The Ural Mountain Range In Russia, Is Known As A Place, Of Intense Psychic And Supernatural Activity.
Picnic at Hanging Rock is an Australian historical fiction novel by Joan Lindsay, that was adapted into 1975 Australian mystery drama film that was directed by Peter Weir. [Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picnic_at_Hanging_Rock_(novel)]. The plot involves the disappearance of several school girls and their teacher, during a picnic at Hanging Rock, Macedon Ranges, Australia on Valentine's Day [a pagan spring/ fertility holiday, occuring on 14th February] in 1900, and the subsequent effect on the local community ... [Picnic at Hanging Rock (film), Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picnic_at_Hanging_Rock_(film)]. The Dyatlov Pass Incident, involves the disappearance and subsequent deaths of nine hikers, during a skiing trip, to Mount Otorten in the Ural Mountains, Russia on Imbolc [a pagan spring/ fertility holiday, occuring on 2nd February] in 1959. Are these two scenarios related?
Pagan Holy Days [or Holidays]
The Dyatlov Pass Incident
The night of the 1st of February, [on which the hikers died], marks the coming of Imbolc. The date of Imbolc is thought to have been significant in Ireland since the Neolithic period ... Some passage tombs in Ireland are aligned with the sunrise around the times of Imbolc and Samhain. This includes the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara, ... and Cairn L at Slieve na Calliagh ... To the Romans, this time of year halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox was the season of the Lupercalia. For them, it was a purification ritual held on February 15, in which a goat was sacrificed and a scourge made of its hide. The ancient Egyptians celebrated this time of year as the Feast of Nut, whose birthday falls on February 2 on the Gregorian calendar. According to the Book of the Dead, Nut was seen as a mother-figure to the sun god Ra. Imbolc is a holiday with a variety of names, depending on which culture and location youre looking at. [Imbolc, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc] It is no mere coincidence that The Dyatlov Pass Incident, involving the murder/ deaths of nine hikers, occured on a pagan day of blood sacrifice to demonic powers [devil gods], dating back as far as ancient Egypt.

A Scene From The Australian Movie, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Directed By Peter Weir In 1975.
Picnic At Hanging Rock Story
While the European folk traditions connected with Saint Valentine and St. Valentine's Day have become marginalized by the modern Anglo-American customs connecting the day with romantic love, there are some remaining associations connecting the saint with the advent of spring ... Valentine's Day still remains connected with various regional customs in England. In Norfolk, a character called 'Jack' Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving sweets and presents for children. Although he was leaving treats, many children were scared of this mystical person ... In Slovenia, Saint Valentine or Zdravko was one of the saints of spring,... A proverb says that "Saint Valentine brings the keys of roots". Plants and flowers start to grow on this day ... Another proverb says "Valentin prvi spomladin" ("Valentine the first spring saint"), as in some places (especially White Carniola), Saint Valentine marks the beginning of spring. [Valentine's Day, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%27s_Day] Again, it is no mere coincidence that The Picnic At Hanging Rock story, involving the disappearance/ deaths of women, occured on a pagan day of blood sacrifice to demonic powers [devil gods], since all sacred and holy days, dedicated to demonic powers require some kind of sacfrice, whether it be 'gifting' or 'feasting', or the traditional pagan blood sacrifice.

A Photo Of The Snow Covered Landscape Where The Dyatlov Pass Incident Took Place In February, 1959.
Both Picnic at Hanging Rock and The Dyatlov Pass Incident, involve a number of young adults, accompanied by an older adult, who venture away from a populated civilised area, into an unpopulated wilderness area, on the date of a pagan spring fetility ritual, that being the 2nd February and the 14th February respectively. Both scenarios involve the eventual disorientation and movement up into a mountain area, that is considered by indigenous pagan tribes, as sacred. The mountain is a natural sacrifical platform, for fallen angels/ demonic powers, posing as little pagan gods.
Both The Dyatlov Pass Incident and Picnic At Hanging Rock, are are about the blood and soul sacrifice, of group of human beings to a fallen angel/ demonic power, that claims to have territorial duristicton, over a natural geographical area, that is considered sacred and/ or it off limits, by local pagan population ie; native tribes.
Both the film and incident, involve a territory, within an isolated wilderness area, where the victims are made vulnerable as visitors. Then, for some supposedly inexplicable reason, as if not entirely in their right minds, the two sets of young adults from each scenario, leave the original known path or area, instead, choosing follow a path that leads to their disappearance and/ or demise. Turning people around, so that end up going in the opposite direction is a common occurrence in so called UFO abuduction cases, many of which are said to involve missing time, that are really demonic in nature. This is Biblical in nature and elates to Jesus Christ warning people to "Repent" or feel remorse for their sins, leading to a change of heart, as in to turn around and go in the opposite direction, to where the were headed, in choosing an eternity in him, rather than damnation with Satan, under the wrath of God."From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."" [Matthew 4:17, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Spirited Away By Demonic Powers

One Of The Very Last Photos, Of The Dyatlov Pass Hikers, As They Head Up Onto The Mountain.
Amongst the last photographs, that were taken of the Dyatlov Pass student hikers, before they went missing, are of them moving away from the planned route, into what appears to be heavy snowfall, while climbing Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain].
Author and researcher of The Dyatlov Pass Incident, Keith McCloskey, is suitably perplexed, as to why the hikers resorted to such actions, on the final day before their deaths, when he writes; "One glaring fact stood out about the tent's location for me - why there? It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. They had to climb up the mountain with no defineable path to get to where the tent was pitched. It cannot even be said that they got lost because once you came out of the treeline, the ground was sloping steeply upwards and it was obvious you were out of the forest. They had been following the river Auspia which was clearly defined and would have been like following a road, it was so clear. They came it so that to almost wander haphazardly up a mountain to the spur of the Pass and then again wander haphazardly to the point at which they decide to pitch the tent. It defied logic. Furthermore, Kolevatov was carrying the tent, so not a light load and he had injured his knee. So why go up a mountain which was not on your planned route? It would have been harder for him with the injury as well as the extra work involved in carrying his load. If that is what they did, it was baffling." [p47, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, Keith McCloskey, Self Published, 2016]

A Scene From The Australian Movie, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Directed By Peter Weir In 1975.
Amongst the last pieces of film footage, that were taken of the Hanging Rock student picnicers, before they went missing, are of them moving away from the designated picnic area, into the high and narrow crevices of Hanging Rock [Ngannelong]. The movie depicted the strange [demonic] power, of the rock itself and surrounding area, over the minds of the young women and of them entering, into what appeared to be an altered state of consciousness, akin to sleep walking, trance state or hypnosis.

One Of The Very Last Photos, Of The Dyatlov Pass Hikers, As They Head Up Onto The Mountain.
Amongst the last photographs, that were taken of the Dyatlov Pass student hikers, before they went missing, are of them moving away from the planned route, into what appears to be heavy snowfall, while climbing Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain].
Lead investigator Lev Ivanov, did not believe that the Dyatlov group of hikers, were in a normal state of consciousness, when they chose to leave the safety of the tent, in order to wander out into the snow, only half dressed and without shoes and down to the treeline 1.5km away. "He was convinced till the end that the guys left the tent deliberately and in good health, except for the mind. That is to say, they were physically fine but off their heads. But what was the cause of this insanity remained a mystery for Ivanov. Apparently, it is only in the forest when their the ability to think sensibly returned to them. They tried to go back into the tent, but it was too late the wind and frost destroyed them. ... You know, Slava, it seems to me that there were two impacts of the elemental forces unknown to us: first it was a mental impact as it kicked them out of the tent just out of the blue, and the second the physical impact ... "When Ivanov returned from the scene of the tragedy, he told me that if he was superstitious, he would believe in DEVILRY (?????? which means involvement of the INFERNAL). What happened with the guys could not be result of natural processes ..." [Deranged State, Svetlana Oss Blog, page 2, June 10, 2015, https://www.svetlanaoss.com/blog/tag/russia/page/2/]
The All Seeing Eye [Of Satan] Symbollically Represented

A photo of Tibo, Who Is One Of The Dyatlov Pass Hikers, Using A Magnifier In Order To Study Something.
A photo taken of events leading up to what is now known as The Dyatlov Pass Incident, shows Tibo [Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles], holding an eye magnifier to his face, while apparently reading/ studying something on the table in front of him.

A Scene From The Australian Movie, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Directed By Peter Weir In 1975.
In the Picnic at Hanging Rock film, the protangonist, Miranda, holds a magnifying glass to her face, in order to look at a botanical specimen. The one-eye symbol belongs to both the Egyptian god Horus and the one-eyed Dagual, or the anti-christ. It is also the symbol that fallen angels/ demonic powers use, in order to represent themselves, as the invisible watchers or overseers [the little gods], of humankind.

Fallen angels/ demonic powers, Like To Be Represented As Large Single Eyes, That Watch Over The Earth.
The Sacrificial Victim Is Cameoed By The Demonic Power

A photo of Lyudmila Dubinina, Who Is One Of The Dyatlov Pass Hikers, Placed Inside A Cameo.
A photo taken of Lyudmila Dubinina, earlier in her life, shows the main female protangist, who both organised the trip, resulting what is referred to as The Dyatlov Pass Incident, and who ended up being one of most horrifically mutilated, of the murdered hikers, presented inside a cameo, or sphere of [demonic] influence.

A Scene From The Australian Movie, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Directed By Peter Weir In 1975.
In the Picnic at Hanging Rock film, the main character of Miranda inside a mirror cameo, or sphere of [demonic] influence. The symbollism lf the cameo is that the fallen angel/ demonic power, holds influence over the person's thoughts and actions. It is a symbol of ownership of the person/ intended spiritual and blood sacrifice, by the fallen angel/ demonic power, who will then present them as a trophy in Hell.
The leading of the school girls/ student hikers into the wilderness to die involves a ritualistic blood sacrifice to a territorial fallen angel/ demonic power using the mountain or elevated rock as a sacrificial alter. Both the students in the Picnic At Hanging Rock [film] directed by Peter Weir and The Dyatlov Pass Incident, removed their clothing and shoes, so that they were only partially clothed when lost under mind control/ hypnoss, altered states of consciosness, thereby more readily sucuumbing to the 'elemental forces' of nature. Both involve the ongoing influence of fallen angels/ demonic powers, via acknowledgement, acceptance, celebration, worship, promotion and propaganda, in the form of the perpetuation of inspired folklore, with the intended purpose, of embeddng these false mythologies, into the consciousness of human beings on masse, in this way, engineering both history and culture, for generations to come. The disappearances and deaths in both are predictably left as unknowable, unsolved mysteries by the deceivers themselves.
Incidentally, the Missing 411 cases, documented by reaearcher and author, David Paulides, are strikingly similar to both The Picnic At Hanging Rock story and the Dyatlov Pass Incident, where people are spirited away into wilderness areas by territorial demonic powers, entering into altered states of consciousness, more than often, removing their shoes and clothes and thereby sucuumbing to the elements, as a result, such as in dying of hypothermia, for the purpose of ritual blood sacrifice. During one of his interviews with George Knapp, on Coast to Coast radio, David Paulides, also suspects that some kind of 'devilry' may be involved, whe it comes to his Missing 411 cases. He states; "You know, the one thing, in the list of all the possibilities, that to me ... holds [little laugh] the most weight, but er, I'm not saying that I believe this but, there's just a coincidental factor, is DEMONS. And many of the people I have written about have disappeared in areas with DEVIL in the name." [14.06. 24 Hours of David Paulides Interviews: with George Knapp, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB1qSjjkGqo&ebc=ANyPxKrxMPVqQtRe3zeljhkqaz-pAyPUaOVa5QPsN9k-ReQRFFLOkTWd5JmGjIYT7fxk9tbAtq7UMJiwcCeppDT4EOGE3let0w]
These comparisons did not take any effort of searching on my behalf. They merely presented themselves, bringing to my attention, the comparisons between the real life events of Dyatlov Pass in 1959 and the fictional movie narrative of Picnic At Hanging Rock, that was released in 1975. My objective is merely to present these comparisons, where movies that are inspired/ influenced by demonic powers, reflect real life incidents, that are being engineered by demonic powers, that have either occured in the past, or are to occur sometime in the future. The reason for this being, that the same fallen angels/ demonic powers, who direct and control the creativity of their living human conduits, for the puposes of propaganda, are also directing and controllng the lives of human beings, who are perishing under a deadly deception, because they are not under the saving grace and instruction, of Jesus Christ. It is my firm belief, that demonic powers were involved in both The Picnic At Hanging Rock story, where author, Joan Lindsay, who had an interest in "spiritualism" and "the existence of spirits", described herself as writing ... "like a demon!" [Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picnic_at_Hanging_Rock_(novel)] and The Dyatlov Pass Incident, where Lev Ivanov, the chief investigator of the incident, described the scene as involving some kind of "devilry" [Deranged State, Sletvano Oss, http://www.svetlanaoss.com/blog/dyatlov-pass/2538/], with the collision and cohesion of two scenarios, on a deceived planet, whose perishing population, is spiritually and mentally imprisoned, under the fatal enchantment of demonic powers and their worldwide propaganda, where creative art so very often mimcks real life.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |