The Dyatlov Pass Incident Case, Was Closed By Lev Ivanov, Who Unburdened Himself, By Telling The Truth.
"Many people were apt to associate the above enigmatic events, UFOs including, with military tests, but our investigative results convinced us that the Dyatlov case incident, had little to do with military tests." [Chief Investigator, Lev Ivanov]
The Dyatlov Pass Incident case was unofficially closed by Lev Ivanov, who finally unburdened himself, by revealing the truth, in regards to what occurred, with an apology made to the families of the murdered hikers, for his part in the Soviet government cover up. Lev Ivanov, who was the Chief Investigator of The Dyatlov Pass Incident, carried a burden within him, that he was finally able to release, in the early 1990s, in a newspaper article titled, 'Enigma of Fireballs' It comes as no suprise, that Lev Ivanov chose to take the course of action that he did, in regards to the Dyatlov Pass Incident case, back in 1959. The way in which he reacted, was typical of any military personnel, that has had involvement with fallen angels/ demonic powers, in the form of UFOs. They have witnessed something, that they were not meant to see. They were exposed to something, beyond their understanding. They are shocked by something, that they were not supposed to know. As such, there is a standard, organised procedure, that moves swiftly into action, after an experience such as this, followed through, by elite government and military, who think they are in control, when in reality, they are merely deceived slaves, perishing under the ongoing influence and instruction, of Satan and his fallen minions. The standard procedure dictates, that the experiencer of the fallen angel/ demonic power, must be quickly silenced, for reasons of national security. Firstly, those positioned above Lev Ivanov, would want to know how much he knew, in otherwords, how much contact he had wih the 'entities/ spirits' and how much had he been told by them. They would inevitably deem that Lev Ivanov knew too much, while he didn't know anything. In Lev Ivanov's case, there would been an ultimatum given, vague threats, a sense of cold intimidation, an approval for his silence and an out of the way 'promotion' for his loyalty. There were reasons for Ivanov's dishonesty was twofold. The first reason was self preservation. The second reason was that he was following orders as he was instructed to do, in his position, under the communist regime.
Soviet Officials Under Pressure From 'Overwhelming' Force.

The Dilema: Tell The Truth And You And Your Family Die Or Tell Lies And Get A Promotion. It's Your Choice!
Lev Ivanov chose to obey orders, hiding the truth and with his questions regarding the demonic perperators, left unanswered, developing into what was to become, at least to some extent, a personal burden to him. Tell the truth and you and your family cease to exist. Tell a lie, by remaining silent and you will get a promotion. Ivanov got the promotion. He most likely would have been ordered to sign, some kind of non-disclosure form, that would take him, virtually to the end of his useful career with the Soviet govrnment and military and perhaps even to the end, of his own lifetime. Unlike many others, Ivanov made it out of the incident alive. There was no murder disguised as a suicide, no motor vehicle accident, no mystery illness, or falling from a balcony and no unexplained disappearance of himself, or members of his family. Instead, Lev Ivanov went on to live what appears to be a settled and productive life, at least in worldly terms, and he only disclosed the information, when he deemed it appropriately safe to do so, when he knew that there would not be a backlash or repercussion. Once this occurred, Lev Ivanov chose to unburden himself, by apologising to the families for fudging the original investigation. Through his disclosure, he sought their understanding and forgiveness. Perhaps, after all these years, still unable to forgive himself, for choosing not to tell the truth, to begin with.
There was something in this testimony [confession], of Lev Ivanov, that was painful to read. In so many ways, the words spoke of the burden of a man, that brought to life, all those young battered and bruised bodies, still crushed beneath the snow, the nine young lives never experience, but insted still sleeping out there, as if somehow locked into a capsule of time. I wept when I read Lev Ivanov's testimony, because it unexpectantly put to rest, any semblence of an ongoing mystery, in regards what occurred to the hikers. The fact that it seemingly had no impact on those researching the incident, testifies to people's almost complete inability, under the worldwide deception of Satan and his fallen minions, to accept or understand, that there is a spiritual truth, behind every physical event, that occurs in this reality, but that while we will remain half awake and half asleep, under the fairy dust, of Satan's worldly wonderland. I present the following brief excepts, from the original transcript, of Lev Ivanon's testimonial here, thereby peircing the mystery, with some words of truth:
Enigma of Fireballs: The Startling Confession Of Lev Ivanov
"It was explained to all that the tourists met with an emergency situation and froze to death ... However, that was not quite true. The real cause of death of those people remained hidden from the public, the actual fats were known to but a few: former First secretary of the Oblast Party Committee (Obkom) A.P. Kirilenko, Second secretary of Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin, Oblast Prosecutor N.I.Klimov, and the writer of these words the case investigator. None of them are alive today ...
... I only want, as I have promised above, to talk about the mysterious phenomena, which from time to time get manifest on the planet Earth but which no one has managed to give adequate explaination so far ... Hence there must have been so directional force which acted on individual people and excepted others. There were certain other circumstances which I would like to discuss ... When later in May Ye.P.Maslennikov and I examined the scene of the incident, we noted that some young spruces at the edge of the forest had traces of burning, but their location was neither concentric nor otherwise systematic. There was no epicenter either. That was one more proof of directional nature of, say, a thermal ray or some unknown, at least to us, energy of selective action:

UFO Firing Laser Beam Across Another Object SOHO C3 NASA 2012-05-16.
no traces of melt in snow, no damaged trees were noted either ... When together with the Oblast Prosecutor, we presented the initial information to First secretary of Obkom L.P.Kitilenko, he gave us a clear-cut instruction: all work must be made secret, not a word of information to be leaked. Kirilenko ordered to bury the tourists in closed coffins and explain their relatives that the tourists died of hypothermia ...
... All request from relatives were shelved. Such was the then order in the country and we had no say in that matter ... The fact is that at the time of our investigation the Tagilsky Rabochiy newspaper published a small article about sighting during the students' ascent of the Otorten of a Fire Orb, or, as we call it today, an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky above Nizhny Tagil. In absolute silence the strange light crossed the sky in the direction of the northern tops of the Ural Mountains. The author of the article questioned: what could that be?
The newspaper editor was severely reprimanded for this publication, and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic. Supervision of my investigation into the case was taken over by Second secretary of the Party Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin ...
As a prosecutor who, at that time, I had already had some experience in dealing with certain secret matters of defence, I discarded the version of nuclear weapon tests in that area. It was then that I came to deal directly with the Fire Orbs. ...
... I questioned many witnesses of UFOs flying over or hovering, in other words, visiting the Near-Polar Urals. As a matter of fact, I disagree with those linking the appearance of UFOs with aliens. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, and that's that. Many data how that those may be "bundles of energy" acting on their own way on objects of organic and inorganic nature, which modern people fail to understand, and modern science and technology to explain. Apparently, ours was one of such phenomena ...
This is what weather observer Tokareva told me:
"On 17th February, at 6:50 am, an unusual phenomenon was viewed in the sky, in the form of a star with a tail. The tail resembled thick cirrus clouds. After some time the star separated from the tail, became brighter and moved across the sky, gradually swelling like a big balloon wrapped in a haze. Then a star lit up inside the orb, first it looked like a small sphere and it was not so bright. The bigger orb started gradually going down and turned into a blurred spot. At 7:05 it disappeared altogether. The direction of movement was from south to north-east."

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power [UFO] Manifesting In Japan With Bright Spot [Of A Star] In Middle.
Should I add here that sky observatiion was part of Tokareva's professional duty. And that no comets had been visiting this Cisuralian area at that time.
The same fire orb was sighted in the vicinity of Ivdel by military officer A.Savkin, whom I interviewed as well:
"On 17 February 1959, at 6.40 am, in the time of duty, I observed a brilliant white orb appearing from the south, at times getting wrapped in a shroud of mist, with a bright spot of a star in the middle. The orb moved north and was visible for 8-10 minutes."
I had similar records of interviews with witnesses Novikov, Avenburg, Malik. The same orb was sighted on 31 March. An identical orb was viewed on the night of the tourists death, that is, on the night of 1 to 2 February, by tourists - students of the Geography faculty of the Pedagogical Institute. Witness G. Atamanski saw an orb over the Otorten on the night of 1 February.
I believe the case study to be totally convincing today and back then I held to an opinion that tourists' death, had been caused by some action of an Unidentified Flying Object. On the basis of the evidence before me the role of a UFO appears quite obvious. Correspondant Bogomolov who interviewed me wrote in his publication that "criminal prosecutor Ivanov had a clear understanding of students death's being caused by an unidentified, although in his final document he chose to resort to a çasual result' formula". My response to a question by the correspodant whether my view of the cause of tourists' death had changed in the past thirty years was that yes it had, but only in respect to technicality of the action. Where earlier I believed that the orb had exploded emmitting some unknown but radiocative energy, in my opinion today, the action of energy from the orb might have been of selective nature and directed to three persons of the group only.

Representation Of Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power [UFO] Manifesting In Ural Mountains, On It's Way To Hikers.
When I reported about my discoveries, the fire orbs and radioactivity, to A.F. Yeshtokin, he was very categorical in his orders: absolutely everything related to the [incident?} must be made secret, classified, sealed, sent to special archives and forgotten. Am I to explain that orders had to be and were executed right off? ...
... Many people were apt to associate the above enigmatic events, UFOs including, with military tests, but our investigative results convinced us that the Dyatlov case incident, had little to do with military tests. And today, when we come to learn more about testing sites and nuclear tests, our early version of students' death that had appeared in that period is getting even stronger confirmation today.
The current generation should not judge us too harshly for our work, I must remind that still today, while witnessess of old time events are still living, all truth is still hard to be revealed.
With my over forty years experience of work in prosecution, where most of the time I had top secret knowledge clearance, I cannot stop wondering what the lies the authorities kept telling people were needed for?
It is not my purpose to find excuses for my actions on classifying information about the Fire Orbs phenomena on death of a big group of people. I asked the correspondant to publish my apologies to the relatives of the deceased for perversion and concealment of the truth, ... I apologize in the present article to relatives of the deceased, particularly the families of Dubinina, Thibeaux-Brignolle, Zolotarev,

Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Lyudmila Dubinina and Semyon Zolotaryov, Suffered From Human Mutilation Injuries.
for distortion of the truth. At the time I tried to do my best, but the situation in the country, as lawyers would define it, was one of an "overwhelming force", and only on our days an opportunity has appeared to overcome this force. And, again, getting back to the Fire Orbs. They did and do exist. We only want to keep information of their sightings open, and try to understand and study their nature. The majoriy of onlookers note their powerful behaviour, but, as you see, fatalities also occur.
Something or someone had wanted to either frighten, or punish the people, or demonstrate their strength - and they did it, killing three people. I know the circumstances of the event in detail and can definitely assert that only those who piloted those orbs know all. But had there been "human beings" inside, and are they always present there, no one knows yet ...
And what about pilots of the Fire Orbs? If they exist, they will sooner or later manifest themselves, and circumstances will bring them in contact with our civilisation, I don't doubt that."
[p137-146, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, Keith McCloskey, Self Published, 2016]

Demonic Powers, Utilise Their Knowledge Of Physics And Chemistry, In Order To Manifest As Fire Orbs.
What more evidence do we need, than to have the actual person, who was in charge of the investigation, coming forward and saying who perpetrated the murders? But who are these 'fireballs' in the sky? Why, they are none other, than the fallen angels/ demonic powers, from The Holy Bible. Until people understand who the perpetrators really are, they will continue to fall victim to their influence and inspiration, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident, will remain an unknowable mystery, within the minds of the deceived and perishing. In the same way that Jesus Christ, is the author and finisher of our faith, so too, should Lev Ivanov have been the author and finisher of the worldly Dyatlov Pass Incident mystery. Were the military involved? Yes. They were involved in a cover up, by it wash't a weapon's testing accident. The bodies of the deceased hikers, were seen by too many. The autopsy report was too honest. Too much was already known. The best that they could hope to do, was to close the entire thing down and close off he area, until they could be certain. that the fallen angel/ demonic power, [territorial pagan mountain god], had been appeased, by the latest contribution, to its own sense of entitlement, through human bloodshed.
The fact that anybody is still discussing avalanches, wind currents and alcohol, simply means that they haven't bothered to even read the autopsy reports. Many of them are using images of the bodies, taken from the Dyatlov Pass movie, which only adds to the mystery. A few YouTube hits at the expense of the truth, while under a deadly deception and they are out of there, onto the next supernatural thrill, little realising, that their own situation, isn't much better off, than that the victims that they exploit, since we are all perishing. Lev Ivanov knew the truth, but through his confession, it still goes on to prove, that no matter how much you know, without God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible, and its truth regarding the rulers of this world, who are fallen angels/ demonic powers and principalities, the mystery will only deepen. God's Word must be made the foundation for all knowledge, that has to do with life on earth or otherwise. Outside and apart from that knowledge, people will spend vast amounts of time and energy, upholding these mysteries, that will fall before God's Word, like castles in the sand, as the high tide washes in.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |