Representation Of Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power [UFO] Manifesting In Ural Mountains, On It's Way To Hikers.
Aside and apart from God and His holy angels, fallen angels/ demonic powers are the world's most sophisticated pyro-technicians. Fallen angels use their knowledge of physics and chemistry in order to manipulate energy. This allows these 'spirits' or 'powers' to engage in physical manifestation to a limited degree. It allows them to be observed, acknowledged and worshipped by human beings, as the little gods of the pagan religions worldwide. It allows them to decieve and to destroy human beings. The manipulation of energy also allows the fallen angels/ demonic powers to use 'forces' of nature, such as EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] in order to create specific or generalised energy fields, to damage and destroy vegetation [crop circles], animals [cattle mutilation] and human beings [mind control and mutilation].
My experiences regarding phyiscal manifestation of fallen angels/ demonic powers, includes in the form of large glowing plasma balls, fake comets, lightning strikes and explosions, flashes of light and some local demonic powers, posing as 'Yowies', have shot silent fireworks similar to a flare, or a 'ball thrower' firecracker, across the top of my head and also over my small flock of sheep. The most intense experiences involved direct diabolical attack of myself and my animals with EMMR. I've also had my consciousness manipulated to the extent, where I have experienced a hyper reality, involving entire landscapes and complex scenarios that played out within those landscapes. These experiences are comparable to the Star Trek holodeck or the series of films The Matrix, where 'created reality' replaces reality as we know it.
Sheep Mutilation In Conjunction With 'Fireworks' Display In 1606
"10 February 1606: The minds of men are much troubled with a strange accident lately fallen out, which yet by no means can be discovered, about the city of London and some of the shires adjoining. Whole slaughters of sheep have been made, in some places to number 100, |
in others less, where nothing is taken from the sheep but their tallow and some inward parts, the whole carcasses and fleece remaining still behind. Of this sundry conjectures, but most agree that ot tendeth towards some fireworks ... The [above] quote appears in: A Jacobean Journal, being a record of Those Things Most Talked About ...1603-1606, by G.G.Harrison, London, Routledge rev. 1946, page 279. The original source was: The Court and Times of James I, edited from the collections of Thomas Birch, by the author of the Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, in two volumes, Lomdon, England 1848 (vol.1, page 44-45)."
[p50, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Dyatlov Pass: An Officially Bungled Human Mutilation Case
The only way to understand what really occurred, in the case of the nine murdered hikers, who were attacked and murdered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1959, is to examine the supernatural 'forces', that were at work, in this officially bungled human mutilation case. There is a reason, why this and all the cases like it, remain a mystery, in that firstly, they are covered up by the government and the military, who are under the same demonic deception, as the civilians, that they are hiding the information from. Since they are deceived themselves, they walk on edgy groud. In which case, how can they then reveal information to the civilians, who are general public, in the form of, 'We don't actually know what happened', when their superiors, work closely with satanic elites, in order to receive knowledge, in the form of technology, that is then used for weapondry, for the interests of national security, murdering anyone who might get in the way of murdering their enemies, thereby murdering their own people, who would know too much in the process. This would all have to be explained to an ignorant, angry, outraged, childish, violent, fickle and unforgiving public, who need a scapegoat, in order to vent their confusion and rage.
So the deceived lower and higher ranking members, of industrial military complex, inform the deceived public with lies. The situation is described in The Holy Bible as the blind leading the blind. Only the true followers of Jesus Christ and the highest level satanists, who run the world under their fallen angelic leader, know the truth.

The Blind Leading the Blind by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1568.
"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
[Matthew 15:14, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Secondly, the elite who run the military industrial complex, want to remain on the 'good side', of the fallen angels/ demonic powers, whom they are involved with, in hopes of gleaning more information from them, in what appears to be advanced knowledge in physics and chemistry. Of course, no human alive on the planet, can get on Satan's 'good side', for the simple reasons that 1. He hasn't got a good side and 2. His one purpose for human beings is their physical and eternal destruction, deceiving them into living and dying in their sin, outside of the saving attonement of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, when the supernatural is not known or understood, the only other way for the public to go, is to the authorities, such as world rulers, religion, monarchy, government, military. When in crisis, these man made institutions and organisations, are who people turn to for answers, for comfort and in order to keep their delusions alive, because while there may be explainations offering some support and comfort, there will never be the truth, since all of these man made systems, fall under the influence and dominion of Satan and his fallen angels, [demonic powers/ principalities], who are currently the rulers this perishing world.
Flashes Possibly Related To A Failed Rocket Launch

Were The Hikers's Injuries Caused By A Failed Rocket Launch In The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges In 1959?
"To say the truth, this was done on our request. And there were reasons for that. Shortly before that we met with a worker of one of the prison cams in the north Urals. He described strange flashes if light which he and his wife saw late that evening on their way home from the cinema. The light came from the direction of the supposed accident with the tourists. We also received evidence from other local residents, and all of them spoke about a similar phenomenon, all testimonies were entered on our records of interrogation. We got a suspicious of existence of a military res field somewhere around, could that be true? Could flashes be caused by a failed rocket launch that had killed the tourists?"
Evgeny Fyodorovich Okishev, Deputy Head of the Investigative Department of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Prosecution Office
[p155, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, Keith McCloskey, Self Published, 2016]
Keith McCloskey came close, when he dedicated a large portion of his book to Yury Yakimov and the lights, but he was criticised for coming closer to the truth than anybody else. Keith has now gone down the 'military accident and government cover-up' path, but in order to do this, he must dismiss all the autopsy reports and perhaps even the photos of the bodies, which do not show injuries from a missile attack or rocket launch gone wrong, but instead show a series of injuries, some of which were repetative, but that were specific to each individual, with some of the hikers dying of hypothermia, some dying of hypothermia as a result of their injuries and some dying from their injuries alone. The nature of the injuries suggest a focused attack, a targeting each individual in the group. Keith McCloskey would also have the dismiss the testimony and confession of chief investigator Lev Ivanov, who finally confessed to his part in the original government cover-up in the early 1990s, in a newspaper article titled, 'Enigma of Fireballs' as fraudulent. This is highly unlikely. Both Ivanov's words, terminology and the emotional burden of his confession, including his apology to the families, indicate that he was telling the truth. Even at a stage that was later in his life, Lev Ivanov had nothing to gain, by his confession regarding the 'fireballs', as he refered to them. While Ivanov did not understand that the deaths were caused by fallen angel/ demonic powers, utilising their knowledge of physics and chemistry, in order to contruct an energetic manifestation capable of destroying a human life, he did know what murdered, or caused the deaths, of the nine hikers back in 1959.
Why The Russian Government & Military Lied To The Public

It Can Be Dangerous To Wake People Up From The Dream. The Majority Will Choose To Die In Their Sleep.
How could an athiest communist government ever hope to explain to the Russian public, that 'demonic powers' utilising EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation] brutally murdered their children, without inciting public outrage. When Chief Investigator Lev Ivanov turned a pale shade of white, his sense of reality had been permanently shaken. Would the Russian public and the grieving parents, some of them from educated and well-to-do families, have the same response of keeping their mouths closed and turning pale, or would their grief and turn into riotous anger, directed at those who were trying to tell them the truth? One only has to look at Jesus Christ, who constantly attempted to wake people up from the fantasy world that they were in under the deceptions of Satan and his minions of fallen angels/ demonic powers and to see that the jeering crowds under Satanic deception, crying out for his death. "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" [Galatians 4:16, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The Savior was perceived as an enemy, for offering life to perishing sleepwalkers caught up in the dream of death.
In this case, the families, friends and acquaintences of the Dyatlov Pass hikers, would be awoken from the deception of communism and atheism, while trying to cope with the fact that all their children with their whole earthly lives still before them were not only dead/ but had been hideously murdered by Satan's fallen angels/ demonic powers, who utilised energy in order to kill, with these being the very same entities, or powers and principalities, who had directed human beings in the construction of all the political and religious systems on earth, including the communist system and the false religion of atheism, the same 'powers' who ran the universities and the military industrial complex, the same 'powers' that moved the Russian and the US military around, like pieces in a game of cosmic chess, the same 'powers' who were responsible for perpetuating a worldwide spiritual deception, that permeated all the cultures and traditions of the world, and who had influenced the decision making of their own children, both before and during the hiking trip that led to their demise.
Human beings who spend their entire lives trying to untangle themselves from the matrix of lies, cannot deal with the truth, without the personal and ongoing support of Jesus Christ. "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." [John 14:16-18, The Holy Bible, KJV]. There can be no knowledge or impartation of the truth, without Jesus Christ.

Fallen Angelic 'Powers' Make Regular Appearances Via Energy Manipulation In The Ural Mountains Of Russia.
The following description has been extracted from The Dyatlov Pass website edited by Russian researcher and writer Teodora Hadjiyska:
"Occasionally some of the conspiracy theorists claim that UFO scared the group away. Although seemingly incredible, this claim might have some basis to it. About the same time Soviet armed forces did launch several rockets from Baykanur base. Although military claimed the rockets landed in the north Ural mountains, several geologists 70km from the mountains saw some glowing and pulsating orbits flying in the direction of the Kholat Syakhl on a day of tragedy (evening of Febrauary 1st).
Lev Ivanov, a man who was in charge of the investigation at the Dyatlov Pass, lived a long life. In the early 1990's in an interview to a local journalist he made a statement that during his investigation he and E.P. Maslenikov both noticed that the pines in the forest were burned at the top. He also claims that A.P. Kirilenko, member of the Soviet Congress, along with his advisor A.F. Ashtokin [Yeshtokin], forced Ivanov to take out any reference to the unknown flying objects or other strange phenomena. This included pictures of flying spheres drawn by the Mansi hunters and other testimonies. It is true that Soviet Union experienced a boom of interest on everything unknown. Skeptic might also add that Ivanov gave this interview to make some money. However we have to mention that Kirilenko became obsessed with UFO theme. Starting in the early 60's he filed several requests to gain access to the KGB archives. We don't know what was found in the documents, but it is undeniably strange that a political figure in USSR paid such interest in this subject. UFO was not investigated by the official science so it deemed as a pseudo-religious phenomena. Atheist Soviet Union obviously prohibited any interest in the subject, especially among members of the highest legislative body in the country.
Surprisingly, one of the most extraordinary and astonishing versions came from none other than Lev Ivanov himself. In 1990, the retired Prosecutor published an article, “The Enigma of the Fireballs”, where he admitted that in spring of 1959, under the pressure of A. P. Kirilenko, and of his deputy, A. F. Yeshtokin, he withdrew various key materials from the case that indicated the true cause of the accident: “fireballs” or a UFO*.
“When E. P. Maslennikov and I examined the scene in May, we found that some young pine trees at the edge of the forest had burn marks, but those marks did not have a concentric form or some other pattern. There was no epicenter. This once again confirmed that heated beams of a strong, but completely unknown, at least to us, energy, were directing their firepower toward specific objects (in this case, people), acting selectively.”
It is worth noting that later on, Kirilenko professed a lively interest in the UFO’s, and received memos about sightings of unidentified objects from the Chairman of the KGB, Andropov.
[Teodora Hadjiyska, Dyatlov Pass website,]
There are also two more minor references to fire, fireballs and the red colour of the 'burnt' skin on the faces of the hikers: The first occurs at 27:56: Lyudmila Dmitrieva, actress, National Actress of Russia. She says that she saw fireballs. The seconmd reference occurs at 29:43: A hermit woman, the reaction when they show her the faces of the hikers, and then their crumpled bodies. The recluse mumbles something about red and fire.
[Let Them Talk, Dmitriy Borisov 02/12/2019, Dyatlov Pass website,]

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |