote from a modern Mansi, Roman Anyamov, repeated as it is written by ethnographers, reflects his intention to impress or scare them. Here he talks of his tribal god sacrifice:
‘He (GOD) would be brought a sacrificial rooster. And when there wasn’t a rooster, it was said, it was necessary to steal a sacrifice, a Russian baby.’ Roma looked at us expectantly. ‘Well that was a long time ago, and now they don’t do that. Barbarism. A rooster is better.’
In the criminal case, the latter part of the statement of Ivan Uvarov, the old man who said the wind could produce some terrible sounds, says:
About the Mansi, I know that their sacred mountain is about forty km south from the place of the deaths. Forty-five years ago there was one accident with a hunter from the Pershino settlement. He climbed that mountain and took part of the food they had left there for their gods. He brought some of it back to his home. He did this again but then disappeared and was never seen again. There were some rumors he took an arrow designed for hunting animals."
Theory 2
That same Vladimir Androsov who Svetlana Oss is quoting commented in an interview on this particular photo of the chum:
"At this place a moose was killed. I can tell that it was killed and not dead because both antlers are together. When moose shed their antlers of age, they scratch on trees and usually loose them one by one. Mansi hunters left meat at that place and since the terrain is all the same around they put up a sign visible from far away. Or they might have taken the meat with them and marked the place to come and hunt again. It's just a sign. The long stick on the left is a trochee. The moose was killed in autumn. Not sure why did they leave the trochee (the long stick propped on the left side)."
[Controversy, Dyatlov Pass, Teodora Hadjiyska, controversy]
A Cursed Earth, Used As A Sacrificial Altar, To Satan's Fallen Angels

Mountain Pyramid Of Physical Blood Sacrifice Of Human Beings With Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Capstone.
Fallen angels/ demonic powers rule this world, under their commender in chief, Satan. The apostle Paul described Satan, as being, "the god of this world". "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." [2 Corinthians 4:4, The Holy Bible, KJV] and the rulership over humanity, by his minions, as "the power of darkness." "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son:." [Colossians 1:13, The Holy Bible, KJV]. This is why demonic manifestations, from UFOs sightings through to 'Bigfoot' encounters, often occur, in conjunction with each other, display supernatural abilities and occur worldwide.
The sacrificial mountain pyramid, is the prefered symbol, of the fallen angels/ demonic powers, who currently rule this world, until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Firstly, they used mountains, as places of human and animal blood sacrifice and then, as people populated the earth, under instruction from God, they inspired/ or influenced those people, to build pyramids, in order to create artificial mountains, where the sacrifices were ongoing. These demonic powers, view everywhere that human beings exist, that being, where we are born, suffer and die, as a potential platform, of physical and spiritual blood sacrifice to them. They view the world as an altar of human and animal blood sacrifice, that they helped us to build, in order to worship them, as the little gods of this world. When this arrangement is not upheld, on a regular ongoing basis, or they suddenly decide, that they are not being given their due recompense, or what they feel is owed to them, in their deranged and grandiose state of mind, then they readily and too often, simply take matters into their own hands and this is where both human and animal mutilations, come into play. They are murdering life [God's creation] on this prison planet, in order to pay homage to themselves. Dont be deceived. In between God's curse upon this fallen world, due to original and ongoing sin and the demonic powers ongoing mass hypnosis upon a perishing humanity, and the very real prospect of individual human beings, to be tortured in Hell, perishing eternally, under an Almighty God's divine justice and unending wrath, as it is written, in The Holy Bible, there appears little time to succumb to fantasy, in light of what every flesh and blood creature, including humanity, are faced with, during this brief existence. Our situation, in terms of a future, is utterly hopeless without the saving attonemet of Jesus Christ. Our life is to be born, to suffer and then to die, in a completely meaningless way, on a cursed [prison] planet with fallen angels/ demonic powers as the corrupt prison wardens, abusing us in our cells. Put simply, there are no human rights. It's a blood bath.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |