It Was More Than Just A Chill In The Air, That Prevented The Hikers, From Returning To The Tent, 1.5km Away.
The following are a list of eyewitness testimonies regarding fallen angels/ demonic powers, in their light orb, fireball, plasma ball form. The witnesses range from military personel through to park rangers and groups of hikers ad search and rescue, who were in the vicinity, around the time of and no long after the incident occured. What these witnesses observed, was not a military accident and could not be mistaken for one. Multiple witnesses clearly saw, what they perceived to be, or what is commonly refered, to as a classic UFO, heading towards the mountain where the hikers were camped and then away from the mountain, after the deed was done. These eyewitness testimonies coroborate the confession and apology, made by chief investigator of the Dyatlov Pass case, Lev Ivanov, in his article, 'The Enigma of The Fireballs' published in .... in 19??. These eyewitness testimonies and coroborating accounts are as follows:
Gennadiy Patrushev: The Pilot Who Knew Too Little Too Much

Gennadiy Patrushev Was A Husband And Pilot, In The 123rd Detachment Air Squad, Of Small Aircraft In Russia.
Testimony 9: “Moreover, Patrushev allegedly met with [Igor] Dyatlov in Vizhai hotel, and tried to dissuade him from trekking out to [Mount] Kholat-Syakhyl and to [Mount] Otorten: the Mansi, they say, are afraid of these mountains where “flying lights” and even “gods in shining garments” [territorial demonic powers] used to appear ...”

Artistic Interpretation Of A Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Utilising Energy, In Order To Physically Manifest.
“In the wake of the Incident, Patrushev and his friend, Sergei Misharin, a KGB agent, plunged into unraveling the mystery. The widow cautiously hints that Patrushev linked the events on the Mountain of the Dead with the “glowing spheres” he had seen during flights in its vicinity. In those moments, the indicator hands on the instruments would start to shake violently and the plane would lose control.”
[by Dimitry Romashko,]
"Gamatina: 'No, only he said that "I asked Mansi". As I understand, he tried to find for himself, but they said that Mansi have nothing to do with the the death of these guys. There is something else ... And I say: What else? And he said: "I don't know, I can not tell you, because I'm not sure of anything, and I'm afraid for you and for Zhenya ... Mansi hunters told Gennadiy that somewhere on the ridge, he called everything with Mansi names, ... that they also saw gods, as they said that they were in the form of people, resembled the silhouettes of humans, but at the same time they had clothes that were glowing ... so ... well, now it could be assumed that this was related to a UFO. |
Pilot Gennadiy Patrushev's Wife, Gamatina Patrushev.
When Gennadiy and I talked, he said that, you know, there is some truth in this legend. I say: "Gena, what do you think?". He graduated two schools, military and civil aviation, and civilian with honors. As he said, there are some deposits probably, some radioactive ones, which, when disintegrated, gives some kind of glow, and weird sounds ... He met with Mansi hunters, they said that Mansi don't have anything to do with this tragedy, it's the mountain, where a pagan deity lives according to legend that is passed from generation to generation, from elderly to children, so you can count on the fact that it was not only under Soviet rule, but it existed even before the Revolution - the legend goes that in the mountain lives a god, who when angry makes sounds and smokes a pipe, and Mansi see it in the form of light balls.
Narrator: According to Valerya Nikolaevna in the 59-60's, Gennadiy Patrushev, who worked in the 123rd air squad of small aircraft, often flew to the area of Dyatlov Pass, as if he was being driven there. In general, the 123rd detachment was stationed in the port of Uktus in Sverdlovsk, but Patrushev worked in a unit based in Ivdel. He was in involved in extinguishing forest fires and planting forests. To his wife, Gennadiy said that he saw luminous spheres in the sky in the vicinity of the Pass, and then the plane began to shake, the instruments danced like crazy, and the pilot's head was hurting. Only then did he turn aside, but whenever there was enough kerosene, he returned to the Mountain of the Dead. He was not afraid of engine failure. He said that if worst comes to worst, he can put his Yak even on a pillar. In the Sverdlovsk KGB, there was a friend of Gennadiy Patrushev, Sergey Misharin. Gennadiy sucked the KGB captain into his investigation and Sergey went too deeply into this secret covert topic. It is not known what did the two detective friends did, but both of them soon died..." |
Pilot Gennadiy Patrushev And His Wife Gamatina Patrushev.
Narrator: Soon after the tragic death of Gennadiy Patrushev, his friend and assistant in the investigation, Sergey Misharin, went to the bath and shot himself in the mouth. What drove him to commit suicide, a young captain of the KGB, is now hard to prove. But there is a hypothesis that the obstinate and extremely curious officer was forced by his superiors to commit suicide. Say, you are deep into this secret to the chin, do not lead us to sin, do it yourself as an officer. It could be proclaimed that the deaths of Patrushev and Misharin were not connected with Dyatlov case. One simply did not cope with the elevator, the other just shot himself. [In search of the missing Yak, Interview with Gamatina (Patrusheva) V.N. from the movie "In search of the missing Yak". Transcription by the "Internet Center of the Dyatlov group tragedy" on 19 June 2007.]
A Bird's Eye Witness View From Mount Chistop

The Ural Mountain Range in Russia, Where Demonic Powers Require Human Blood Sacrifice, In Groups Of Nine.
Testimony 2: On the evening of February 2, another student hiking group led by Anatoli Shumkov climbed Mount Chistop. “Mercury is way below -30C*. At least there is no wind. Finally, one more trek upward, and we’re on the top! A truly unique feeling! The main mountain range of the Urals stretches across the North-West. About 25 kilometers away the snowy white dome of Mount Otorten is looming against the dark, night sky.” – Mikhail Vladimirov, member of the ascent. The tourists were already preparing for the descent, when the sullen clouds in the north suddenly flashed silver. A white spark flew upward from the depths of the valley of Otorten and floated between the mountain peaks.
“This “thing” was flying silently and slowly from the south to the north over the ridge of the Urals. It was glowing quite brightly. The way it illuminated the hovering clouds, at the height of 2.5km to 3 km, was very strange.” – Anatoli Shumkov, leader of the group. [by Dimitry Romashko, THE EVENING OTORTEN,]
The Famous 'Confiscated Photographs' Of The Dyatlov Hikers

People Are Always Trying To Photograph UFOs. Would They Photograph A Deadly Military Bombardment?
Testimony 8: The camera “Zorkiy” the image was taken with, belonged to Yuri Krivonischenko, and was found in the tent, attached to a homemade tripod. That is, in the last moments of their stay in the tent, the “Dyatlovs” deliberately mounted the camera on the tripod, and shot some burning or glowing object ..."
[by Dimitry Romashko]
Search & Rescue Observation + Multiple Military Witnesses
"Testimony 3 & 4:“... I looked all around very carefully. The first thing that I noticed was that the snow down the slope was lower, as if melted by a high temperature.” – Vladimir Karelin, search party member"
[by Dimitry Romashko, THE TERROR TENT,]
Another soldier reported the following: “Gunfire could be heard there for the first few days. Some sort of explosions. God only knows. We told the Platoon commander: We’re not going to stay here. Tell Moscow to stop this bombardment. The radio operator reached Moscow, and relayed all this to them. There were explosions for about a day after that, and then, everything stopped.” – Himza Syunikayev
[by Dimitry Romashko, BALLS OF FIRE,] |
Vladimir Karelin, Search Party Member, 1959.
“Very early in the inquest, the Mansi showed Korotayev drawings* of flaming balls and an elongated body, spewing flames from its tail. [According to Korotayev, Lev Ivanov withdrew the drawings from the investigation, and sent them to Moscow to the Deputy General Prosecutor Urakov] ... One night, military members of the search party had been awakened by those on duty, and witnessed an unusual phenomenon. We got up and looked at the place where the Dyatlovs’ tent had been: there were two mountain peaks there. And in complete silence, a fireball flew from one peak to the other, rotating. And when it reached the other peak and sort of hit it, there was a flash like that of welding, followed by a rumble, as if from an explosion.” – Viktor Klimenko [by Dimitry Romashko]
"On March 31 the group of search and rescue volunteers saw strange glowing pulsating orbs in the sky. One of the members, Valentin Yakimenko, described this event. "It happened early in the morning while it was still dark. Viktor Mescheryakov who stood guard that night left the tent and saw a large glowing sphere in the sky. He woke up everyone. We watched this orb (or a disk) for about 20 minutes until it didn't disappear behind the mountain. We saw it in the South-East direction from our tent. It was moving in the Northern direction. This event freaked everyone. We were sure that this event was somehow involved in the death of the Dyatlov group." [The Cloaked Hedgehog The Dyatlov Pass Incident Part 2, https://thecloakedhedgehog.wordpress. com/ 2013/06/05/the-dyatlov-pass-incident-part-2/] |
Valantine Yakimenko, Search Party Member, 1959.
“There is also a recollection of a Colonel of Railway Troops, Kupriyanov, related by Mikhail Vladimirov:” “On New Year’s Eve of 1960, all of us hikers met in the house of Colonel Kupriyanov, the father of our classmate, Rita Kupriyanova. “The conversation turned to the dead tourists from the Polytechnic Institute once again. The Colonel told us in secret, that when all the search parties left the area of the incident, soldiers from his regiment arrived there. One night, a sergeant reports on the R/T:” “A fireball is rolling down the mountain. It is dividing into several balls, and all of them are heading for us. What should we do?” “Act as is appropriate.” “The soldiers hid in their tent and survived. However, they suffered from severe nervous shock.” [by Dimitry Romashko]
The Strange Lights Seen Yury Yakimov & Valentin Stephanovich

Yury Yakimov Gestures Towards The Area, Where The Mystery Lights [Demonic Power], Harrassed Him.
Yury Yakimov was a shift foreman from Severouralsk (a city in the north Urals, 178km (110 miles) from the Dyatlov Pass). Yakimov had a personal encounter with aa power [fallen angel/demon], which took place during a night shift in an open-pit mine in 2002. The following is a brief example, of what he experienced, in his own words:
"On 11 September 2002, I was working as a night shift foreman at the Ivdelsky unit of the Bauxite mine ... I saw a strange shaking white light moving up and down the side of a rock dump. It was as if someone was sitting in a car with halogen headlights and was moving it around wildly ... The distance from the source of the light to the side if the dump that it was illuminating was about 100m. There was not a single sound ... Suddenly a beam of light from the unknown source started turning in my direction and shone on my across the forest ...
I stood behind the electrical box, near the transformer, with my face turned away. There was two or three minutes of agoninsing supense, then the broad beam of bright white light slowly moved away from me. Everything was still quiet. .. I noticed a couple of flashlights had seperated from the source and were moving in my direction. At first there were two of then and they seemed to be swinging. They moved fairly quickly across the forest towards me. I turned away and then looked up again. Now there were four or five of them, maybe more. They struggled through the forest as if enveloping tree trunks. .. Unintentionally, I looked away again and froze. Immediately the torches left me alone. There was something very strange going on. ... Clearly, this source of light seemed to react to my glance, it dazzled me with its light and sent the swinging torches in my direction.

Yury Yakimov Resisted The [Demonic Power] And It Fled From Him, As It Is Written, In The Holy Bible.
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." [James 4:7, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Shortly before that, in August, the incident occured when Valentin Rudkovsky Stephanovich was retuning from his inspection round of Yelovsky Ridge. Valentin was a ranger [of the national park, “Denezkhin Kamen”], who was spending a night alone in the woods. In his own words he tells us how experienced the following: "... I saw a beam of strong light. The impression was of a neon or halogen floodlight. It pierced the forest to a depth of about a kilometre. The source of the light was at some height above the ground, which I could not define, and shone at a distance of 150-200m from me in the west-east direction ... I saw two swinging spotlights appear ... I put on my boots, [good sign, because it means that Valentin is still in his right mind], grabbed the gun and went to meet them. I walked about 20m, then lay behind a fallen tree trunk and looked in the direction of the spotlights.
They rushed very fast in my direction exactly at the moment I looked at them. All was quiet. Not a single sound could be heard I raised myself from behind the tree trunk. The spotlights were approximately 50-70m away from me, but they were no longer two, but seven or eight now. They dazzled me. Immediately I lay on the ground behind the tree trunk and turned away from the spotlights. Whenever I raised my head to look at them, they would again shine on me, and dazzle me while approaching ... And then I saw that there was another beam of light from the source, now going not in the east-west but in the north-south direction as well, that is the one and the same source was now emitting beams of strong light, like that of floodlights, in two directions at approximately 90 degrees ... At 2.30am I heard a snapping sound as if from an electric discharge and the light was gone. Then I felt a strong gust of wind which lasted some two or three minutes. Then all was quiet again. The Mansi, who obvoiusly knew who and what these lights were capable of doing, advised Valentin not to go back there anymore. What is this trouble that wanders in the Taiga at night? Who can give an answer?
[p146-148, Mountain Of The Dead: The Dyatlov Pass Incident, Keith McCloskey, The History Press, 2016]

So Called 'UFO Flares' Following Fighter Jet. Only Very Few People In The Military, Know Who They Really Are.
Patrushev and his friend, Sergei Misharin, a KGB agent, were very likely murdered by the Soviet government and military, for knowing too much about the fallen angels/ demonic forces, because the military, while unable to control these spiritual forces, were nevertheless, involved with them, to some degree, in the age old bargaining, of human sacrificial victims for worldly gain, in this case, knowledge and potential utilisation of advanced technology. Everything in this perishing world, cursed by God, is currently under the rulership of Satan and his fallen minions. We are in a prison and every cigarette handed through the bars, by one of our prison guards, comes at a high cost. The Mansi tribes must sacfrice animals [and in the past babies and chidren were very likely included in this ritual as well], in order to be successful at hunting, in order to be able to provide for their families. What choice did they have without Jesus Christ, but to shed blood or die themselves? The Siberian shaman must offer up their own souls, to be controlled and manipulated by the demonic powers, in order to gain the gifts of knowledge and healing. What choice do they have without Jesus Christ, within this spiritual prison? The Soviet government and military must offer their own blood sacrifice to these demonic powers, in order to advance their technology, because this technology, will then be used, to murder other people en masse, behind the guise of protecting their national interests, their traditions and culture, their vaporous positions of power, perishing bodies on a perishing planet.
To God Almighty, the actions of people who trade murder for worldy favour, must appear like ants, dancing on a melting sugar cube, in a pan of boilng oil. Anyone who comes close to knowing the truth, that being, that the world leaders, governmnts and military, in all countries, are subjecting themselves to the deception of fallen angels/ demonic powers, for short lived material gain, in the world that is seen, is silenced with intimdation and/ or murder, because when one is ruled by Satan and his fallen minions, in the physical world prison, then deception, theft, murder and destruction, become the solutions for everything, that would threaten the deception. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” [John 10:10, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Even afer Jesus has come, they chose death over life. There is nothing new about this. For as long as a weapon can be formed, Satan has been instructing humanity, on how they can turn these weapons upon each other, while destroying themselves in the process. The tragedy is, that the military and governments worldwide, are deceived by these fallen angels/ demonic powers, believing that they are an advanced race of ETBEs [Extra Terrestrial Biological Entities], operatng in an alternate dimension, little realising, that without the saving power of Jesus Christ and the attoning work that was completed on the cross, they will all end up under God Almighty's divine judgment and in Hell, and in the blink of an eye and before very long, all their knowledge and power and scheming and murdering, will come to nothing. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” [Mark 8:36, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |